Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Maybe, maybe not.
Really depends.

Remember, WoW hit its hayday when there was not a lot of other games for people to play and overall less players in the mmo genre/pc market as a whole.

Way more people are playing PC games than ever before, so WoW needs to stand out if it wants to attract them, but other games do things WoW does, but a whole lot better, which makes it difficult.

Because of the bad PR they have been getting for years? Companies have tow sides. Financial, and political. You can succeed financially, but fail politically. Or the other way around, or fail at both. When this happens, usually the other follows suit. They made changes people didnt like, they have lost and are still losing massive amounts of money, so, they are taking it out on the people whom still play.

as has been said a million times. at least you have a choice! you can use a ground mount the entire expansion. you don’t have to fly if you don’t want to. this immersion idea is just one big propaganda lie. i do not know why people have to keep propagating this myth about immersion. :roll_eyes:


You’ve always had a choice though, except when content required you to have flying to access quest areas.
Immersion is a subjective thing, not propaganda lol.

if there is an exception, then you don’t have a choice. thank you for your white knighting, i’m sure blizzard is proud of you.


You always have a choice.
Do the content or don’t.
How am I white knighting by saying I like immersion lol.
You’re mental mate.


I actually forgot I posted this, sorry about that.

Could you just imagine doing the ‘slay 3 rares’ quest in Uldum or the Vale without flight? /shudders

People 'round here are perpetually at the ready to start slinging #$@%.


This is so absolutely wrong that anyone saying it removes all doubt. You’re either a white knight or bored and trolling.
No expansion has required such numbers of or amounts of daily grinds to get player power.
You would be absolutely delusional to think one grind or cherrypick that stupid sons of hodir rep for a BIS enchant like it is in any way comparable to the power difference the proper essence or cloak level provides a player. This isnt even getting into the extra RNG layers added to gearing to make that more of a grind now too.

This is especially wrong for pvp which has a history of gearing from bgs and then arenas for their gear and progression, a distinct lack of grinding non related content. Pvp requires doing everything now while also being geared as possible through pve since pvp gear is also worse for pvp.

This expansion is alt unfriendly blizzard admitted it otherwise they wouldn’t advertise alt friendliness as a feature of shadowlands, it would just be part of the regular game and be nothing to talk about.


Possible, but I see the humor in it. :grin:

i dunno about you…

i get a piece of gear about every third raid night, and i get one in the weekly chest. blizzard screwed over alliance and we didn’t get heroic darkshore until almost a month into the patch, so i already had 465 gloves from running mythic+ by the time i ever set foot in the place.

the horrific visions are so frelling unbalanced and the rewards so utterly craptastic there’s only two options possible there. spite or utter incompetence. you get a 420 piece the first boss kill in there per week, and then it’s boss+2 for the 430 piece, only once per week. then instead of a sensible jump of boss+3 for an upgrade, you gotta do a full clear to get a 445. that would make sense, if you could get a piece more than once per week at that “level” but you can’t.

it’s like they don’t take into account other gearing options, and since you can spam mythic +10 to get 460 gear they might as well have not even had gear rewards in the visions at all.

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The same complaints have bern made since bc.
Every xpack is always the worst
Every xpack is always everyone is leaving
Every xpack its called a dead game
Every xpack catersto casuals
Every xpack the gearing system is the worst ever
The complaints havent changed in 12 years

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That is not to deny there are some glaring issues with BFA that are routinely pointed out here on the forums. But you’re right in that people will complain, no matter what.

If you think the last 3 Xpacs have been acceptable good on you. Im happy for you. But sorry this game is a shambles and people are sick and tired of been lied too and ignored. Each to their own I say. GL. Because you’re either very naïve or work for Blizzard.


I honestly don’t think people really understand what that term even means anymore. The moment someone disagrees with someone they are automatically a white knight or shill nowadays.

I can’t wait for the days when some of these same players are praising BfA lol

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No one will praise this xpac or the one before it and SL will be the last straw for this game. People don’t even want to buy SL atm.


Oh, you mean like how people hated on BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, and even WoD and now all of a sudden they praise them? Literally every expansion players are claiming Blizzard is killing the game and then those same players go back and praise those expansions a few years later.

Fine you’re right and we are all wrong gl.


Because Blizzard also consists of people.

You’re freaking nuts if you think some decisions aren’t atleast partially informed by spite, even if that isn’t the driving force behind them.

Very few people hated on BC or Wrath when they were released. There were people unhappy with aspects of them, but by and large, they were well received. If anything, I feel like the consensus over wrath specifically has gone down over time, rather than up.

Cata was ubiquitously hated, but a lot of it was based on its release state. It got better over time, and it had some good content. Blizzard still had a lot of banked karma points to work with at this point; people gave them a lot of lattitude despite the state of the expansion.

A lot of people whinged about MoP, but the complaints were almost entirely theme-related. The actual gameplay and content of MoP was largely praised. Class design was near its pinnacle for a great many classes, and timeless isle was the first of its kind and generally well received. The raids were great, and PvP was near its best.

WoD was freaking attrocious and the only expansion likely to contest BfA into the future. I hear people (mostly you, frankly) claiming time and time again that “people are now claiming it was good” but I never actually see those people. It’s certainly not some groundswell of changed opinion. Some people even liked it when it was current; that doesn’t mean it was well-liked.

TL:DR; these same two arguments are being rerun over and over:

  1. “People are starting to say they liked expansions that they didn’t like at the time”. Simply not true. Very little has changed, with the exception of MoP, because of the nature of the complaints.
  2. “If x expansion was so good, why did population do y”. There are simply too many factors involved in population to claim it represents opinion. The Population curve of the game over its life follows a pretty obvious curse, peaking after a few years of release, and falling away over time regardless of expansions. MoP was definitely my favorite expansion personally, but it’s also the one where my trend of gameplay time (and subscription time) started falling away heavily. The two aren’t linked at all for me.