Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

4000 isn’t tons of gold, you can farm that up in an hour or less in wod raids. Also waiting a year into the expansion for part two is more than a dash of patience. I don’t mind pathfinder part one I despise waiting a year for part two.


Thank goodness. Or the loud, vocal minority in 2006 would have gotten there way and blizzard would have scrapped BC.

Or the loud vocal group that wants to scrap lfr.

Or the loud vocal group that is killing classic wth #nochanges

Or the local vocal group that says flying ruins world pvp.



I do not believe we are that important in their world. I believe they come in, do their job, go home and we are just a nebulous concept who will pay to go play in their world… just like they are, apparently, a single entity called Blizzard in ours.


No, as in an outright replacement for the Worms.

If Blizzard is going to throw air obstacles, they should’ve at least go all out with it and instead of going 5% of the way.

As a Pathfinder supporter (and Anti 6-10 month wait, because there is no real reason to wait for that long), i’m open to the idea of adding danger to the skies, but Blizzard’s execution here has been pretty lackluster. They just put an easily avoidable worm far off into the sky and called it a day, nothing menacing really.

I don’t want anything like those stupid cannons in TBC where you can’t dodge them no matter how hard you try and it dismounts you and fall to your death, unless your one of those moonfire spaming, ninja herb stealing, purple birds.

/all of the druids boo at Bari.

…Love you all. :stuck_out_tongue:

…There has to be a middle ground, and i think the Nazjatar cannons and Mechagon air-droids were good starts. (Well come to think of it, 8.2 as a whole is a good start, but i digress)

When did they do this? I fully believe it.

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That is something important to recognize, understand and remember. I oftentimes fail to do this.

It was a compromise.

Difficult to say. Doubtful, but possible. In the case you mentioned no. I think they had a point and they made it, just people didn’t want to listen to or don’t agree with it. That doesn’t mean they haven’t been spiteful at times…it is just hard to know because if they were being spiteful i am sure they wouldn’t be waving a flag and saying it out loud to call notice to it.

Since there is no possible good reason for the gap between PF1 and PF2 I can’t think of any other reason for it. If the reason is to make us “earn” it then anything beyond Explorer, zone storylines and maybe honored rep is just to punish us, hence spiteful. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


When the guy that worked in warlocks in MoP got fired, a loooooooooooot of his changes were quietly removed in later expansions

Funny that.


That one was a rare glimpse into the developers’ minds. They implemented a stacking gold cost for Azerite reforging because they didn’t want people doing it. People did it because they wanted to be able to swap specs more easily, and complained that the cost was prohibitive.

Lore came out and said “we don’t want you doing this, and if you keep trying then we aren’t going to make it less expensive, we are going to make it MORE expensive.”

That’s Blizzard. They don’t look at customers doing something contrary to expectations and think “where did we go wrong?” They think “how can we get these rubes to fall in line?”


They look at it more from what they have in mind design wise and some players look at it like hey I don’t like it, make the changes I want now or I’ll huff and puff and unsubscribe until the next expansion!

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Literally nobody here truly believes this or they wouldn’t continue to support such a company with their time and money.

Bad attempt at a troll thread.

Then maybe they should realize that nobody actually cares about their design goals. People care if the game is fun or not.

Even the most vehement of white knights has a way of fading into the twisting nether when Blizzard finally does something that makes the game unfun for them.


I just received an automated message that due to flagging as ‘inappropriate’ my topic’s been hidden. Did I break any CoD?

Beem playing since 2007 when BC was current. Is the company spitful against the players?

Yes they are, the constant were going to do this then turn around and do the opposite has had a huge impact on the players.

The ONLY reason we have flying in the Vale and Uldum ( and this is my personal view ) Is the company had no honest way to explain how we could NOT fly in the 2 zones. They had to know if they grounded people the fall out would be bad.

The company allowing Deves to make fun of players on twitter I don’t care what the player does the Developer should be a adult and just block them or report them.

The company NO longer using there own forum but going to Reddit and Twitter to give information. The removal of Flight was a prime example and it nearly brought the game down by Monday when the Deves finally got around to seeing what was happening it turn into a Oh *hit moment. Server were dead empty and it was funny to go around and see a empty server.

Removing of PVP Vendors this was just a very spitful deal and the lame excused given was players don’t know what gear is needed and they were out of date.

Removing of Tabards for dungeons was done out of spite cause people would grind out the rep and the company couldn’t let that go on all. Remember the more your on the better it looks.

I could keep right on going with this but lets be honest the company is very spiteful even now they Ignore all the PTR feed back that is given to them.


It doesn’t need to be punishing. The cost was always earnable while leveling in whatever expansion for which a flight license was sought. MoP was more than Wrath, etc.

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Not that I know of. I “liked” your post.


I guess what I meant is that with the level of wealth varying so much between players (millionaires and then players who hardly have 10k), at what cost would reasonable in general?

You have to consider that if we got flight for gold back, the prices would be inflated to current levels. It would probably be closer to 30k per toon.

You don’t charge for an item based on what the richest player can afford.

The price for an area flight license was always relative to the amount a player could earn while leveling. It’s simple and doesn’t matter how much the richest player has.