Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Umm, I’ve been playing since the beta in 2004.
The only way you’d be playing longer is if you’d been playing since the alpha lol.

Post on your main then

WoW will have a dedicated number of players for years to come, they’ll be more than fine.

Would if it wasn’t banned because of people flagging it to death.

Oh how interesting it’s banned… okies sure what ever you are done.

Figured you’d say something like that lol.
You’d be surprised how many of us from way back when have multiple accounts.

yeah im sure a lot of now bankrupt gaming company’s and the defunct games that caused it all said the same thing right before the bottom fell out on them


People still play EQ, EVE, FFXI still has a sub for their game that launched in 2002 lol.
If the game is good, people will keep playing.

When two parties are at odds and one party unilaterally imposes a solution meant to be a compromise that the other side vehemently dislikes, it’s either done out of spite or stupidity (or both).

Take your pick. Frankly doesn’t make much difference to me.


This is my original I never needed another account. cause I refuse to partake in stupid things that might get me banned or lose my account.

Not why I made alt account actually.
We multiboxed a lot back in the day, it was the most efficient way to get several 60s really fast.

lol its a game stretcher to keep people subbed cause of the lack of content. They will continue to keep it to keep subs.

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You need to wait close to a year for part 2.

Well you obviously did something wrong or the company would NOT have banned you. But go on I’m l am really enjoying this.

But here one better if you don’t like what people say or post then why jump into the conversation and offer no rebuttals yourself. You haven’t provided anything substantial and thought provoking. I am not going to debate you when you offer nothing and can not prove your own statements.

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I have to disagree. I mean, you are right, different people will give you different opinion but I think it is entirely possible to draw quantifiable conclusions from existing content states to point to a conclusion that is more than random opinions.

Since you pose one of those game states lets look at it.

I might posit that it caters to nothing at all, or if it does cater to anything it is the whims of various biweekly metric responsibilities.

The development staff is wildly out of touch and operating in its own blind.

It acts as both preacher and chorus producing unasked-for content while letting actual requests languish or offering much desired content pieces while saturating them in the very poison-pill mechanics that drive the populus to distraction even now.

What are the chances Torghast will be riddled with the exact same gating mechanics, the same currency/token requirements and the same gogogogo countdown systems that people profess to hate right now?

Blizzard’s myopic inability to address the requests of its paying customers is certainly not, in my opinion, a good thing.

The narrow sub-strait of the game that has survived is available yes. But without any choices or any options in its play. It is accessible so long as you are willing to play it a certain way.

Try to deviate from the affirmed method and order of play and you will be punished. Take any time off, try to bring up an alt, get burned out trying to make it through pathfinder, get tired of doing the same WQs for the fifteenth time, etc…

Again, you are not wrong, but I think that on a fuller examination there is certainly more bad than good there.


Is Blizzard trying to spite us?

Well, I, Donny Kawano, was an extremely powerful monk in life. Then they killed me and raised me as a death knight…a class with limited motion.

Would Blizzard do this to I, Donny Kawano, if they weren’t trying to spite me?

Down with them! Let us put an end to this cruelty…through dance battles!

Do you accept my challenge, Blizzard?!

Donny Kawano backflips into his basement, then turns on his boombox. Martial arts will come later. Nobody spites Donny Kawano. Nobody.

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Very well written replay Anthaniel.

No. I think people like to make themselves feel victimized because they think it makes a better case for their opinion. Pathfinder isn’t spiteful, it was a compromise. By definition, it is a compromise.

I fully believe Blizzard is out of touch, sure. They make huge errors. PvP vendors are a good example. But I do not believe it’s spite.

I’m curious, who the hell do you think you are lol?
That sense of entitlement, I don’t owe you anything lol.

Was my statement.

This is factually correct.

YOU control your own behavior. You control whether or not something upsets you. You control how you respond to that situation.

Yes, they did something you did not like, but the thing is, how you respond, entirely on you.

Those crybabies who quit back in WoD, entirely on them. They made the conscious choice to stop playing because something in a video game caused them to become upset, or rather, they let themselves be upset by pixels, 1’s and 0’s.

You call what they do spiteful, but every example of spite in this thread is nothing more than how you are perceiving their actions because it is something you did not want them to do.

Psychology is a pain sometimes, but it helps to stop, breathe, and reflect on your role in every situation.

You, I like.

Finally someone capable of a rational post.

For starters, the problem with Blizzard right now is they are catering to multiple masters and when you’re trying to do that, you’re not going to be effectively able to cater to any of them.

Time-gating metrics are an industry trend when it comes to MMOs, this is not unique to Blizzard, however since Blizzard is the subject, the reason is obvious, the longer people play, the more money they get. A businesses job is first and foremost to make money. Their shareholders are one master.

Their second. Players who have been here since the beginning who want ever increasingly difficult and meaningful content without ever really knowing what that actually is. Hence, Mythic+, Mythic dungeons.

Their third. The largest consumer base of video games in the world right now, the casual gamer. That gamer who only has a couple of hours a days or week to play. This actually makes up their largest player base by far, so catering content to them, i.e., content that doesn’t make them feel left behind, is the most assured way to keep them paying and playing.

So it isn’t that Blizzard is unable to address paying customers, it’s that the needs of paying customers are contrary to one another.

This does not apply to the largest portion of the player base which is again, the casual player.

The casual player can keep relatively on par with those with more time simply by logging in for a couple of hours a day. In fact, doing the math myself, once pathfinder 2 is open, you can unlock flying from a fresh 120 in 23 days logging in anywhere from 1-2 hours a day, perfect for the casual player.

The causal player is also not overly concerned with anymore gear than is needed for LFR or normal. So there is less grind needed for this.

You say punished, you are not being punished for not logging on. Someone tried making that argument in a thread a week or so ago and got thoroughly destroyed at every attempt.

This game will survive not because of the people who demand ever increasing and meaningful content, but by casual players who just want to log on and play for a bit before moving onto something else for the day or whose schedule is too busy for anything more than that.

It’s not like the subscription counts doesn’t suffers diminishing returns. More like, players will continue to unsubscribe and Blizzard will release a new $20 pet to the store.


Blizzard makes more money off of casual players who play small amounts over a long period of time than they do anything else but whales tbh.