Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Thank you for sharing. :hugs:

Keep living in your negative sky is falling fingers in ears echo chamber.


Lmao the truth hurts your beloved game is crap and people are leaving in droves. I love this game too. But not Ion and Blizzard has done to it. You have played it long enough to see the damage that has been done too it as well I can see by your achievement points.


cant help but wonder why Blizzard is hiding the actual sub numbers? a product that is selling well wouldn’t you think the retailer would be shouting from the rooftops how successful it is instead of trying to bury their head in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong?


Well, the stenchy worms are an example of bad design that seems to have been added to appease spiteful players, at any rate.

Probably because they aren’t relevant. Those numbers were for shareholders, not for players. Shareholders are there to make profit, if the profits are good they don’t care about sub numbers. Another point to be made is that shareholders aren’t buying shares of World of Warcraft, they are buying shares of Activison-Blizzard. Players really need to stop looking towards youtubers in regards to this stuff.

Let’s also not forget that tokens are a thing, which also come into play here.

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Petty, maybe. Spiteful? Blizz doesn’t know any of you enough to hate you.

A lot of this hatemongering stems from the same players circulating the same self-loathing threads about how they’re being mistreated by a video game, or that they’re forced to play when they’re not.

Obviously, none of it is true, unless a reader is also deeply disinterested in games but unable to stop playing.


This is impossible to know. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that someone at Blizzard is acting out of spite, making choices and influencing people to get the changes they want. There’s nothing farfetched about that it happens in corporations all the time. There is however no way to know that is happening as an outsider.

How much do you need to know someone to hate them?

They used to brag about it once for all too see, but subs have dropped its not good advertisement for new players too see, they still insist that numbers are at a all time high but we all know that’s not true.


So you come here and run your mouth about a game company that has done nothing to you…and insist that “they”, meaning people who you don’t know, and don’t know you, they somehow hate you.

And you have no evidence whatsoever, but you’re entirely convinced that these shadowy figures are just out to get you.

And I’m all out of History Channel memes.

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I assume this is a theoretical situation as I don’t think I’ve ever said anything negative about Blizz.

Well, I know good and well that it doesn’t take much to get on someones bad side :slight_smile:

Hmm, I suppose I could go on the internet and find a case of someone hating a person after a seemingly insignificant enocunter. Are you saying that it’s 100% impossible for anyone, anywhere in the world to have a short trigger and hate someone?

I think you assumed that I’m saying that Blizz does hate us and you didn’t think “oh he’s just asking a question and not implying Blizz hates him”

Players can get over this phenomenon. The easiest way for them to do so is to become those cyclical players Blizzard says they are fine with. Gradually the unsubbed periods get longer until, one day, the player just discovers they have developed new hobbies and don’t really miss WoW at all.

It happens all the time.




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I think it is spite, and no small amount of arrogance. I get that devs work hard on art assests and designing interesting NPC’s and monsters. I get them wanting us to see it from the ground. That said it doesn’t take long for all of that to become old-hat. A few days at most.

FFXIV has a much better system when it comes to this. For those who don’t know, here’s how it works in FFXIV: When a new expansion comes out, you can’t fly in those new zones until you collect aether currents through quests and exploring in each zone. And each new zone is unlocked independently. But, in theory you can collect those aether currents and unlock flying the day the expansion comes out. Most players have it fully unlocked within about a week of the launch of a new expansion. No rep grinds, no time gating.


I can say that JA Brack wasnt completely wrong about classic. It is the overall game I want, but its flaws keep me from staying with it. 40 people and two pieces dropping in a raid? Stuff like that. It doesn’t feel that great for your character progression to be so slow. On the other side, BFA gearing being thrown at you from every corner of the game also feels terrible.

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Which gear are you referring to? World quests and emissary quests?

World quests is one for me. Emissaries I am not that fond of either. I miss the days of MoP and down where you could run things for currency to buy some pieces that you lacked from raiding or pvping. I enjoyed that system and the gear had a meaningful weight behind it because you had to work for an upgrade instead of swooping down and killing a couple guys and picking up something and praying that it might TF or now corrupt.

Those pieces felt so much more valuable when you actually had to work for them.


I PvE more now than I ever PvP. I began this game as a PvPer but since gearing became more efficient via PvE, that’s the content I’ve begun doing most. It did feel rewarding back in MoP (around when I began playing) to earn all of that honor to buy a PvP set and then to earn all of that conquest to buy the upgraded version.

The reason I asked you which gear, though, is because I don’t really feel the gear acquired via world quests and emissary quests is any good. It’s kind of more like a catch-up system for players coming into BFA newly or after having taken a break. Honestly, the gear is kinda crap. Isn’t it?

Have you not had any titanforge? Because some of it, indeed, can be amazing, if it titanforges, but if it does and it goes to some crazy number, what did you do to actually earn those ilvls other than win the lottery? There was a time when putting in effort was rewarded with things that felt rewarding. Now? That is not the case with anything.

Nothing feels like it holds weight. It is an interest killer when you see someone go out and do a wq and get a corrupted piece with the RNG god roll and you do the same thing and get nothing simply because they were lucky. Effort use to matter. It does not matter so much anymore.


That sounds more like a problem with war/titan forging and now corruption RNG, though?