Is BM as bad as it appears?

BM is worse than it appears. The numbers are absolutely horrible.


BM Dark Ranger ST is great. BM Pack Leader ST is mediocre.

BM AoE for either Hero tree is trash. It’s about 25% below Sentinel Marks 5-8 targets.

Why are you being so dense

This is going to be a rough week. Classes are spiking to 2m aoe, I have no idea why they would bring any hunter to m+.

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Apparently it has become usual to have threads with people complaining about a spec without saying what content they’re playing (not talking about op, but the comments). I’ve done m+ in the past, but right now I’m doing mostly pvp and BM is atrocious. You need targets to let you black arrow, kill shot, dire beast, explosive shot, bw, applying 3 barbed shots and kc freely, and you do good damage, but every class has gotten more kitting elements, survival elements, and gap closers…except the pet, lol. My pet is stuck immobilized like 40% of the time in pvp, most of the time dies miserably its ridiculous, and no amount of master’s call or BW or tbw can help or mend pet can help. In raid seems like it’ll be fine because of basilisk collar, in m+ was apparently destroyed and is awful and I’ve definitely noticed it has issues aggroing and tanking in world. And the worst part is that they’re being cautious at buffing the spec which is not good. So…yeah, the spec is not good right now OVERALL.


They know the hunter scales at a higher rate than other classes. Yet. No hunter will get to that scaling because they will be benched or will have to come equipped with a personal priest to buff them.


Sv is slapping


Dont make me tell Serl you are posting on the forums!

It’s fine for ST, for AoE is really bad.


Our ramp up damage is atrocious. Nothing about BM feels good. Nothing at all outside of class fantasy. I don’t wanna switch specs, but I’m tempted to say this feels like S1 SL warriors.


I tried BM pack leader in dungeons and the healer almost out DPS me. It’s really that bad


Tank got me. Not one word from blizzard. Today’s supposed buffs seemed to hurt my DPS and not buff it also.

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It’s absolutely wild to me that people are in here naysaying BM is bad because they have decent single target.

M+ has become a huge part of WoW for many players. Raids have trash and fights with adds. Having terrible ae IS a problem. I’m playing other OP specs this season and my hunter is still 70 and will stay there for a while but I can still see the problem is real and exists for people that enjoy BM and would like to play it and be taken seriously.

Stop arguing for the sake of arguing it’s annoying. BM needs adjustments.


Underselling BM as “decent” ST :wink:

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Yeah, I’m getting beat by tanks in heroic dungeons, it’s not fun. We need a Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave buff ASAP


The spec I love to play, does indeed suck…


You should probably actually read the arguments.

You can spec MM or SV

And depending on raid comp you can swap to MM if you need the aoe dps.

Its not as big of a problem as people who dont even raid/do high end keys are complaining about.

Is BM aoe need some attention? Yes. Is it doing tank levels dps bad? No.

Probably shouldnt comment on something you have zero experience in. Most of the people complaining about the terrible aoe and tank levels of damage are complaining because its easier to blame “BM” than to take accountability.

No one has disuputed BM aoe needs some attention. Stop commenting on things you have zer0 experience in.

AOE is really bad outside of big CD. Single target seems solid. Bug fix with multi-nerf was too much at once. That was very heavy handed, and it’s hard to rationalize that approach when the end result is poor, over-nerfed AOE for BM with several other unchecked specs going absolutely HAM.

Yes BM is as bad as it appears, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. People are complaining in droves and it has nothing to do with their skill level, but rather the BM spec is undertuned.

Single target its ok, not great, not bad. AOE is absolutely dismal.

Other classes/specs are tuned to have strong AOE and ST so the idea that BM is fine becaue it has reasonable ST is asinine.

In fact, the only thing keeping BM alive is explosive shot (which is traditionally not a staple of the BM playstyle).


It’s not as bad as you think it is. Does it need some tuning? Sure but it’s not tank level damage bad.

Yet it’s actually bot. The people complaining in droves aren’t playing it properly. It has everything to do with skill level.

Is bm aoe under tuned? Sure. If you’re doing tank levels of damage it’s not a tuning issue.

Single target is looking to be very strong and a big candidate for pi.

Aoe isn’t dismal.

Name one.

Sounds like you aren’t managing barbed shot or beast cleave properly.