Is blizzard only catering to elite players?

I do agree that Delves are not much fun. They are light on mechanics (let alone interesting mechanics) and heavy on HP sponginess.

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Agreed. Things have never been easier.

  • Follower dungeons to avoid toxic players
  • Delves which get you Great Vault gear
  • Pathfinder unlocked in mere hours
  • Allied Race Earthen, easiest unlock ever
  • Loremaster achievement, done in just a few days
  • Open world dailies, easy to solo

I am almost Raid geared and have no plans to raid. If anything I think elitists are probably shook at how fast we are keeping pace, yet not in their way for Mythics and such. Rapidly becoming my favorite expansion to date!

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Yeah I think that’s something most people don’t understand. Even in vanilla it was incredibly solo friendly. In fact you could get the best year in the game by just solo pugging BGs. You could pug raids and get the best PvE gear in the game. You had options.

I don’t mean how often we get keys. I mean how we acquire them/how they work was not done intelligently to make this a type of content that could last the season where people could take a key and build it up each week. Sort of like M+.

Basically, they could have done something with how we acquire and use the keys in order to do what you said: have more of a process to unlocking the higher tiers.

I also think 8 tiers for a season wasn’t going to cut it. Make it 10 or 12, then the bragging rights tiers after that.

I just feel like some intern grabbed Horrific Visions, sprinkled some Torghast on it, tossed a follower in the mix and called it a day with no thought to how to properly introduce season long progression.

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Definitely, I think it’s just a general rule that people would rather play with their friends than with strangers. And that they like to have things to do when they’re friends aren’t online.

To me that’s what made the MMO genre stand out from other genres.

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I don’t believe this to be true. There was a lot of group play in the early days, and there were many quests you couldn’t do alone. Running dungeons before the RDF required a fair amount of social effort. Guilds were brimming with activity.

That was a time when people picked up a MMO to play with other people and when it was easy to make new friends, because WoW players were actually social and socially interested.

That’s such a great way to put it

and there were many quests you couldn’t do alone.

People would often just try to do them alone. Or try to 2 man that content with their buddy. I remember attempting that stuff pretty often.

Also some quests I would just skip.

People did run dungeons. Which weren’t queable. BGs were queable, and were also popular.

Idk about other people buy in Vanilla I would constantly pay for carries through dungeons because I was a dumb child. And in classic and in SoD my buddies and I would usually 3 man dungeons.

Guilds were brimming with activity.

I’m pretty sure most guilds were just 3 buddies with 7 suckers they paid a gold to sign their charter.

Yes people did use azeroth as a sort of social media board. But that was a novelty of the early 2000s, not something I think games can recreate in 2024.

How many people cleared the vanilla raids? It was already pretty hardcore to be able to get to endgame in Vanilla, less than 200 guilds cleared Naxxramas. People forget often how little people actually cleared the content before, Lich king heroic 25m didn’t get cleared until Cataclysm for some realms (and that’s with a 30% dmg/hp buff to players).

Ok and? You can be a casual and raid at a mythic level.

Never claimed this once actually.

Nope, just people who cope a lot and make up things like you have been doing

Nah , a difficult setting is like nearly zero percent content for high end players. For them mechanics are content, you put everything in placeholder and add extra mechanics they will be happy .


Solo players asked for challenging content with appropriate rewards.
Delves offered this right up to Thursday night and everyone was happy, but now the same solo players who enjoyed delves complain that the content is too hard after the buff.
Yet they still want heroic track rewards.

Why were we able to get the gear upgrade from T8 until Thursday but now we can’t even finish a 6? Why would I want to do a 6 if my gear is higher than what that delve drops? Do you even grasp the fact that this game is working solely on the dopamine we get from loot? If I run an hour in a delve with all the new challenges just to get a 556 green trinket, explain to me how that was remotely satisfying?

Anyway… this conversation will lead to nothing because “git gud” or "you just want stuff without working for " yada yada.

Whatever. I had fun for one whole week in them. I’ll just go fish and explore now.

there are 4 difficulties to raids, infinite difficulties to dungeons, and 12ish difficulties to delves.

none of them is for you??

OP wants free loot.

Otherwise you’d do gear and skill appropriate levels of delves. I find it sort of hard to believe you can’t even complete a D1.

I rest my case. Bye.

Why ‘bye’, are you off to go do a delve level lower than 8 now?

They exist.

The common thread among all the complaints is a belief that delves should indeed be free loot no matter how “casual”. Well casual doesn’t have to mean a bad player. Where else is the content for skilled but solo players? Where’s their progression?