Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

At the same time, given some of the threads posted there, I can’t say I blame blizzard for not responding to everything.

Well, Different players and different point of views about what matters…We got a “pink” color thread a long time ago that a lot of players didn’t care about and it got a response from blues.

But I got your point, I expected a better coordination about threads and topics, it feels like a GD forum section but for 100 players, because there’s topics for everything that’s another reason why some threads don’t track attraction.

Completely understandable. I personally think that targeted feedback threads on different platforms (GD, CC, Reddit, Class Discords, surveys etc) with a bit more moderation than usual would be a better way to go.

Riot has a video developer update-series for League of Legends that they post every few months or so that is a format I’d love to see Blizzard adopt.

I decided on applying for a second term on the CC partly because I’m looking forward to being able to give feedback on an expansion from the start but also because I’m still hopeful it could turn to the better (mostly because I look at the communication done regarding SoD). But perhaps I’m just naive and it will end with Blizzard simply shutting the project down, which at this point wouldn’t be a major setback but more of a “We told you so”-moment for those that doubted it in the first place.

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One of the things that I find frustrating about the Community Council is that I don’t feel like I often see my opinions represented there. If these are the players who are supposed to be a representative body earmarked for making player suggestions and giving feedback on their behalf, where’s my people?

There’s a huge thread about Mythic raiding with tons of traction, I don’t raid above the LFR level, and LFR has few defenders in the Community Council. There’s lore quibbles like “Herald of the Sun” not being good enough for a name for the set of Evoker hero class talents, something I’d argue doesn’t need the kind of focus that the extra eyes on the Community Council presumably gets. There’s a post about the profession tools in Enchanting needed to level the skill. There’s a post where someone pops off about DH performance in Arenas. There’s a post where someone is asking about macro programming for Feral Druids and one specific talent.

Okay, so, the CC casts a wide net, that’s fine, but then when I look for posts that I feel like do represent things I want to see discussed they’re almost entirely “Okay yeah, buuuuut…” Like, yeah, some items SHOULD be toys. I wouldn’t call it a top ten concern of mine, but okay. Yes. But now I’m almost 30 days back in posts and 95% of it is what I’d qualify as hyperspecific quibbles or posts about content features that I don’t participate in.

Then there’s the issue of stuff like a post going on at length about how race, class and faction seem “meaningless” that I disagree with almost entirely, but there’s no way for me to post that there, or any kind of downvote mechanism.

So, yeah. As a bystander, just browsing the Community Council forum is fairly frustrating.

This is my stance. I reapplied to try to be able to give feedback going into an expansion in its early stages and I’m hoping I’m proven wrong on some aspects of the CC, but at the same time I am prepared for disappointment in regards to the function of the CC.

At the same time I don’t feel there’s that much diverse or specific topics. But at least often its information is better formatted than what you can find on GD.

We’re around 150 members in the Community Council but I would argue that the majority of us don’t raise issues and topics they feel are relevant. I’ve often wondered why one would apply and also accept to be a part of something like this and then decide that it’s not worth their time.

There have been some broader threads but yes, more often than not it’s an issue that occurs with new content being released that’s the reason why topics are created. It’s a shame that the topics you find relevant aren’t being raised. There are other CC members that raise issues from the community as a way to boost the topics/discussions (ex Is it too late to make Hero Talent just a cosmetic feature?) but there’s only so much we can do.


This is a good thing to do. I don’t read GD but I do try to read the threads that mention our threads. I have no idea if other members of the CC do this but it’s a good way to discuss the topics we create.

I’d say we cover a pretty large part of the player base in topics, ranging from toys, RP, world content, mythic raiding, m+, PvP (although less than it should be).

A question to both Zoumz and Jalanili, which topics do you feel are missing in the CC forums?

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It’s v simple, you quote the thread and you prolly get answers and can begin a discussion, same way this thread did.


If there is anything you like the CC to post about, you can message us about it. If you bring up a good point about something that you care about, I will post it, as I have done before and some of us have too.

We can’t know what you care about if you don’t speak up.

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I can attest to the summoning ritual working. Many a times my threads have been linked and many a times I have answered the call!


A bit like Beta forums specific feedback on all content. Sometime it feels issues are more determined by the current youtube trends than anything else rather than have an ever discussion on the content.

Having semi-moderated threads with a leading discussion could also help.

We asked for this, they wont do it

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We’ve asked for similar threads, but the answer has been that they want us to guide the topics. I agree that target threads are usually a better way to gather feedback, but we’ve also had cases of Blizzard asking for target feedback (after Blizzcon for example) and then getting the feeling of that feedback going straight to the void when it’s just us saying what we think about something (ex BlizzCon – What’s Next after Dragonflight)

I can confirm we’ve been asking for more moderation both on the forums and in our discord. I can tell you right now there are only 2 CM’s in the discord; down from 3. (Bornakk departed)

We’re kind of just left to our own devices at this point and it’s uncertain if things will get altered in the foreseeable future with the latest shake up at HQ.

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I mean using the forums is pretty much screaming into the void at this point if you participate in them you need to understand that there was never any guarantee that Blizzard will use your feedback. But often with enough of it that can make changes happen… like with the current legendary.

In many ways the lack of activity and back and forth in the CC forums probably doesn’t help it gain views and impact.

They probably need more people to make it interesting enough.

The issue is, out of the 100 CC members, 20 post, if not less. It’s not being moderated at all, and it never has.

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I mean there probably should be a quota of post or feedback to meet each months if you want to be in but that’s just me.

This was not the case with ZC/FR rares though. There was huge backlash both among CC members and General Discussion and blizz stuck to their guns despite asking for feedback. We gave them the feedback they asked for and they ignored it completely.


Feedback doesn’t mean that they will act upon it in a good way. ZC rares situation is better gameplay-wise nowadays as you can meet more people easily since less rares are up at the same time. But I understand this might be worse for players that preferred to have all rares available all the times even if it didn’t make much sense.

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In a world where saying the wrong thing on a public forum can get you in trouble with your boss or fired from your job, devs literally can’t and shouldn’t be candid and open with players on the forums. The safest thing to do is not to do anything at all.

Hence, closer to zero communication