Is blizzard only catering to elite players?

This guy is a mythic raider. But he wants to claim he can speak for the true casuals™, mythic raiders. Everybody else in the game is “baddies”.

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Obviously it’s going to differ for different classes and specs. And it big sucks that they didn’t have it set up to cater for the differences. But from my pov on a ret paladin the progress has been incredible fun. Since Friday night ive been smashing delves, getting great gear (except for my apparently cursed leg slot), watching my ilvl go up, and in turn putting up the level of the delves. I just cleared 8 last night.

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Well if you can, great and if you can’t that’s okay too. Just thought I’d ask.

I think this is a great idea.

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I can see it being fun on a Paladin. My lock suffers tho. My hunter can solo a bit, but its far funner in a group.

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Yes, of course WoW heavily caters to the elite top 1%

But they also cater heavily to the bottom 1% of actual babies who want 0 challenge or resistance ever.

Average players like us don’t get anything.

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you’d have only one difficulty

I mean other difficulties besides mythic are being increasingly made irrelevant. Along with the overworld/leveling.

gear would probably not be a thing

Yea gear barely matters in retail WoW and is very easy to acquire.

everyone would have the same loadout.

Class homogenization is high and respecing has no cost. So everybody essentially does have the same loadout depending on the content.

I’m gonna have to disagree. If we’re talking about raiding maybe that would be the case, but gearing now is also M+ and having different classes in wow with different utility wasn’t what I was talking about but pretty much simply not having a talent system.

Blizzard essentially did remove the talent tree after Shadowlands.

Remember when they tried to give players meaningful decisions for their class with covenants? Player’s complained.

Now talent tree’s are just something you swap between aoe pulls and single target pulls. Because that’s what the elite players wanted.

I love M+, as do the people I play with, and none of us use heroic dungeons to learn routes or mechanics. We’ll do our learning in M+ dungeons as we progress. Heroic dungeons are trivial content and you don’t really learn much in them when they are this easy.

The actual elite players have done their learning in the M+ dungeons in the beta. They certainly don’t need heroic dungeons for that.

Solo players asked for challenging content with appropriate rewards. Delves offer this, but now some of the same solo players complain that the content is too hard. Yet they still want heroic track rewards.

The way Delves were tuned last week didn’t compare even remotely to the difficulty level of +7s and up or heroic raid bosses (not to mentioned that these take more social effort, coordination, and time as well).

The question is really: What do you want? Challenging solo content with appropriate rewards? Or just heroic and mythic track rewards for minimal effort and doing trivial content?

Shadowlands covenants were a fiasco and I think most people agree with that. It’s still way different to say that everyone should be equal in terms of loadout which is what elite players would want. You need to make the difference between elite and simply people min/maxing.

I don’t think even the most elite players want classes or specs removed.

They just want talents to have no cost to swap. And for leveling/gearing new characters to be as quick as possible. And that’s what we have now.

I wouldn’t say the game caters solely to elites, but it definitely does cater to them in some weird ways.

I mean… it makes sense. M0 is the equivalent of a 10 in the old system. Wouldn’t you want to go into Heroic and then M0 to learn these old dungeons first? How many people were around for Grim Batol that are playing now? How is that different than when M+ was just the pool of that expansion’s dungeons?

Delves were supposed to be the casual small group or solo quick equivalent of M+ to last the entire season, not devour in days. They simply didn’t think through the original pace/cadence nor the key acquisiton or tiers. They tried to compensate and keep screwing it up.

No player can gatekeep.

I mean… shouldn’t you know your class before you walk into a raid of any sort? I’m confused.

No you didn’t. You decided to insult people and be condescending right from the start.

It’s going to be like pulling teeth to get Blizzard to do what needs to be done with this game. But they’ve finally been forced into at least acknowledging solo gear progression needs to be a thing.

They’re entrenched in their ideology of running gear progression through esports and elitism, when that stuff should be reserved for titles only.

Solo gear progression being relegated to second classhood will not be acceptable going forward.

Challenging solo content with appropriate rewards?

I just think it’s bad design to take the same level and remake it with 13 different difficulties.

People want challenging solo content. But they need to be made by competent game designers, and blizzard doesn’t seem to have those.

Key acquisition is fine. I think they need to have more of a process to unlocking those higher tiers. I would honesty change so much with delves to make them more fun. They feel pretty unfinished to me

I think they will be forced to recognize how popular solo gear progression actually is. At which point they will need to be giving more resources to it if they want more subscribers.

They simply didn’t think through the original pace/cadence nor the key acquisiton or tiers.

I think a huge part of the problem is that delves are at best 8 hours of content being stretched to be 60+ hours of content.

Meanwhile the overworld is easily 60+ hours of content being condensed into 8 hours of content…

That is not true at all…

Vanilla and TBC, had one difficulty for raids, yet it was the most casual state of WOW in the history.

You had so many BIS items dropping outside of group content, you had so many professions that could make you rich, simply by just picking a flower, mining some ore or crafting some bags, offering enchants…

The quest content was so rich, that you could play half a year before reaching level 60. Today, you play a day and are max level and then it is game over for the Casual…

Class balance is based on Mythic content, a class does better than another and may offer Casuals an easier path, bam we slam it with a huge nerf, as no class should be better than the other…

The freedom of play, the richness of content outside of min / maxing is just gone.

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I agree.

When WoW was the biggest PC game in the world people were mostly playing it solo or maybe coop with a friend.

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I hear you and this has been happening for several expansions re: normal dungeons. I am an average player, maybe a bit above average but not much. I have done tier 5 and 6 solo delves on warlock, spriest, evoker, druid, and mage. They are doable. You just have to use your whole kit, which most of us are not used to in PvE.