Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

Again, you generalise too much. Everyone has a breaking point.


Not at all, common phenomenon, it’s called the sunk cost fallacy and I would bet hard cash is the reason why people who are angry and still play the game, are still playing the game.

That wasn’t an argument, that was an honest question.

You should really study human behavior.
Because no, this actually isn’t true at all.
People will put up with abuse their entire lives rather than take a risk and walk away.

I’m guilty of behaving this way too. The thing is, as time passes without any real improvement, there comes a time when you begin to play less and less and finally none at all.

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Announcing that they’re removing the Caravan mount rubs me the wrong way and I didn’t have any plans on buying it.

This is true, I’ve even quit myself a few times.
But I always find a reason to come back.

Hell, I skipped MoP out of annoyance of Pandas and didn’t come back until WoD when I left again cause of Garrison’s lol. Back again a month or so later.

ok, i answered it. it has nothing to do with inflation. just how much of an idiot ion wants to be.


Yes, I know. The old frog not hopping out of the slowly boiling water metaphor.

What you misunderstand, is that not everyone feels the heat at the same rate. That’s why you are over generalising.

You also continue to ignore that people are also genuinely enjoying the game as it is now.

All happened in Cata.

No, I understand that there are those who still find enjoyment in their current play. I see it here by how defensive some posters behave towards any kind of change.

What I also understand, is that many players have retired during BFA out of frustration.

Both sides need to be considered for the future health of the game.


Yes and no.
Considering both sides is kind of how we got here.
They won’t succeed catering to two opposite player groups.

They need to focus on one, and let the chips fall where they may.

Just get rid of the rep part and simplify it .

1: Starts at beginning of expac
2: Must get Lore Master and Explorer for initial zones
3: Reach max level
4: Part 1 opens flying in initial zones

Part 2 opens when the next zones open and do a Lore Master and Explorer for those zones for flying.

Each zone gets it’s own PF no more waiting around a year for flying.

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Or they don’t have a problem with it.

Blizzard can take Pathfinder and shove it up their______!


I disagree. There are huge design flaws present in BFA that restrict both types of players. The more casual players aren’t deep enough to experience most of it.

There was the time when game developer Chris Kaleiki mocked the whole pvp community for wanting any balance changes in a now deleted tweet.

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Like, specifically?

Yes and many are not enjoying it they are playing because they feel they have too much invested and are hoping maybe next expansion they get back on track.

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