Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

You have to be a moron not to see the trends in the gaming industry as a whole.
Nothing happens in a vacuum.
What games are currently on top in terms of players in the world right now, casual games made to be more accessible to a larger number of players.
WoW was designed in the very beginning to be a casual game made accessible to a larger number of players than its predecessors.
You have presidents of companies openly acknowledging that mmo players are no longer playing as long as they used to, that players engage with content while it is new, then take breaks until the next content patch.
You have streamlined systems that cater not to players who want to work hard for their loot, but people who have less time.
If Blizzard wants to keep WoW going, they’ll push hard into the casual market. They brought Classic back to satisfy those player unhappy with retail as this offers players who want it that sense of meaning in an mmo.

And single player games, depending on what they are, often don’t sell well at all actually. Sure, there are exceptions here and there, but more often than not, these are console exclusives building upon an already existing IP (GoW/Persona). But this is the console market, not the PC.

I’ve played on the same server since launch and this isn’t my experience at all in fact. The guild this character always has people on, has regularly scheduled raids, mog runs, etc. My main has two dedicate raid groups. You see people crowding Kul Tiras and SW, you see a lot of people leveling away at all.

Is it less than when BFA launched, sure, but it’s by no means empty.

You’re really going to need to define healthy at some point as healthy for an mmo generally means an active player base. SWTOR is a healthy mmo and its number are far less than WoW.

To be fair, developers should start standing up for themselves more. The attitude of players has gotten significantly more entitled and hostile (not without cause)

They’ve had stuff like that going on for a while though as did other mmos

To be fair, they have the actual numbers when it comes to how many players are doing what. We don’t.

Again, depends on the player.
There are in fact a great many people who have been enjoying BFA, they just don’t come here (if you look closely, the forums are filled with the exact same people all the time)

I do agree their game philosophy is not working, but that’s what you get when you try to cater to everyone.

This is a completely asinine statement.
If you think they put so much time and effort into this game without passion and love for the game, you really have something wrong with your head.

I could go into this one from an educational and professional standpoint, but no point. Just gonna say you’re half right.

Some of you should really look into studying human behavior and why people do the things they do, not from the perspective of Blizzard, but yourselves.

Dear God yes.
Over the last 20 years, gamers have become increasingly more demanding, impatient and entitled, the rise of social media has amplified this so many times.

Honestly, sometimes I think Blizzard should just pack up their ball and go home, then just watch as people lose their mind that they aren’t being acknowledged anymore.

Blizzard has a lot of stuff they need to work on, but not being spiteful isn’t one of them.

They need to focus on a direction and stick with it. Stop catering to the demands of players, stick to the game they want to make. Players will play or they won’t. It truly is that simple.

So is riding. That went down a lot.

They’re unlikely to adjust it for new expansions, but they’ll find some way to balance it out for older ones.
It would piss a lot of people off if they suddenly allowed people to simply buy flying.

I don’t think it is out of spite… I think it is out of a desire to ‘extend’ content consumption.

Fact is, unless they make every bit of content interior content, flight makes it very convenient to get around and complete quests and such.

This is why Pathfinder is set up in a way that you can only achieve it after competing the intended outdoor content.

That said… I have no desire to complete it anymore. I am leveling a new character and I seriously thought about completing Pathfinder 2… but then I realized that I needed to do two rep grinds to complete it and I have no desire to grind out either reps because I have no desire to really participate in ‘current’ content… both open world and Dungeon/raid.

I don’t think it would really bother me if they changed it. Right now it is a barrier for new players that want to fly and they have to complete Pathfinder for each expansion. I think a lot of people just dungeon level to skip the content now anyway. I don’t mind doing the content I don’t mind Pathfinder part 1 I wouldn’t even mined there being a part 2 if they allowed us to fly and original zones after completing Pathfinder part 1

For new players, it’s atrocious and will need to be addressed or rendered obsolete at some point.

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No, it’s not spite to me.
Pathfinder part one is fine
Part 2 takes entirely too long

IMO they are doing everything they can think of to make content last longer


well their constant attempts to gimp restrict or otherwise limit flight doesn’t seem to be making people happy so hey lets go out on a limb here and trying something crazy you know like letting people buy flight the way we used to that worked for years and seldom got any complaints other than from the occasional ganker or corpse camper because their victims were harder to kill due to flying


Instead of trying to emulate the competition, first you should make sure that you’re product is enjoyable. Otherwise it’s not going to last into the future.


Yep, a true Blizzard apologist. Are you sure that you’re not paid staff?


This I agree with, however you assume that more people are not enjoying the game than those that are. You don’t have those numbers. You could be right for all I know, but anecdotal evidence means squat.

The one restrict they had back in WoD and Pathfinder which you can get by simply playing the game?

Pathfinder. Is. Not. A. Big. Deal.

You get it simply by playing the game you would already be playing anyway.
I could totally understand if it was blocked by something nobody ever does like pvp, but it isn’t. It’s unlocked by playing the game. I wish they’d speed up part two but at the end of the day, it takes no more time or energy than you’d be expending playing every day anyway. 23 days exactly, from start to finish once part two is unlocked (not counting contracts or random rep token drops). Gets you the rep you need to unlock flying, playing no more than 1-2 hours a day.

It’s funny how you read that and think apologist, but omit the parts where I talk about what they need to fix lol.

I know, you have a hard on for Blizzard and everything they do hurts your fragile ego, but dude, this is just a game.

Blizzard used to only release products when they were ready, not releasing a half finished product.

Beta has become a preorder preview, nothing more.



4 million left in wrath. more left in mop. this game hasn’t been new or shiny since 2010. stop pretending flight impacts this that much.

My opinion back then, and it’s still unchanged: Either we all fly, or nobody flies.

To come out and tell us nobody flies, and then turn around and say ok, you can fly, but … you have to do this and this and this, etc. That’s just stupid.

I will fly where I can, and once I get to the areas where you can’t fly (from WoD on, I guess), but don’t expect anything special from me. I already have put money into other games that I could have put into WoW, but I’m not doing that anymore.

One good turn deserves another.

I agree with the 2nd part, but the first is a gross exaggeration.
I’ve played literally every game Blizzard has produced and no, they did not wait until it was ready. Every one of their games has had issues at launch and some of them have issues that are still in those games YEARS after release.

I know right?!?

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The difference is there emphasis on pre order cash grabs, locking them into a date too soon to give the product proper justice.

It does well for them but I promise you, they will continue to see diminishing returns if they continue to treat their players like this.

Finally you start saying something factual!
Took you long enough.
They have more stringent and arbitrary deadlines now due to pressures from management which has caused a lot of things to be more present than before, but their previous games were never “done when they were ready”

Again, yes and no.

They’ll lose the fanboys.
But there are more casuals than fanboys in here now anyway.
Look at the MMO genre as a whole, everything is dominated by people who just play to have fun and aren’t trying to push anything difficult, don’t get bothered by changes and just roll with it.

Even casuals will notice that the game has shifted into an unhealthy state when there’s less players to populate it.

You generalise too much, why do you assume that all casual players aren’t unimpressed also? Everyone has a breaking point.


this is another stupid argument. there is no requirement for flight cost to be inflationary. in fact it could even be free at max level.


People have been saying that since TBC and WoW (somehow) is still the most dominant mmo on the market, even though other games do so much of what WoW does better.
You completely underestimate people and their desire to make their time matter.
People will continue playing because they’ve been here since the beginning and can’t think of leaving all that time behind.

Hell, people still play FFXI, an older game than WoW and STILL pay a sub for it.