Is Blizzard Tone Deaf?

I also value my ability to not be locked in if the game is bad or unfun. My trust in blizzard is very low. If the past few expansions had all been legion quality I would definitely consider paying yearly for a discount.


No one is forcing you to buy it. Sit down child

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According to the forums, Blizzard has done nothing but screw up continually with every expansion they have released dating back to Cataclysm. Despite this they have remained the number one and maybe once in a while the number two MMO in MMO history.

That being said, people who enter notes in the forums, here, reddit, etc, represent a small percentage of the player base. We are talking about thousands in the forums out of millions of players.

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That’s fair. You have every right to be leery. Yet here you remain, subbed, while nothing is changing. I wish you luck. Seems like you will need it.

Yep, and of the 7M subs out there, I wonder how many millions will be buying the mount.

People were complaining for the last 4 years about the Brutosaur. $90 is just their way of saying “if you really want it that bad, here it is”. And laughing to the bank. I saw 8 of them outside Dorn Hub bank earlier. It shouldnt cost more than any other $20 mount, but here we are. $90 plus tax (lets call it $100) for a mount and people are buying. Im not. But others are

Because they lure players back with nostalgia. Promises of how it used to be. They even broke chris metzen out of retirement. Other than the people addicted to high end content in retail, the avg retail player isnt that different than a classic andy.

Which nostalgia did they lure you back with?

Welcome back!!

People don’t realize behavior like what they are implementing on player base selling $90.00 mounts and think it’s ok is gateway to Korean MMO experience where your credit card more important then gameplay and content. It’s crazy that Blizzard has that many sheep :sheep: saying it’s ok. Looks like we never really left Bobby’s world we just got different people running the show.


“Mattered”? What even matters? It’s a video game.

I never had to reroll, I got my good one early, I wasn’t offering a subjective anecdotal experience, I was explaining to you how you were wrong about your rose tinted memories of Legion. The game was exactly like it is now, with tons of gear to get to make a difference and not requiring the max gear to beat the hardest content. You’re just doubling down on how much of a clone both versions of the game are. I hope they open Legion classic in the state it was just so it could properly refresh your failing memory.

man if having an AH anywhere is ‘powercreep’ then the powercreep in that game is in a healthy spot

unfortunately, thats not actually true



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i meant powercreep that this auction mount has a mailbox on it too. its better than the other brutosaur bc of that. theyre getting people who had that one to buy this one too

I suppose this is fair, though it’s still a bit of a stretch given how readily available alternative mailbox sources are now.

How many have to buy the mount? Someone said the mount is an old one. If so then the cost is practically zero to the company, if they sell a few it will be worth while.

I mean, if folks are dumb enough to fork over money for it you can’t really blame Blizz for taking advantage of them.

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How is it “power creep”?? Are we pretending anyone can’t plant an AH alt in SW or Org with 5 minutes of effort??

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i don’t disagree with any of that! but none of that is “power creep” the way the term is usually used.


LOL, sure.