Is blizzard only catering to elite players?

Did you really just take a few quotes from randoms on the internet and decide they speak for Blizzard?

I know everything on the internet is true.

Thank you for your useless input.

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Useless input for a useless post. Garbage in, garbage out.

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Y’all are still struggling with M0’s??

I don’t even understand how.

No, those dungeons are the current season 1 content. They’re added to heroics so casuals can join in on the season and not be stuck doing the same 8 dungeons for the entire expansion. This is the opposite of catering to the elite

Yes the majority of endgame content revolve around elite players

Ok this does make sense but this also means whoever is running these is trying to learn the optimal way to run them in Mythic+. Let’s say a casual players goes in these and pulls one pack too many or dies, then what happens to that player? I’m not even talking about myself but any random player who’s not a Mythic player. Doesn’t this cause a problem?

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I think those who are the majority of wow solo players, what he’s saying speaks to them/us.

The mobs hit too hard for many players. For my ilvl 584 mage (at T8) I’ve completed 4 of them and I basically have to DPS the bosses very slowly to make sure I don’t pull aggro. If I do, I’m dead. That’s not fun gameplay, for me at least.

Granted, I despise souls games, but as this guy said in the video, the hits are like mythic raiding. I fund M+ to be far easier as the tanks can tank, and the healers can heal. With Delves it’s all about restraint and careful, slow, casting. No clue how others do it.


M+ players aren’t running heroics to do their routes, they’re not the reason people are getting kicked.

See this video is exactly what I was trying to say but my ADHD makes me go all over the place with my thoughts lol. They’ve become some sort of hybrid Mythic+ Torghast now.

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Since Cata

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Having the rerun M+ dungeons take over the Heroic dungeon rotation is pretty bizarre.

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Normal dungeon queues are still “new content,” but heroic dungeons now you give you boosted Great Vault rewards once a week, which they never used to do. Would you give up the vault reward to have heroics removed from the “seasonal” pool and limited to the 8 new dungeons?

It’s an MMO so they naturally should encourage group play, but I appreciate that they’re evolving to support solo players with Follower Dungeons and Delves (plus adding open-world events to the Great Vault along with Delves). However Delves were NEVER designed strictly for solo play. Ion said in an interview before Beta was even out that Delves would be for solo players or small groups up to 5.

What’s new is that Solo players have a path to Great Vault loot and with Tier-8 Delves that’s the same as end-of-run for a +5 key, or great vault for a +7 key, loot that solo players never had access to previously (so rejoice?).

When you run some delves on your shadow priest, could you make a thread and tell us how it went?

I have a spriest but am not very good at it and I doubt I could run my mage at low gear level through a tier 5 as I can’t even do a tier 4 on this prot pally.

The last thing the game needed is for yet more of it to be squeezed into the toilet hole of M+ design. Bad enough they already shoved raiding down that hole.

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What u mean they had heroic and timewalking vault in DF

That’s not trolling. That’s just trying to knock people out of their wrong mindset. So many people are approaching delves expecting them to be easy. They aren’t.

Nice to know I’m an elite player though. Maybe now my parents will be proud of me!

Lmao I don’t even bother with heroics anymore. It’s such a reach to say ppl are using them for routes that I’m surprised you didn’t strain yourself from it.

Find something else to QQ about, shouldn’t be a problem for you.

Theyre too hard to progress solo for the gear they give. Just like normal dungeons not giving even an Ilvl to get into heroics.

Its broken.

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I can try to remember to do that. My priest is still at level 70 and I play the game pretty casually, so I won’t be rocketing them to 80.

I plan to give Blizzard some in-depth feedback, because I think Delves could use a bit of work, but I also think there’s a lot of potential in them to provide something longterm for players like me that aren’t interested in finding groups for dungeons or raids.

But I want to at least wait until the end of this season so I can put time into experiencing Delves through a range of classes/specs (I’m a big alt player, so hurrah for Warbands) and provide some feedback that isn’t based on a narrow view of the content.

I also plan to gear some of these alts entirely through Delves to see how viable it is to progress through the tiers without having to get upgrades elsewhere.

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