Is Blizzard hq on fire or something?

They already communicated with you. You just didn’t like what they said. :man_shrugging:

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The blues post all the time… just not about Classic.

I dont think they expected people to be done with all the content already or the long que times, so they are probably going to change there stance on a lot of things. They will half to other wrath will be just as dead as TBC classic was.

They’ve said no to this. About 4 times now.

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I would say so. I’m pretty sure most new or returning players who wanted try out classic wotlk did not wait until the release of the expansion to start leveling a fresh toon.


Wrath wasnt out at the time they said no to RDF. I would expect a lot of things to change.

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They posted about classic and RDF.

They said you weren’t getting it.

That is what you are not getting.

Get it?

It’s wrath launch why would you expect those zones to be busy lol

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Yeah, it’s pretty bad. The upside is there’s tons of peeps to run dungeons and other content with but it feels like a glorified megaserver now. It feels like Grobb has lost it’s identity. As someone who has been around Grobb since Classic launch I really miss the RP Grobbmob! identity it used to have. It kind of just feels like I’m on a retail server with cross realm enabled. Sigh…

That was before wrath released, they have nothing to keep the streamers since they have blown through all the content already, so if they want to keep subs they will have to do something to bring people in, they already stated they dont want a repeat of TBC classic.

chill dude , it’s just a game not our livelihood

And if they haven’t come to a conclusion, then at least acknowledging that the topic is still being discussed is better than complete silence

I said…

Then you said…

So no. I don’t get it. There are near daily posts about Dragonflight, and almost none about Wrath. I said nothing about RDF. Nothing at all.
So good job trying to prove whatever off-topic point you interjected.

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You definitely are not getting it.

That’s wonderful. Any more off-topic non-sequitur replies you’d like to tack on?

Now you are getting triggered because you are not getting it.

I’m triggered because I’m not getting what exactly?

That you are NOT getting it!!!

What in the world? I do not believe you are using the term “Gatekeeping” correctly.

Thank you for letting me know. Appreciate whatever is you’re doing for me.