Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Yeah, mentioned that earlier.

My thinking was that flight would have to cost something and that this cost would have to be equally relative to each player’s wealth. But, then I realized flight doesn’t necessarily need to cost anything.

Azerite traits and essences. The removal of player agency by locking progression on daily and weekly timers.

There’s a lot for a character to do to progress, but not a whole lot of it is enjoyable on a base level.

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Thing is a lot of people (may or may not be most people) see it as them (Blizz) shoe horning people into content they don’t want to do.


Yeah always giving bracer rewards when thats already my highest ilvl item… happens far too often across multiple toons to be a coincidence lol.

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There will be few people doing that again. Blizzard can take its time patching in flight or establish it at launch (as it should be). I won’t consider buying SL till flight is unlocked.

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Timers doesn’t remove player agency.
It simply prevents people from rushing to the end of the content, coming to the forums and complaining about not enough content.
You actually have a lot of agency in this game.
Azerite traits, assuming you’re referring to ones for higher tiered content, don’t have an impact at all on casual players since they aren’t doing that content anyway.
Essences, you do not need nor should you go for all of them. Min/maxers have resources outside of the game that tells them exactly which ones are BiS for them. For casuals, they only need level 1 essences to complete the content they would be doing anyway which they can get through doing basic stuff.

There you go with enjoyable again.

I have friends who play this game literally just for pet battles, they don’t raid, they don’t PvP, just explore and hunt pets. That is enjoyable for them. Different people enjoy different things and you keep bringing up enjoyment as a factor of something being missing, but you’re trying to apply it as a whole to players which doesn’t actually work.

YOU aren’t enjoying the things you have to do to progress in this game, which is fine. But the thing about progression, when has it ever been something purely enjoyable? Progression has always been a chore. You’ve always had to grind in some way, shape or form in this game (and others). The difference now is that you are limited in what you can grind because of gates which are there to keep people from going off the rails and burning themselves out of content.

It’s literally a stop-gap meant to help players (while at the same time milking them for money lol)

All I know is all my alts will be leveling in the non PF zones in spite of the fact I already have them all

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I actually enjoy not having flying until the end of the expansion, you get more immersed on the ground in my opinion.
That and I’m probably used to it from all the other mmos I play that don’t have flying lol.

Ah, man, I’m not interested arguing these points here and this thread. There are countless others to do so.

You asked for specifics, it was a courtesy.

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No it’s good you went into specifics, the problem is, you made a statement that there are things in game detrimental to both casual players and non-casuals, which isn’t actually true.

Take it as defeat if you like. I’ve made detailed posts on the subjects in other threads, even this week.

I’m not interested going through this again.


Oh you have?
Got a link, I’d love to talk about this more if this thread doesn’t work for you.

Me too. And if they are foolish enough to retain legacy Pathfingers, a lot of players will just avoid WoD-BfA.

I feel sorry for players who will be new to WoW in SL because they will be forced/required to level in BfA and won’t have the option to elect an earlier expansion.

Three players I brought to WoW during BfA all quit because BfA bored them. They were also disappointed that they couldn’t unlock AR without playing Legion, and on top of that, they couldn’t fly in Legion or BfA without doing multiple Pathfingers.

I don’t see new players being enthralled. Far from it. The fact that players are new to the game doesn’t make the boring, redundant, gated, on-a-rail BfA content any more appealing.

Indeed, the new players I referred to had their first impression of WoW in BfA, and all of them wondered what the big deal was. Two of them just quit, one plays Classic with me now.


This is something they need to address.
But they’ll hesitate to make necessary changes because of all those players who worked for flying who would have a hissy fit.

This is BS progression didn’t always feel like a chore, it used to come from getting better and doing harder content not from checking off a list of dailies to get essences or whatever to then do the content that you like.


God no, dailies/weeklies have always been horrible design.
Always had to grind rep in some form, dailies since TBC/WOTLK

By the time I got flying ,I had 3 120s all the requirements for Part 1 and around a years wait for part 2

I was past immersed . Part 1 should open for initial zones like Zandalar and Kul Tiras and Part 2 for zones like Mechgon and Nazjatar.

The only cool part about Part 2 for me this expansion was the fact I got it on my 52 bday

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Why not? They didn’t give a carp about P.Oing players who earned water walking mounts when they destroyed them and replaced them with for-sale-or-craft-only perishable equiment?

So why should they care if some flakes get upset that they earned Pathfinger and other people don’t have to now?

Seriously, I had to walk for 40 levels and I danced for joy when that was reduced to 20 in Cata. Did I care that players new to the game could mount at 20? No.

Neither I suspect, will most reasonably well adjusted players. Removing legacy Pathfinger would be a huge benefit to the game.

Failure to do so is going to mean that WoD-BfA will be ghost towns.

No one is going to bother doing legacy Pathfinger, if they can just fly in old zones at max for a fee.


I’m not sure how I could do this without dumping links that may or may not be relevant to this thread. You can look through my post history, I guess.

Sorry, I feel that it’s important not to have a thread take up too many different discussions all at once. It confuses each others intent.