Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

no the player base is spiteful and they still pay their $15 a month.blizzard just does what they want to do.

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Yep. RNG systems in general. There was a time the only RNG you had to worry about was something dropping in a raid. Now, its in everything.


While all video games rely on some sense of randomization, as you say, this RNG as it relates to gear is effing insane.

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In the first 8-10 years I had the impression that Blizzard developers had great consideration and appreciation for the players, they designed the game for all players to enjoy, and included everyone. However, something changed in WoD (2014) where they’re attitude towards the customer was/is more inconsiderate (at times petty) and the design goal changed to include only one kind of player - power gamers.

Anyways, thats my impression of being a customer for 14 years. Its clear to me that WOW today doesn’t care if I enjoying playing their game.


They got this vision and they expect us all to fall in line with that vision. If you can’t get on board with it, it feels like they’re being petty and spiteful. If you can, it feels like they aren’t.

I don’t understand the amount of players that preach the whole thing about Blizzard being petty and then continue to pay for the game anyway.

Why would I give money to someone that I believe is petty and spiteful? It would feel like I’m rewarding bad behavior.

That is a wonderful question. I suspect elements of the time sink fallacy and a more general sense of game addiction. Oftentimes, as well, you’ll see players sticking around for friends and guilds, too.

It’s literally insane to think that just because you have to quest for a week to obtain flying, that Blizzard is being spiteful to you.

Some of you really need to just go and lie down for a bit.

Pretty sure that’s not the only thing to it.

Pro-tip: very few people are “literally insane.” Maybe you just don’t understand what else there is behind someone’s annoyance.


EA is an anomaly. Like how are you still in business

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How can players be spiteful? By complaining when they dislike something? That isn’t spiteful, that’s being an engaged consumer. I mean, I guess a few unhinged people playing WoW qualify as spiteful but, come on, that’s just a few weirdos not all players.

Players don’t even have the power to be spiteful.


Questing for a week? That’s an odd way to say waiting almost a year.


That’s a pretty mild form of spitefulness. I mean, you can get so much worse if you really wanted to be spiteful.

Since the worms seem to have the ability to teleport, they could’ve made it so flying too close to one causes it to teleport you to any random location in azeroth. Or to keep in line with madness, it could’ve mind controlled your mount, raised you to the top of the sky, and dismount you with a nice long stun to make sure you splat on the ground.

At worst, they are a minor annoyance. Most of the time I forget they are even there.

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im so glad im not the only one unsettled by that part of the post.

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I don’t know about petty and spiteful, but they are arrogant as all heck. That I’m sure of…


They’re definitely arrogant. That’s why they continually try to rationalize things they like but that players don’t like as things players don’t like just because they don’t understand it. Pathfinder is the perfect example of that. Look, I don’t have a problem with pathfinder per se, but rep grinds on top of time gates? No. What the h— does rep grinding even have to do with re-learning to fly anyway? If one must exist then get rid of the time gate.


I would. I struggle to get 100k on a toon, let alone multiple.

unsub that is your power all the players do is rrrrrrreeeeee to be spiteful and they still pay their $15 so why should blizzard care.


Complaining about aspects of the game one dislikes is NOT spiteful. Complaining about aspects of the game one dislikes does not mean one hates the whole game.

It’s too bad that comments critical of WoW trigger you. Maybe you should take a break from the forums. We wouldn’t want you to have a meltdown.

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Correction, people have been saying it’s always been bad, because it has.

Love this.

No MMO has shown numbers in what, 6 years now?

It’s not just WoW.



Imagine getting that upset about a video game.

Nowhere near as often as you think looking at the MMO genre as a whole.

Definitely a better system.
But, if that were implemented in WoW, guaranteed you would have people coming here crying about having to play through the story to get flying. Imagine the tears of people stuck on normal Titania lol.

They’ve never been good at the middle ground. They go from catering one type of player to another.

You didn’t pay attention at all to the forums then did you?
The stuff you see on the forums now has been around since Vanilla, there has been and will be people complaining about something in this game until it finally dies.

Well, yes! It’s their project, their vision of what they want their game to be lol. We are nothing more than a customer and have no say so at all in how a product is made. It’s arrogant as all hell for players to think they can tell a developer how to make a game lol.

It’s because they want something to be angry about and it is easier to blame Blizzard then look at themselves and their choices.

Pretty much.

Take breaks lol

Oh God yes! Players have become so much more arrogant over the years.

They shouldn’t. They haven’t been made to.

It is really this simple: If you do not like a product, i.e., you are unsatisfied, then you stop buying said product. As long as you continue buying said product, the seller only seeds the money you spend, damn how you feel about the product.

True, but acting like developers should listen to you simply because you pay money and then getting angry and threatening to quit out of angst actually is spiteful. And a tad arrogant.

There is a HUGE difference between providing critical and constructive feedback and just being bitter and whiny.

You and I agree on this. I threatened to quit during WoD and did. It didn’t matter. Loads of people articulated perfectly what they disliked about changes in WoD. It didn’t matter. But I do think the mass exodus made a statement.

I suspect we are in the beginning stages of an even bigger exodus.

My sub ends in March sometime. I don’t know what I’ll do then.

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