Is BM as bad as it appears?

Agreed. I am leveling my monk ATM, who had much much worse gear than my hunter. About 60% of my armor was below 100 ilevel (most around 80). I had a few 200’s and the remaining were 400ish. My hunter was 480+ overall ilevel, monk much much much lower.

Ran a dungeon, top damage in AOE, 2nd and 3rd in ST. I did this a number of times and it was pretty reliable. I had a hard time maintaining 3rd on my hunter on ST fights, AOE I was generally last place.

Mind you. I have 318 days played on THIS hunter (nevermind that I have a few of them) My main class since vanilla.

Monk…I have 3 days 22 hours.

Delves have been a cake walk on the monk. I mean they are easy, dare I argue too easy…I did not feel this way on the hunter. I questioned if delves were slightly overtuned when I leveled the hunter up.

Its not a skill level, the fact is BM is heavily undertuned compared to its contemporaries. That is unless someone wants to argue that I have magically amazing skill abilites with my monk after only 3 days played and never learned hunter in 318. /facepalm

Not going to lie here, but I switched from BM (Pack Leader) to MM (Dark Ranger) builds recently. Granted, I played BM throughout Season 3 & 4 in DF and to Level 80 in TWW. And surprisingly, yes, even at ilvl 580 with pretty decent gear/upgrades ect in Open World my pets HP STILL sucks. How is it I’m fighting x3-5 mobs and my Pet’s HP just get’s destroyed down to 1/4 HP while mending throughout the encounter? Let’s not talk about a single Elite or Rare Elite encounter, Pets struggle no matter how much DPS you’re pumping to kill mobs effectively.

Furthermore, going into Dungeons w/ BM (Pack Leader) still falling short at the DPS meters by a long shot over MM, Shamans, Fury Warriors, Mages and Warlocks for the most part. It’s not my gear, it’s not my rotation (bc that slightly changed from DF to TWW anyway to where it wouldn’t make a huge impact in rotation) and just felt blah.

So, I decided to go with MM (Dark Ranger) AoE/ST Hybrid build for dungeons, and WOW, night and day difference, and it’s FUN. Sure, the AoE and DoT may not be overly impressive over BM for AoE, but Single-Target SLAPS and chunks HP. Granted, in PTR patch 11.0.5, Dark Ranger (and MM) are receiving additional upgrades to spec and visuals. The Dark Ranger is looking aesthetically amazing from Sylvanas Windrunner inspirations and will most likely be using MM w/ Dark Ranger mainly for PvE Open World content (for now) while I concentrate on my Demo Lock and UDK for Mythic+/Raiding for Season 1. I may dabble in some M+ w/ my MM Dark Ranger but not exceedingly.

Overall, Dark Ranger is looking like a solid choice for Hunters!! And one more thing, don’t chase the meta where Sentinel for MM is the “only” spec viable for Raid/M+ based on the 1% of the worlds top players for meta chasing, Dark Ranger is fine for both. Good luck and happy hunting!! :grin: :+1:

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I haven’t had any issue in world content. I swapped to a turtle for MM and a clefthoof for BM and haven’t had any issues.

You do realize your logs are public right?

Not trying to be rude but I find it hard to believe that someone grey parsing in heroic has the rotation down.

The only way MM is beating BM in ST isn’t you’re making major rotational mistakes.

BM has some of the best ST damage currently

Sentinel is better than DR for a reason. It’s based on sim numbers.

I’m not min/maxing my BM/MM Hunter whatsoever. :rofl: I “just” started yesterday with MM + Dark Ranger to get a feel for it to include getting comfortable with the rotation. Look at my logs all you want. I really don’t care, I have nothing to prove. This is my 3rd alt for TWW. As you’ve mentioned, it’s only Heroics. Not trying to sweat with this Hunter.

No one is logging heroics. I’m talking about from DF.

And yeah if you’re going to claim it’s not a rotational issue it helps to not be parsing greys in heroic in amirdrasil

What’s your problem? Why do you care so much scouring the internet about my character when I posted about my “new” experience? Who cares honestly. I’m enjoying MM + Dark Ranger “aesthetically” due to the nature of it becoming (in 11.0.5 PTR) more Sylvanas inspired visually when the changes go live. That’s it. I like the upcoming changes and I think MM + Dark Ranger enjoyers would too.

My Hunter wasn’t even my main in DF or in TWW…who cares what I parse in. Ever think that “maybe” I was just getting gear/mogs/crests/bullions on my Hunter?

No one here on these forums are Top 1% anyway including you. No reason to min/max pre or post expansion. Still have 4 seasons to include 2 more Saga titles for TWW until the next expansion…breathe, it’ll be ok. There will be enough parsing to go around for the next few years for this expansion. Concentrate on your character and quit worrying about others that don’t even affect YOUR gameplay. It’s not that serious.

I don’t have a problem.

You mean taking 5 seconds to check a log to check someone’s credibility? I dislike when people spread incorrect information.

If you’re going to claim it’s a spec issue and not a rotational issue it helps to have some credibility.

You aren’t grinding bullions in season 3

If you don’t have a clue what you’re doing it might be best to not give advice on things.

I may not be top 1% but I raid mythic at a ce level and min maxing is a basic thing.

Yep def can’t.


Based on your logs it is for you :joy:

Damn, somehow accidentally deleted last post. Yeah, you probably haven’t ignored the troll yet.

Guy does less damage than my pinky in heroic dungeons.

I picked my hunter back up after not having it for a main since lk. It amazes me when this troll bag thinks that hunters are hard to play.

Bm is bad. I love the dark ranger rework and don’t want to wait after season 1.

Indeed. I’m not worried about players like that. This whole post, Snozay just been cherry picking everyone’s replies in giving suggestions to include personal experiences btwn BM/MM Pack Leader/Dark Ranger to OP while Snozay making it out everyone here but him is pretty bad at the game. God forbid ppl just want to play a spec w/o min/maxing or care about parsing right? :rofl: :man_facepalming:


Its cause Snozay is just a complete moron and troll looking for any excuse to get a rise out of you. He has nothing meaningful to contribute either here on the forums or in real life. it is all of our great misfortune that his parents chose to bring him into the world.

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So whats stopping you from playing the spec?

Is that why you cant refute a single point I made?

IM glad you know how or what I do IRL lol.

It’s not fun, playing BM is actually depressing in it’s current state for any content that involves AOE when compared to how it feels to play my mage/warlock alts, hopefully it turns out to feel better once real content comes out with early M0’s and higher M+ keys, right now for aoe if your grp has either a lock/paladin/warrior or other burst dps classes it’s just better to spec into pure ST and melt bosses since BM’s ST is not bad at all.

Hope some tuning comes around to make BM more enjoyable in M+ while we wait for the Anniversary patch changes since currrently it’s just not worth to play BM in dungeons at all.

That’s a bit much. It’s better to ignore than to be apart of it.


Thats subjective. I am having a blast.

Yeah not true at all unless you are undergeared

BM AOE is very weak right now, it’s just facts.

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Never said it wasn’t. But it’s not tank levels of bad.

Like seriously try reading the thread before commenting.

You were replying to Diskit who didn’t mention tanks once and you said totally not true. I was replying to that. You can’t just insert something that was never said and say “try reading”

He has mentioned tanks and healers. Even if he didn’t the point is still the same.

If you’re being out damaged by tanks or healers the. You are making major mistakes or you are under geared.

But it was said. So again try reading :slight_smile:

I was only replying to the quoted message. It was never said in that. End of story.