Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Definitely not!
People had to spend weeks farming for gold to buy flying in TBC/WOTLK, assuming they didn’t have the bank already.
Leveling alone wouldn’t have gotten you enough gold to by flying once you hit cap.

Again, that’s ridiculous. The cost of flight was never tied to overall gold; it was always an amount a player could earn just by leveling. :smiley:

The cost of flight was never punitive and there’s no reason to assume it should be.


Which for a lot of players is quite a bit of gold, doing that for multiple toons also, it would drive people to buy tokens more than anything else.

I don’t mind working for things that are optional though, so there should be an option for people who want to work for what they get, assuming they go back to allowing people to buy flying.


Yes. 100%. Some claim “compromise”, but nope, they did it out of pure spite.
Imo essences, corruption and even the hoa are the same.


I was 600g short by the time I reached level 70, and only because I spent a bunch of gold on other stuff. It took me 3 weeks of playing 3 nights a week (4 or so hours a night) to earn the 600 and then I had basic flight.

In WOLTK I had earned 900g by the time I reached 80 (had even more) and that easily bought a flight license.

In MoP flight licenses were 2500g which I easily earned while leveling.

Flight skill costs originally were 1500g (TBC) (see above); now basic flight is 250g. Advanced flight skills are still 5000g for 270% and 5000 for 310% speed. That is the maximum cost for any flight and no area flight license should ever exceed that amount.


Lets remember the Developers and ION had a huge issue with flight it’s cheaper to keep people grounded and that falls back to Blizzard. I seem to remeber Ion saying We want people engaged into the game NOT by passing it.

So they go and make zones so painful that people were not happy.
PF is a win win for them THAT IS HOW SPITEFUL THEY ARE.

If you do not do it they go look no one cares about flying.
If you do complete it they go look PF is working as intended

That right there is 100% spiteful.


Easier just to do what FFXIV does, you get flying naturally by doing content. Period.


Or in Revelation Online, flight is level capped. At 29 you can get wings and fly. Only restriction is (double-tap) super fast flight which has a stam bar. Otherwise, flight is open, free, unlimited and beautiful.

Ntm the game is fun :smiley:

Some of the bad idea come from our own players. All you need to do is look at what happened in WOD The Proving grounds.

Oh I’m very well aware.
A lot of the bad ideas in the game right now are a direct response to what players wanted. Too bad they won’t take their share of the responsibility.

I doubt it, they kept it the same through MoP in fact they steadily reduced the cost of riding since I started12 years ago instead of increasing it with inflation.

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thread #3727173748 about flying

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Of course they are that petty and spiteful. It is extremely clear in how their attitudes changed once the players revolted and started unsubbing. They are like little kids throwing temper tantrums. Proof of that is your post was flagged and blocked! You can’t even have a conversation about their pettiness.


It’s not about flying you dolt! It’s about Blizzard taking revenge on the players. But nice try at white knighting!


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? No need to name call

If you truly believe this is the way they are, why do you choose to continue to give them money?

because everyone who does not fit into a narrow predefined set of beliefs is a white knight

No…what you “broke” was the blizz shills illusion that everybody universally loves and obeys the devs every decision. Since they removed the downvote people use flags instead. I personally apply them to every “Classic” post in GD. You did nothing wrong. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Another snowflake melted

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Keep up the good fight :muscle:

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