Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

I believe it was the developer for the shadow Priest animation People were not impressed and he came back with something along the line.

If you do not like it un install the game.

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Well only basic flight skill is cheaper now. Originally it was 1500g, in Cata it was reduced to 250g. 270% and 310% are still 5k.

Area flight licenses in Wrath was 100g, eventually reduced to the nothing it is now, Cata was free, Pandaria was 2500g now nothing.

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nor would they resort to having to use 6 month sub purchases as incentive to help artificially inflate the time played metric


I like the 6 month sub, personally. It saves money on the sub cost overall and sometimes they give you a mount!

Thereā€™s a lot of circumstantial evidence, in this thread, such as the 6 month subscription deals which are planned well ahead of time.

I donā€™t believe Blizzard is spiteful, at least not intentionally. They just stubbornly believe that they know what we want more than we do.

ā€œYou think you do, but you donā€™tā€

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I think some individuals on the dev team are spiteful. This can be true without it being a company policy.


yeah but mostly they give you aā€¦ā€¦ā€¦well its a lot more vulgar term for mount which is unsuitable for repeating here so lets just use our own imaginations on the rest of that phrase :rofl:


I will accept that has a reasonable idea since that does seem to be Ion fav line.

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Possibly, but I wouldnā€™t spout it as fact. I honestly see it more as denial.

hehe Koloi I have maintained a 6 month sub for most of my WoW playing days, stopping only (going to month to month) after WoD, when I stopped playing regularly.

Since Classicā€™s launch Iā€™m on almost daily so for me a 6 mo sub makes sense.

Denial of what, exactly?

Denial that their current game design philosophy is a right one.

Thereā€™s a lot to do with current content but not a whole lot of it is actually enjoyable. At least not in the long run.

Donā€™t confuse hubris with denial.

well itā€™s been a good discussion and glad to see many see the same issues I do and i have seem some issues I did not know were present.

Does the game have problems Yes
does the developers have negative Bias to the players Yes
could the company fix the game Maybe but with the all the broken promises and lies the trust is really low.


in order for Blizzard to be in denial first it would require them to acknowledge there is a problem and you know Watcher doesnā€™t make mistakes I mean just ask him he will say so


I would have thought them doubling down on the worst parts of Legion was a sign of denial but Iā€™ll go educate myself on the difference. Cheers.

Edit: I can see that I was mistaken. I still donā€™t agree that they are fuelled by spite but arrogance definitely rings true.

There needs to be a passion of love towards the game again by the developers. The art and music department have been creating stellar work, I wish that the developers could act in the same way again.

Treating WoW purely through a business model, isnā€™t doing the game or its players any justice.


This wins the arguments!

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ask any psychologist they will tell you than denial of a problem does in fact prove the existence that there is an underlying problem which Blizzard is clearly refusing to admit such a possibility is not even on their radar


True they donā€™t yes. But others do. Donā€™t be naĆÆve please.

Nighty night everyone stay safe and have fun.