Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Oh I totally agree that they need to do this, but they’ll hesitate because that is what they do.

They’ll power through if needed which is what they’re doing now.

Not a problem at all.
I’ll take a look.

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You didn’t need the reps not nearly to this extent we are facing today. TBC had reps the let you in dungeons with a key but they could be death skipped or let through by one person who felt the desire to grind it. Also this completely disregards pvp who once just went into bgs and then arenas for gear and progressed by skill.


Finally someone that remembers. Getting flying was not cake.

The thing I don’t like is waiting over a year into an expansion. Once flying hits, Pathfinder doesn’t take too long. It’s the we’re not putting it in the game for the first year that is annoying. Why would you not put flying in for the first year of an expansion? That seems way too long for people that enjoy playing alts and want to move around faster. Way too long.

WoW formerly provided multiple options to players for leveling and for post-leveling content, including optional group and rep content.

Now you are required to cover every pixel of the expansion and do all of the content (what little, truly, that there is – it’s gruel, spread pretty thin with lots of repeat content and lots of fake content (mission tables i.e.,) before you can fly. Ridiculous!


The rep grind for allied races is pretty messed too. It’s not fun having to grind irrelevant content for weeks in order to play these races that should have been available once the new expansion was available to play. This system plus the pathfinder system is lazy & cheap development rather than creating an innovative system to make gaining these achievements more engaging and fun.


Still does actually.
You can level up just by gathering.
Pet battles.

The shame!
Making people play the game to unlock something in the game.

Lol good luck. Sorry if I disappoint you. I wish you well.

Good man.

Nah you’ve at least been willing to engage and discuss, even if we disagree on some things.

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Misconception, I think they look at other metrics to check the health of the game, like how many people are clearing the raids, participating in the content and so on.

We know they do, they’ve actually acknowledged this in panels over the years.
They can see exactly how many people are doing what and what is working or not.
Which is why a lot of these threads about something not being popular that Blizzard doubles down on are so hilarious to me, because they have the actual numbers of people engaging in the content, we don’t.

What about those on dwindling factions and/or servers?

I can tell you that recruiting mythic raiders on a dead realm is true suffering. I’ve witnessed many great raiders either give up or transfer. Some of those who transfer end up quiting soon after anyway.

I felt this far more during BFA than I did in Legion.

Well you gotta remember, Mythic is only pushed by 5% of the playerbase according to Blizzard, so it would naturally be difficult to recruit people.
But that is also why we have CRZ as well which “should” help in theory.

I agree that the data shows how many players are experiencing the content, but I don’t agree that it gives a proper explanation exactly why that is.

There are willing players who aren’t provided a real opportunity.

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We won’t ever really know without talking to everyone and really digging into it.
Even they don’t know, which is kind of the problem.
Something could be regularly engaged with, but absolutely hated by everyone, but the metrics tell a different story.

Which is where constructive feedback comes into the equation.


I also believe that Mythic is balanced around the world race and not so much the playerbase as a whole.

I’ve earned CE before, it was a huge accomplishment. I still think Mythic is tuned way too hard.

I’m not saying that I can’t personally overcome these challenges and I don’t want to bad mouth those I have raided with, they are personal relationships.

It’s heartbreaking hitting a wall with your team and recognising that not everyone is able to handle mechanics at the same level. On a dead realm, training new recruits feels like a revolving door process.

Most of the good players either quit or transfer, leaving realms to slowly die at an increased rate.

It definitely is which is rather sad.

[quote=“Bozho-frostmourne, post:339, topic:448594”]
It’s heartbreaking hitting a wall with your team and recognising that not everyone is able to handle mechanics at the same level. [/quote]

I know this feeling well

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Path Finder is kind of a Catch 22

If we want to fly we have to do it and Blizz goes they are doing it so they like it and if we all protest and not do it they go players don’t want flying even if we were to say we want flying but not Pathfinder.

Just because people do things doesn’t mean it’s popular . Never heard of anyone being excited about doing taxes unless they were an accountant .


Very true, also doesn’t mean it isn’t either.
We won’t ever really know.

I doubt it . I’ve seen plenty of questions in the past about it for the Q & As and next to class questions it is the most commonly avoided question by them.

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