Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

If you feel like it? At the end community council members can also bring discussions to GD if they feel their topic should be talked more by the masses. I feel making a thread in disagreement of a thread by someone else will feel often more like contrarian to start with.

So, you want us to communicate more with the non-CC members, but are not willing to start the communication yourself?

9/10 times I don’t make a thread to discuss things, but to forward it to Blizzard, going by the logic that it actually gets read. :slight_smile:

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I mean I’m not the one with the title.

I didn’t apply for the ‘‘title’’ to communicate with GD?

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Well that was your mistake.

That is one of the takes of all time.

I can understand not wanting to post or interact with the GD forums, especially if you have some other community you are interacting with regularly. But the people that signed up, accepted the invite and then never posted on the CC forums themselves confuse me. Just seems like a waste of everyone’s time.

When I was on the council in the first year there were at least a dozen people that just didn’t participate at all. And only a handful of us ever interacted with the rest of the WoW forums too.


Then you woefully misunderstand the project.

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Cross posting a topic to the Council and then to GD unsolicited can come off as attention seeking and pushy. It tends to backfire unless done very carefully. Someone would not want to post the same thing to both forums at the same time.

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I think you misunderstand that your job is to facilitate communication with the players. It’s not supposed to be a selfish thing.

Pretty much how I see it. But also from the point of view of someone that want to answer to it.

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I’ve only done it twice. Once was by accident and the 2nd was my recent thread about sharding issues which I’m using the GD portion to collect feedback and report issues people are having by linking it to my CC thread.

Other times I’m simply summoned in.

there’s bunches of stuff which i’ve requested over the years, and usually it takes two expansions before changes are made.

i figured that’s because the stages of development are pretty much always an expansion ahead, and everything else is already set in stone and just being fine-tuned.

we have the best cookies.

It is not the role of the Council to interact or communicate with the General forums. They are not elected representatives. They have zero requirement to post on this forum at all. They interact with their own communities - discords, guilds, RP groups, raids, secret finding, whatever. That is the perspective they bring to the Council.

The JOB of the Community Managers is to read GD, twitter, reddit, etc and compile the weekly report on feedback for the Devs. It is NOT the job of the Council to do.

The only thing the Council signed up for was to post on the Council forum to provide feedback to Blizzard. You might think that is a flaw in the design of the Council, but that is the fact of how it works.


No, that’s not the ‘‘job’’ at all?

This program will add another venue for communication between players and WoW developers. Our goal is to gather more detailed feedback on all aspects of World of Warcraft from players around the world with a wide range of backgrounds and interest

Please tell me where it says ‘‘The community council needs to get feedback from other players and discuss the game’’? Gathering feedback is a Community Manager’s actual job, we’re not community managers.


That is my understanding as well. So whatever feedback we are giving now is “lessons learned” to go into an expansion down the road. It is very rare feedback is implemented soon, even Blizzard soon.


I do love those Grumble cookies.


In my opinion you’re pretty much unpaid community managers. People they want to recruit need to represent a part of the community and be able to get that feedback up there. I’m not asking to posts all threads on GD but definitely I would expect a bit more activity from the CC generally on the forums if they want to be involved in current topics.

If they can’t be currently involved on the CC forums it’s a bad start.

Sorry, I didn’t ask for an opinion, but for a factual statement where it says what the ‘‘job’’ is other than what I quoted

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And it’s your opinion to see what Blizzard says as 100% factual.

The best way to address it is delete it. Silly idea in the first place.