Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

I’m not trying to pile on you, but I was hoping you could direct me to the source of your conclusion that the ‘casual’ gamer ‘actually makes up their largest player base by far’?

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hence the reason they no longer make the actual sub count public seriously if the game is growing and more people are joining every day wouldn’t you want the entire world to know about it?

hiding such information only verifies that things aren’t not going as good as they want us to believe


“Moot” not “mute”, carry on

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If you’re looking for an official Blizzard source, don’t have it, which won’t satisfy some people but a lot of this comes from trends in the genre, comments from Blizzard staff (specifically Blizzard acknowledging that mythic is only attmepted by roughly 5% of the playerbase), comments from other mmo developers when asked about gaming trends in mmos today, paying attention, talking with people, seeing what content is getting farmed and what people are doing. You’d be amazed what you learn just doing basic research.

This in addition to design decisions, systems that cater to people with less playtime available to them, adding content that requires minimal to no effort.

The removal of any significant PvP gear, streamlining classes to make them easier to play.

All of this points to catering to an audience that doesn’t want things complicated.

No MMO shows actual numbers though, it isn’t just a Blizzard thing.

The Blizzard apologist, everyone.

Doesn’t live from player’s experiences, he only parrots what Blizzard wants him to.


Shakes head so no ACTUAL Numbers and you believe a company that has lied to it’s player base many times over…

YOU do know one of the Orginal Developers posted on You Tube the game just needs to die it’s THAT bad.


They aren’t spiteful. Most of you are just whiny imo.

If you were me, how would you go about beginning research into determining the most prevalent type of WoW player (casual, for example)?

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Someone did a link yesterday about leaked subs and quest what it says only 1.2 mil are subbed atm. And to rub salt into the wound more play Classic not retail.

See, knew people would jump in with something lol.
Not an apologist, just someone who pays attention to industry trends is all.
The gaming industry has been shifting to casual players for over a decade now.

That was proven to be false a while ago iirc

There are websites to show completion rates of content, you can look online for interviews from devs for design decisions and why, watch enough of them over the years and things piece together. Yoshida from FFXIV did an amazing interview a few weeks ago talking about the rise in the casual mmo player, the one who logs on, plays for a few hours a day and leaves and the mmo player who logs on for new content and leaves until new content comes again. He acknowledged this as an industry trend for the genre. I know sometime around Blizzcon there was an interview with Blizzard and they acknowledged the amount of people who actually bother with mythic content. Assuming mythic content is “hardcore” and so few playing it, by definition, that makes the rest more casual.

A lot of people here, don’t bother to really look outside of their bubble to the industry as a whole, so you get a lot of people who don’t really know much about anything.

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Thank you for the direction. :slight_smile:

Where we are at with BFA now has been trending this was since WOTLK.
We don’t have the Wrath babies insult for no reason.
This is when they started shifting to cater to casual players.

I dont cause i enjoy leveling alts with flying.

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You’re delusional if you think that’s not correct cause believe me retail is empty by a long shot now. Once you could log morning/night/day and this game was thriving not any more it empty more then its full of players. But keep ignoring the signs this game is in a bad way atm. Hence pets mounts 6 months sub and the selling of SL trying to boost sales. But keep dreaming.


THANK YOU I am NOT the only one to see this more and MORE. And yet people still defend this game


You sound like EA preaching that single player games don’t sell. Guess what, the trend shifts.

You are indeed, an apologist. I hope Blizzard is paying you for your hard work.


Albeit anecdotal, it seems obvious to me that there are far less players online these days than pre-BFA and pre-Classic.


This is really troubling, honestly.

It doesn’t trouble me because it hurts my feelings. I’m not some kid who cares what some rando game dev thinks of me.

It troubles me because it’s incredibly stupid and unprofessional. The Internet is never private. Teachers and cops and restaurant workers and all manner of kinds of employees have lost their jobs because of online mockery of various kinds. Do Blizzard employees think they are immune? If they didn’t think of that, they aren’t very bright. If they were quite sure publicly mocking players is perfectly fine with management? That says really bad things about management, doesn’t it.

Professionalism is a thing. Players aren’t required to be professional. Employees are supposed to be. I have no issues with devs making jokes in-person, off-line, privately. All employees do that to blow off steam. But you don’t do it publicly.

Gamers can be awful. So can students, patients, and all customers. If you can’t deal professionally, maybe you aren’t fit to be a professional.


Could you elaborate, guys? Devs mocking players?

And you would be correct. And since i have played on the same server since I started, I can honestly tell you the numbers are down so very low. We on the oceanic servers want to be merged down to boost our numbers.
Ican honestly tell you when I did Mecha and Naj I have a 4 hour window where there is maybe 8 horde players and maybe 20 alliance players

you can do /who when on the game to see who is in the zone with you.
Most of the players I see on the list are NOT visible to me unless I group up and get phased to what ever server they are on.

If the game was healthy and working as intended we would not need sharding or cross realms