Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

Considering some people in this topic probably.
And I’m saying that because many of them don’t see the point much and are currently members.

I mean, it’s the only source we have on the matter, no?

If you’re going to go conspiracy theory on me, you got the wrong person to discuss that with.

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You have eyes and a brain to see and think :person_shrugging:

We really really are not. A key difference is that it is not our job to collect feedback from the wider player base to relay to the Devs. Not at all. We were asked to give our feedback based on the communities we were already in - often ones that CMs don’t see such as the private discords, guilds, etc. The Council is not a replacement for the CMs collecting feedback from a wide variety of sources. It is an additional source of info on top of what Blizzard has already.

That is not an opinion. The details of the Council role are facts. You might not LIKE those, and your opinion is you might want the Council to function differently, but the fact is they are not CMs and don’t do the job of CMs to collect feedback from GD.

You were given the actual Council description. It does not get more factual than that really. That is what the Council is. Not what someone else wishes it might be.

Not that you can’t feel free to wish the Council worked differently, just please don’t project your wishes onto the current Council folks who are not at all tasked with that.

You know I have talked extensively with the Blues about this over the years right? I am not making things up.


I guess my experience as a CC member for 1 year and the post AND email that we’ve been given about this should be enough to know what role I actually play (which isn’t anything exciting really)

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I mean that’s pretty much close enough. It’s not because you’re specialized in a part of a community that you can’t be.

The council is an extention of CM … you’re doing part of the CM job.

Reality happens it is not simply said in words.
If you trust 100% of what Blizzard says I have bad news for you.

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… So you think we are collecting the feedback for the CMs and doing their job as unpaid labor so we should double down on it and up the interactions with GD and such? Again, that is not true and I don’t get what it has to do with trusting Blizzard.

I know full well what interactions I have had with the CMs over the years, a lot of years. Not just for WoW, but for Diablo as well, and with the TS/CS team. At one point I was in three MVP programs and the Council at the same time.

If anyone was going to get accused of being some sort of secret free labor for Blizzard it would be me. I was NOT doing their job.


Cyrios posted my whole thread from the PTR in the Council about the lack of updates in the PvP prestige honor system…It didn’t get any replies yet. But I’ll keep pushing changes for that on future PTRs. Thanks Cyrios

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I’d sent some invoices around :joy:

I mean I don’t see what is wrong with that perspective. Is it just the concept of unpaid labor? It is totally fine that players feel they want to involve themselves as much.

I feel the reticence to interact with other players on the wow forums when being part of the wow community council a bit absurd but you carry on.


I still don’t even have a T-shirt! It has been 10 years, not even a single Blizzard T-shirt.

I mostly joke about it. The old “grandma went to vacation spot and all I got was this lousy T-shirt” thing.

I’ll make a CC post about this as we speak! I’ll defend the rights of the GD people

I feel like they’re going to just keep it around because if they get rid of it they know people are going to roast them alive.

I mean nothing would change, they’re already being roasted and throwing us current members on the spit already.

You are free to feel that way. However it is not the JOB of the Council to interact with GD. Feel free to advocate that Blizzard change that if you want, but it is not really fair to complain that people are not doing something - they are not actually expected to do by the people who created the Council.

I mean the CC members if they had a quota to fill and a meeting to show up for me would definitely be up for free gametime at least.

Have you ever heard of the term volunteer advisor? Because that is what we do - if we were paid, our opinion on things would be biased. It is a common thing to do even in political discussion to talk to those who are effected by a change and talk to them as a volunteer advisor.

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Many people get paid for their opinions because their opinions are worth a lot.
Even some surveys pay their people even if cheap.

Again with the quotas. It’s not a job. I’m not being paid. I already have a real life job.