Is blizzard ready for 1 million + classic players?

Right, your logic of only 8 servers on launch being a clear indicator of success, or lack thereof, being a logical fallacy because of how businesses invest their money wasn’t debunked at all. It’s pretty clear why you keep responding to me with zero content.

What evidence are you looking at? You have none, as Classic isn’t out yet. Yet, all of the evidence that does exist, which proves WoW and MMORPG’s are a dying breed because the games on the market are god awful, points to the likelihood that Classic will bring back a huge player-base being the only game of its kind on the market.

I think retail fanboys like yourself that ignore all of the evidence and claim Classic will fail are casual gamers that want an easy game with everything spoonfed to them.

Here’s another piece of evidence that works against you:
Literally every single retail streamer that streamed beta had 4-5x the viewership of normal. Where do you think these viewers came from? Asmongold had 80-110k every stream, compared to his usual 15-20k. Why do you think that is, genius?

And to answer your entirely hypothetical question that has absolutely no merit or place in a debate like this, I’d think by phase 2, Classic NA will have conservatively 75 servers.

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