Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Inflation wouldn’t effect it since it didn’t go up in price. It’s only been made cheaper since it’s been in the game where you buy Classic/BC/Wrath/Cata/Pandaria flight pretty much right when you hit level 60 for less than 500g. Especially if you got exalted with the faction you’re buying from. So this makes no sense to ask. The current design doesn’t allow for it to suddenly be bought again with gold.

If it’s the only game in town, pathfinder for flying as an example, the statistics are worthless. Since everyone that plays bfa is participating in pathfinder, everyone is bound to get rep somewhere. yea. 100% participation, blizzard are geniuses. LOL 100% have the azerite necklace, look at the participation. Ooh look everyone has touched the mission table, yea metrics.

If blizzard really wanted to know what people thought, they’d offer flying for gold along side pathfinder and see which gets used more. But they are not interested in knowing the truth, only if they can elongate content. It’s why I personally stay away for however long it takes to get the total pathfinder in game so I can work towards it, get it and then enjoy the game.


We’re discussing content, not unlocks, so this literally serves no purpose for this discussion.

They know exactly how many players are doing mythics, heroics, normals, etc.
How many PvP, etc.

They have all of the data.

Truth? The truth is, if you give someone the option to work for something or buy it, 9/10 they’ll buy it because they don’t want to work. That’s a given and nothing that really needs to be tested.

This is kind of sad, but if you’re going to play it eventually anyway, it’s less sad.

Something so arbitrary having that big of an effect is actually quite sad.

This is not how the game was played you used to be able to progress in the content you want by doing the content you enjoy.

I also don’t see how someone not playing until they can unlock what they enjoy is sad.


remember Heroics in BC? sure you had to work to unlock them but they didn’t make you wait a year once you got the stuff to create the keys and players loved it because unlike current end game content it before we actually had content worth fighting and going after but now its more like the Wizard of Oz where we got sent on an insane suicidal trip and when we come back the doorman tells us to go away and finally the “Wizard” tells come back next week and I might consider your request

well players are starting to pull back the curtain and confront the phony “Wizard”


Yes they will buy it but they worked so that they could afford to buy it.

Yup, I remember just farming away for days just for crafting. The second they added dungeons to the crafting progressions, I dropped crafting altogether. Couldn’t be bothered. WoD was the first expansion that I ever let my WoW subscription expire. Now I’m doing it every expansion.

I’m getting along with my age. I don’t have time to mess around with all these interlocking mobile game mechanics they’ve added to the game. The retail version of WoW is a collection of brickwalls. They’re bloody everywhere. There’s a damn cold shower around every corner.

I’ll give Shadowlands a month or two for the honeymoon to wear off. Then it’ll hit home that I’m not having any fun, just like the last handful of expansions. Pay Blizzard $15 a month for a digital wedgie or spend my money on Cyberpunk 2077… not a tough decision, especially if Shadowlands turns out to be BfA version 1.5


Alright, let’s not make this another thread about pathfinder.

Is blizzard spiteful?
“So you hate titanforging because of the RNG? Here, have corrupted gear instead, with extra RNG.”


Yeah and I might be misremembering but couldn’t you also just farm the reps by doing dungeons too by equipping a tabard?
Its crazy how some people say its always been this bad for grinds and timegated content.

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The tabard rep started in Wrath with some of the Northrend factions and ended in Cata with the Cata and alliance/horde factions. But the Cata reputations needed to be done in level appropriate dungeons and could not just be done through pulling everything in the stockades for an hour or two.

We didn’t have any reputation tabards after Cata, and even with them, they were more or less a catch-up system for rep grinding, not the main way of getting reputation.

In MoP we had the ability to pick a reputation for dungeon bosses to award some rep from, and the bonus rep for alts through tokens we could purchase from a faction after reaching revered.

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I’d say yes.

We don’t have the same loveable devs helming this ship anymore, we have slicker, hotshot players looking to make their mark on the industry/game.

So when they introduce something new and it isn’t well received outside of their bubble house they won’t respond well.

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No, I don’t believe they design the game out of spite. Generally speaking, if you’re the kind of person that wants to believe the world is out to get you then you’re going to think everything you don’t agree with is purposefully there to spite you, no matter how little sense that makes.

I don’t think anyone wants to think the world’s out to get 'em. :wink:

Sure they do, it makes them feel important.

I wasn’t quite sure about the tabard thing So many expansions now some meld together. I thought that system was great though.
I liked doing reps when I wasn’t forced into them and did ones that gave mounts or cosmetics that interested me. Now I feel punished if I don’t want to do everything all the time.

Oh sure, it seems totally plausible both that:

  • Entire organizations, and all individuals within them, can be characterized by one word, and
  • The most appropriate word here is “spiteful”.

I googled this to see if it was true and instead found this article


Alt friendliness is a continuing discussion

its dated 2018 and literally nothing has changed.

You’re right, it’s a completely naive view to have of Blizzard. Who exactly, in fact, makes the final decisions on what is and isn’t implemented into WoW? Would that be Ion? (I’m not being sarcastic or anything.)

Before honestly taking people whom believe designers… whom by whatever patethic reasons hold hard grudges over the consumer… Try to remember this is the same community where the below happens constantly:

“What they capped the first flag? let they win, i don’t want to play this anymore”
“Hey hey hey a ret/enh/feral/boomkin/sp/70%ofthespec in classic MC? no. I will not play with him, reroll or quit buddy”
“Wiat… wait… dazed? no im done bye”
“Did i just died in the bg??? no no no no no no… /leave”
“Want to join a group? wat, NO??? NO?!?!?!?! LOL YOU ARE TERRBLE AND IM BETTER THAN YOU”
“You did not invite me to your group??? thats it i am not doing any mythic dg ever again and i everyone whom does are dogsh**”
“This X streamer is toxic i hope his mother dies”
And so on.

Basically its a very “sensible”(by sensible i mean completely and utterly useless persons )community whom will by all means try to direct any random event towards their own little bubble.

The most popular topic of “spiteful” blizzard attitude are pathfinders topics, which i personally think its ironic by two major reasons. First is because blizzard itself makes it requires a completely useless part 2, which is pretty much a time gate. The second is the players themselves whose complain about mobility yet the whistle and the flight paths are actually faster than flying from your mount to another territory at best you either fly for 4 secs then go kill mobs or walk by ground 10 secs to do the same, its quite irrelecant. Most BfA zones flying is literally useless the only exception is nazjatar and not by much because the flight paths are pretty well located… And legion zones have completely no reason to fly either but suramar.
Yet they will alway says how they hate everything and everyone and how blizzard hates them for some reason they cannot explain using rational thought. Literally the whistle pretty much makes the flying from a huge improvement to one just a little better and thats all. Considering the mount equipment bonus it is safe to say that pathfinder will continue too.

Another popular topic is rep grind which honestly is related to pathfinder most of the time by whatever… before legion or bfa there were several rep grinds which took a large amount of time so you could get a bis enchant or whatever. People keep talking about wrath tabards for useless reps but ignores completely sons of hodir, a long and needed for bis enchant rer even MoP insane rep grind for professions recipes.

Having worked in managment of two billionarie companies i can easily guarantee you the people whom are doing the product care dearly about consumers, if anything blizzard developers are suffering from a bad corporation structure after the major heads left the company. As “ok” as metzen was as a storyteller it is easily noticiable that this mess of lore we have in BfA that used 3 content worht stories would never happen under his watch. Same can be said about incomplete features as warfronts(AOE everything then rush siege creation, it is missing stuff), IE(aoe everything and ignore the little quests and bonus items) 40 badges of pvp for an upgrade etc etc etc.
Its just incompetence inside the company structure atm, and if not solved the bad public reaction will continue to come.
And honestly it doesnt require a a large experience in the sector to notice they have large issues with internal communication.