Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Your salty tears feed my soul.

Nah. They just want to really make you “earn” it.

It isn’t spiteful, so much as they want you to have to run around and “explore” without being able to fly. So it is an intentional design “compromise”, since they did not originally want us to fly at all.

Instead, we are bored out of our skulls with the areas by the time we can fly there.

It amuses me when players make posts, where they say things about pathfinder like “How about a compromise, blah blah blah, this… blah blah.” This WAS the “compromise.”

Most don’t have an issue with the actual pathfinder part where you have to go see everything and do all the quests. The part people hate the most is the stupid rep requirements that are ridiculous!


Flight never cost more than twice what I earned while leveling up. There is no reason for it to cost more. If they tried to use it as a gold sink to absorb the WoD and Legion gold then newplayers would be completely assed-out.
Doesn’t mean that blizz wouldn’t make it cost a bunch, just that there would be no valid reason for it, other than either greed or spite. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


What a useless train of thought. Akin to “who would win ur dad or my mom” type of intellectually deficient questions.

Stop foruming, go play or go back to school.

Ps. Flight by gold should by the equivalent value of 5000g in TBC when a 6 gold vendor trash fish was cause for a w00t. Today’s one million

I went totally completely brokeass when my friend said to do netherwing grind together. Had to sell all my heal gear then to buy an epic mount. Was hard times. Lmao

And the compromise was and still is BAD there was NO issue till the Deves made one and tried to pull a fast one on the community. I mean you dump this new message on a holiday and on a weekend to boot.

Can’t tell me that was NOT pre-planned and executed . The sad thing is the company doesn’t even announce it now things are just removed with no warning like quest lines and achievements.

I wish people would seriously stop believing the company is listening THEY are NOT.


You realize this is the biggest pile of crap right?
It was an issue when the players who had a fit made it into one. Period.
Because here is the thing.

YOU control your own behavior. So if you had an issue with what they did, that is YOUR issue, not theirs.

Imagine getting upset about a video game, come on.

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And YET many many Players did it was a under handed trick and look how FAST they back tracked on flight being removed I guess those people who had left made them take NOTICE.

But this is not about Flying it is about is the company spiteful.

Yes they are.


You can tell yourself that all you want, but you still need to play by their rules to get flying lol.
So all you did was what, huff and puff then unsub until the next expansion?


You make a claim, support it.

Oh you really are not paying attention. I never said I left but I lost a whole guild of 120 people who NEVER came back I had many friends who finally threw in the towel

Also did you miss the part where I posted it was funny as hell flying on a empty server.

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Did you miss the part where I pointed out how you didn’t actually accomplish much of anything?

GO read my Posts and others many examples were given you need to do some reading and stop asking others to do your own research. This game has changed in a very unhealthy way and still people white knight this.


it also had to do with the fact Squaresoft announced flying was coming to their MMO too and by strange coincidence Blizzard picked the EXACT same day to announce flight was returning to WoW

Square smelled blood in the water and they went for the throat


Lets not forget that the worms were supposed to have double their current range and have a greater effect.

What we see now is a toned down largely neutered version of the worms.

But that’s not the way they were envisioned by the development team.

Now, why would the development team possibly put into play, monsters that could hit you before you could see them, drop you to RP stroll speeds and, if you couldn’t get out of the way fast enough, kill you in the air without you having the slightest chance to save yourself.

Why would they do something like that?

Does that sound like a compromise? Does it sound like the kind of compromise that teaches you to stay on the ground and don’t you dare so much as jump?

But of course they had to tone it down by upwards of 50% and we just get midair klaxons from GTFO with hardly any effect at all.

What they did to us wasn’t what they wanted do to to us. That was something very different.


That too. The fact many wow players are there and not here is not a good sign


I’ve been following this thread, there are random theories on things they’ve done people consider spiteful, but that isn’t proof of anything.
The game has changed, in an unhealthy way?
Depends on who you ask really.
The game no longer caters to people who feel entitled to special treatment because they’ve been here longer. Which is a good thing.
The game is now more accessible to more people which is both a good and bad thing.

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It is actually. More people playing more games is a good thing.

I hope you do not run a business but for now I am done trying to reason with you. You haven’t even played as long as i have and you sure have NOT even completed the content that I have so you have NO argument to the statements others and my self have made. I have Seen achievements removed, altered, gutted down, quest lines removed vendors removed and hoist of other problems and the biggest one is the COMPANY demands you play the way they want you too not the way you want.

To me that is spiteful.


not for Blizzard if WoW isn’t one of them