Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

You misunderstand that the intent isn’t to have this feedback be acted upon immediately. It’s to have a back and forth with the devs to provide a reason for why these things are happening.

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The changes were never asked for in the first place and they make going back to collect past things horrendous. Blizz saw an issue of their own making and made it worse.

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Hey Nobully,

can only speak on my behalf here, but usually I read a lot of the GD Topics and other sub forums. While I don’t interact much in GD as discussion tend to derail a lot when we reply (atleast from my observation) I still value any feedback and consider them when I feel like posting on something in the CC Forums. By any means, for me, we all in this together and should work together on issues in the game by giving feedback.

On a note, sometimes there is just not the time to read all forums all the time and reply - I try to keep up with it the best I can.


I get why you say that, and I agree that people who are inactive should not be there. However, you set a quota and it becomes a job. It also means people feel forced to make a thread, or comment on threads, JUST to hit a quota, not to offer real feedback.

I think I only made one thread when I was on the CC and it was basically asking for solo dungeons Dungeon and Raid Solo Accessibility for Old & Current Content , although I did comment on several. The big topics were always raiding/mythics or PvP which I don’t do. Alternately some were niche things I don’t have a lot to do with so my comment would not help.

Forced participation is not real participation. Frequent interaction with the Council, and removing those who don’t want to be active, would be better in my opinion.

It would mean having an active Blue participation in the Council though which is not really something they followed through on.

How frustrating. A mix of the two is optimal really. Zero guidance and no replies or interaction leaves folks just as lost and ineffective as no interaction in a guided feedback thread. At least the focused feedback has the info in one place and encourages input from all of the backgrounds vs a PvP thread where a casual no PvPer like me was not going to comment.


I’ve always been convinced that the CC was just a publicity stunt.

To make it look like Blizzard cared about player feedback, rather than actually take it into meaningful account.

Or point at it when something goes wrong.

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Sorry if my comments on the ZC/FR debacle come off as aggressive but this was a topic of change I tried so hard to fight to get corrected. The change a week after 10.1’s release was unnecessary and I pointed out early on in the CC forums how it was going to kill the zone. Then surprise pikachu face in Novemeber they notice no ones going there so they think it’s okay to make it even worse.


I don’t think this was given as a guarantee with the CC the CC is just a higher visible forums with sometime some dev interaction.

I personally disagree that it was made much worse. I think the current model is much more natural and won’t overwhelm players and make them head out when they get an overload of ping on their map because tons of rares are up. Seeing one or 2 rares up might be more tempting to see if someone else might want to do one of those.

Nothing wrong with that, nobody force you to be a CC member. If you want to be part of something you often get obligations.

The thing though is they despawn after 15 minutes of inactivty and their 2+ hour respawn timer begins. There was no sound logic behind this change other than to make an inactive zone look fuller.

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There is probably ways to make it better, but I do think the old ways was still worse in term of gameplay.

I think that’s quite valuable in itself.

An obligation to participate sure, but I don’t agree with quotas. I thought I was clear on that, but I guess I was not.

You realize I was on the Council for the first year and have been an active forum participant for more than 10 as an MVP right? I am the opposite of inactive.


They’re very hit or miss with this. Wouldn’t budge on shards of domination, but they did take a lot of feedback for the current affixes.

Big part of the problem is they probably get way to far down a path before we become aware of it and by that point they can’t turn the ship around.

And I suspect a lot of it used to be planned QoL. Horrible grinds at the start to keep us subbed and then they’ll come in with the "We here you ™ " X.5 patch. But haven’t seemed to be doing this a lot lately. And in all honesty it wasn’t the worst system given it’s a subscription service.

It’s a false veil. People coming back to revisit or just starting dragonflight when the expansion is over are going to be in a world of pain trying to farm the things those rares drop.

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I’ve said it before and I got quite a bit of backlash from it, people who don’t post because they don’t have the time should bow out of the project and let other people fill their spot, we’re all adults and I don’t feel like being in the CC should be some flex medal for people.


And that often means that you gotta do stuff like administrative councils even if there’s only a few interactions each years they still gotta do “some” stuff.

When you feel that you have a difference in opinion or more to add to CC thread, it’s always helpful to create a thread and reference ours. That way these types of discussions can happen attached to those topics, instead of being lost in this one (that doesn’t relate to it).

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I do not like to make threads on GD the discussion is normally not much productive or constructive. I made a couple threads in the lounge not specifically about this but generally people are a bit nicer there.

… Ok but that is not what I would call a quota to post. If that is all you had in mind sure. I thought you wanted like 20 posts a month or you are removed type of thing. It makes the interaction un natural and forced.

What I found was that of the first 100 we eventually got, only about 20% or less were active and engaged. That it also felt like nobody was tracking or paying attention. There really was no structure from the Blues to the Council or any guidance on what they wanted.

It was just odd - and leads to some of the issues the Council has.

I’d take 1 or 2. You know just to say you’re alive and well xd Maybe 1 a week if we want to push it? More than that Idk.

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I had hoped we would get something like a weekly focused feedback topic from the blues as sort of a conversation starter that they wanted to hear more about specifically. Ideally CC folks chime in there, and interested GD folks could quote the person they wanted to reply to - and spin a thread out to GD for more input here. Could end up being a focused CC thread and a few GD threads with additional input.

Then of course any Council topics someone wants to raise can be posted too, like always.

It is so hard to get a feel for what is useful feedback, esp at different times in the development cycle. Once they get far enough along, they don’t change direction, so asking for sweeping changes won’t get results. Going too far into the weeds on something many also not be a thing Devs can really respond to.

IDK - I think that is why I kind of like focused feedback threads as an option.

I will say that a lot of things raised at the Council level eventually have happened, even if it was years later. There are Solo dungeons now (YAY!!!), we did get an amazing set of pink mogs via the Trading post for Feb, and sprinkled in it the rest of the year. Other color focuses too which is fun. One is a pretty major game change that helps accessibility, lore completion, casual players, solo players. The other is fantastic for the transmog community and honestly just a fun thing. I think a lot of folks who were not super into transmog had fun this month.

I don’t think the Blue response time though to those things feels effective. No comment on your thread, and years before something related happens feels… hollow.


I guess we’re at an impasse here,