Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

That would be true if the ideologues that are still at the company were on the “wrong think” side of things. However, based very much on their productions both in and out of game this is absolutely unture for them.

So the problem now is you’re not getting paid. Noted.
I knew we would see the same problems.


Because having a “quota” of 1-4 post a month is too much “work”.
I don’t know where you’ll find the time.

Again… What? I think you’re just typing to post at this point.

You are literally derailing the thread into arguments because you want the Council to be something it is not.

  • You don’t run the Council or make decisions.
  • Blizzard does run it and does not compensate people or expect them to do the job of Community managers.
  • You disagree and want it to change - great suggest that then.
  • Don’t expect the Council to perform to YOUR expectations when that is not what they are tasked to do.

You made your suggestion. You want to see the Council serve as a conduit for GD concerns to the Devs in addition to the role of CMs who already do that. You want them to be compensated for that. That is my current take away.

That is not what the Council was designed for but I never know what Blizzard is going to do down the road.


I don’t know at this point I feel CC members are pretty defensive about not doing much.
And blame at this point Blizzard for not interacting with them when they don’t do much.

232 posts in a whole year? They don’t even get rid of the CC for being inactive? This really is worse than the old MVP nonsense.

The forum constantly speaks up, even if it’s mostly just whining. It takes 45 seconds to see what people feel strongly about each few days.

WoW devs have always been elitist, feeling entitled to act like rock stars and rock stars don’t listen to their fans on what to create next because they’re supposed to be creative geniuses, they create the work, the fans applaud, the haters hate and that’s the balm they use to soothe themselves.

And CC are in the end in the haters group in that kind of stunted psychology, no matter how nicely you phrase feedback, no matter how many compliments you sandwich it between, you are telling them they are imperfect, they’ve done wrong, they’ve done things that need fixing and you are giving them a priority schedule that is not their own according to their wants, their plans, their idea of triaging and importance but the players ideas of those things including many things they may like, that may be their babies or may in their minds be low priority issues. They are not in the dojo so they’re outside it.

It may also be that management style is not structured to accept player input and feedback. And it doesn’t help that yes there are a lot of toxic players who are haters without a logical rhyme or reason, who whine and are entitled about the most ludicrous things like a new expac not having a new race or class without consideration to the work not just in a given expac but forever such decisions create and the balance issues.

But it’s a world of difference compared to the FFXIV dev team and leadership style and their relations to their fan/customer-base.

Something should have given a long time ago. Subscriber drops on their own in the post-WoD era should have resulted in the creation of something like the council.

It was their public image being dragged through the mud by the lawsuits and accusations of harassment, discrimination, employee abuse coming atop the wave of SL unsubscribes and streamer hate for their story decisions. And I think that’s all that needs be said. PR made it, the storm has passed, the need for it no longer exists.

CC wasn’t the best idea to begin with. Blizzard have their own launcher, it has the tooling to present people with surveys. There is no reason for them to not present surveys to those with active subscriptions (or who had such subscriptions in the past two years) and ask the whole playerbase for feedback, see priorities, issues, etc. The reason they don’t do this is because they don’t care. They issue surveys to small amounts of the playerbase on things like prices they’ll pay because unlike the devs the accounting people actually care and are afraid of reaching too far or not far enough but that’s it.

Fact is if they’d actually had NDA’ed focus groups and listened to them and if those groups were representative, they’d have canned SL before it ever happened while it was in pre-planning or done it entirely differently.

I don’t know any secret inside information on just what is the does or don’t or expectations of a CC member. So I can’t speak to say what fully they actually do or represent. I always hope that they somehow represented the general over all scope of game players in WoW and actually did forward our feed backs and concerns on the direction of the game in hopes that it would make it better in the future.

Cyrios is one of our EU members. EU members have to make a throw away NA account in order to be eligible to be on the CC. He has his own version of the official forums but to post in the CC he has to use the NA version.


You actually answered yourself there - They get paid and if they get paid it, it tends to be biased no matter what ; may it be for the own benefits. Having unattached opinions is very beneficial for a companies’ growth and in any other position.

Most of us took this Volunteer Position because they want to have an impact for good with no strings attached. If you still disbelief, that’s totally on you. You can disagree if you like, but it doesn’t change why we are here and why we applied (that said, obviously our goals may differ inside the council).


And of course post count is character specific, not account specific. So if he posts off his Council char, it would not be noticed or counted.

Nice try, but that’s not what they said. At this point, it’s painfully obvious you’re trolling.

  • No one ever told us we have to engage in General Discussion
  • I agree people should bow down if they don’t have time, but you can’t have a quota for something you do for free
  • We’re not glorified CMs, nor do any of us intend it to be, if I were, I’d ask you to stop trolling.
  • We’re not ‘‘the voice of the people’’, some of us do represent a certain group of people, like we have a fantastic person who advocates for accessibility in the game and is part of that group as well, but it is certainly not a requirement.
  • If you want to have a conversation with the CC about a topic, make a thread.
  • If you want to raise a topic with the CC, make a thread and tag us.
  • Some of us have put our discord tags in the introduction topic in the CC section
  • It’s not my problem that GD is a big scary place where people can be mean to you, this is the way how to reach us.
  • It’s an option, not a requirement for us to raise an issue/topic/idea on both the CC and GD forums.

I don’t know I’m having a discussion about it. You want to have an argument about it sure.

Sure and that changes nothing on the perception or reality of it.

Well as far as I’ve seen and heard they barely run it and not being compensated seems like it doesn’t make it work better as there’s low participation. Like an abandoned project that you keep alive because you don’t want to kill it.

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My statement still stands. 232 posts in a whole year, that’s hardly active as far as the forum here goes.

Our “work” while being on the CC comes from our passion for the game. We are passionate about potentially seeing a better future for everyone, not just ourselves. This is why we have a 1 year tenure to cycle in new ideas and topics. Some people who join might revisit a former members topics but that’s because they’re passionate about it.

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Being super active on the forums is not a Council requirement though - not to get on it nor stay on it. It should be a requirement they somewhat active in the Council forum, but there are not a lot of threads there and it does not fly by like GD does. Normally you post whatever you have to say and that is that. Not a lot of back and forth on most topics.


Post count isn’t the badge of honour you think it is, friend.

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Look I get it it’s not because it doesn’t say in the job description to be nice to the customer that you have to. You can do the minimum amount of work if you want to that’s your right. And you’re even more right to say that since you aren’t getting paid for it they can’t expect much anything from you. In many ways we agree.