Is Blizzard spiteful like that?


Corruption gear is pretty spiteful, imo.

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I remember early Cata. Fun for tight guild groups, hell for LFD.

Oh god, that mismatched clown gear from BC was so bad. I remember running around in a green/purple/orange ensemble until I finally got some decent gear in Kara.

Another thread ignoring the large group of people who are totally fine with / enjoy pathfinder.

I like unlocking account wide flight for alts without having to farm up tons of gold. It takes so little effort and just a dash of patience.


That wasn’t my intent, my apologies.

I remember one time in Cata LFD, I was healing on a shaman, CC’d two mobs for the pull and told the tank what to do, only to have him break both CCs and cause a wipe, and then blame me because I couldn’t keep him up. I stopped healing for about a month after that run.

I think the part people dislike is the whole Part 2 with a huge delay.
You literally can’t earn it until Blizzard deems it appropriate, which is 9m after release apparently.


I believe the accountants at Blizzard got the notion that pruning flying from the game would make future expansions cheaper to produce, and were aiming at a final goal of eventually pruning so much that the remains of the game could be produced for game consoles or even mobile phones.

There is a walking disaster running Activision who’d like to see all their games being microtransactional gambling traps that could be quickly pulled out of your pocket wherever you are.


From what I can tell in the responses to this topic, you are correct.

Yeah, it amazed me last time Cata Time Walking was up and the tank said they’d never done Cata dungeons before and asked if they were all this hard. I told him that they can be, but they used to be harder before nerfs. This was after the gauntlet in Stonecore. The rest of the dungeon isn’t bad, but that part can break an LFD party.

I actually hate WoD because there is no flying without getting that achievement. I admit it’s a real pain.


Yes, it’s not the questing and rep grinds that are the problem, it’s the long period inbetween part 1 and part 1 where you cannot do anything to earn it.

This was never a compromise. It was Ion saying: “ha ha, do all this work and you still won’t be able to fly for the popular part of each expansion.”


For me, I think it’s possible they could be. As long as Blizzard keeps Pathfinder active ( along with any other mechanics to discourage flight) I will no longer purchase expansions nor will I recommend World of Warcraft to friends and new members to the gaming community where I am employed.
/wipes tears from eyes


I agree it should be a shorter wait for part 2, but it doesn’t effect me at all. I don’t mind using my ground mounts.

Between the flight whistle, two+ hearthstones, a portal hub, goblin gliders, class abilities, and whatever zone mechanics may be present, it is really not hard to get around.

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Here’s how you add a sense of menace. You put a giant flying spaghetti monster in the air that takes up 90% of the Sky, and have about 200 giant tentacles flying though the air, (That can be easily dodged) sweeping to grab any unlucky flyer who happens to be in their path and devours them. :spaghetti:

At least that’s what i would do.

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I feel pathfinder needs to be removed you shouldnt need revered with all the first factions then even more factions that show up later it makes it hell dont care if only one person needs it. It really does feel petty and spiteful.


You summed it up really well, that shift during mid MoP did something and the new people just don’t care any more. They keep silent and when they do say something they skirt around the subject…
Blitzchung or they blame the players wc3 returned. They are either out of touch or embarrassed, with a little bit of pettiness thrown in.


like explore everything fine do all the story quests for that first expansion fine but waste days and weeks grinding out out of date content rep. no thanks no thanks at all.


You mean, in addition to Pathfinder? Why not add a gold cost for a triple slam, a big gold cost that most players will not be able to play, and lots will quit. Then you can play alone.

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