Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

cc are a joke. the ones we had everyone cried about like mai and mispelled who acutally talked to us. the ones that we do have only show up when they’re getting talked about like now

I actually talk quite a bit to you all.

Actually I’m one of the few who post quite regularly in other parts of the GD, you just haven’t been looking hard enough. Naamah is just one of the people I enjoy engaging with the most. A lot of us are actually dumb founded as to why she isn’t a part of the CC given her well thought out posts and constructive criticisms.


Yeah that is him. I enjoyed him and Snowfox…

That is because him and Snowfox were MVP’s for General only.

I like the idea of CC when it was announced, I wanted to be part of that or at least see some players posting threads that matter to me as collector and other part of the game that I care about…Now, I don’t care about being part, even members of the Council have doubts regarding their feedback that’s why I did this thread and sometimes, I talk about the CC idea, because there’s players providing the feedback that I expected and other players wanted, however; the whole feedback tool is just another GD being ignore, lack of CM/Dev participation in a better space for them compared to GD.

I pushed for the live chats, because during the first batch it took almost 1 year of the Council before the first live chat…I don’t get how is almost March and 0 Live Chats during this year. It should be like a Monthly thing even if there’s not new content release, check what’s failing in old or current content from players perspective.


I can say this for sure, there was going to be a classic live chat but it was cancelled. A lot of us believe it was due to the recent layoffs that hit blizz at the start of the year. I think anything CC related has been put on hold as of now. There are some people who’s tenures ended a few days ago but they are still in the CC at this time. I think a lot of attention is being pulled away by our remaining CM’s to assess the situation going forward.


You’re right, As a consumer I want a better communication that will improve the game, however; Devs and CMs were affected by those layoffs even if they’re still in the company. When that kind of environment happends in a company feels really bad, I’ve been in 2 merge process for IT companies and sometimes there’s not any raise or promotions…everything is freeze. It’s difficult to split the consumer part when we’re talking about something that’s emotional to us, like 3/4 of February that some players spent 4-5 hours farming a mount :confused: or players that scream until the legendary got change again because its almost 3/4 of the season…

This is why I feel the only focus is to please people on current content raiding, M+, and to an extent PvP. Like I mentioned somewhere, SoD is getting more responses to feedback than retail when it honestly should be the other way around if not equal.

Expecting real improvements from the CC is not a wise practice.

It’s like my last job.

Someone comes up with a process improvement, everyone responds positively, idea gets implemented by the owner, no one else has ownership so buy-in is muted, process slowly fades away.

Two years later someone comes along, “What’s this?”.

To be honest, you’re not talking to me either

The Community Council is not bothering me or hurting my gameplay so I don’t know why anyone would care if they exist or not. Maybe they are hard at work trying to fix the DDOS issue and coming up with ideas.

I see my role in the CC as bringing my own views from personal experience to the CC. I am a representative of my own experiences, not a representative of any particular WoW community or the community at large.

As for replies amongst CC members in the CC forum, I only feel the need to reply if my view will further conversation or I feel strongly on a topic.

On this thread specifically, yeah I’d love to see way more blue responses to CC threads. I will let my CC membership end and I am not re-applying.


What was the intended purpose of the Council, anyway? Do you guys have any special tools to talk with Blizzard, or any purpose outside just having a new type of text color and a special forum area?

Cuz, from the way yall are talking, seems like its useless. I am confused on why they would make this a thing, and then do nothing with it. Is it just supposed to be a way for Blues to more easily ‘finger the pulse’, as it were?

This is one of the announcements before they applications opened I think.

Personally I think they wanted to have an area with less noise for some of the lesser played topics - transmog, lore, accessibility, RP, etc + the main topics. They also wanted to provide a transparent venue instead of the “secret forums” that used to exist for some endgame and influencer players.


I deeply share this sentiment and as Ravij said, we’ve expressed this feeling as CC members as well. The live chats have been one of the few avenues of relevant communicating between us and Blizzard. Other than that, most of my discussions are in the internal Discord because I see no reason to flood the forums with mindless arguing that serves no purpose other than bloating the threads.

And even those are few and far between.

There have been several internal discussions regarding this and as Ravij said, while a few supported it, I’d argue that the vast majority of us shared the feedback given in the thread.

I generally don’t use forums as my way of communicating. I do however, as part of my commitment to the CC read most/all CC posts as well as most threads that reference us.

I enjoy reading your thoughts on things and it’s a shame that the poor handling lack of vision for the CC suffers because of this. I’m sure that there are others that have chosen not to voice their feedback or apply to the CC because of this.

This many times over. I also would like to point out that reading even just threads and discussions going on in the CC is more of a time commitment than I originally though when joining.

We have an internal Discord that is mostly used as a way of discussion between council members and for me personally, a way to figure out how to voice my own feedback.

It’s not just you, there are many who share this sentiment. My thoughts when joining was that it was a more specific way of getting feedback on different areas of WoW from different players.

There have been some changes that relates to topics discussed on the CC forums, but we have no way of knowing if this is based on our feedback or the GD feedback (as they’re often the same). But we’re also left with a sour taste in the mouth when we have topics such as the ZC rare one where Blizzard is actively moving against the feedback we’re giving them.


So wait. Wait. Wait just a minute…

Is Feb. 29th the day that all the CC critters come out to the general forum to see if they spot their shadow and determine it’s 4 more years of being ignored?!? Is that what magic is going on here?

Cuz that’s what this thread feels like.

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We don’t really need GD conspiracy posters to make us aware of that

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At the same time, given some of the threads posted there, I can’t say I blame blizzard for not responding to everything.

Well, Different players and different point of views about what matters…We got a “pink” color thread a long time ago that a lot of players didn’t care about and it got a response from blues.

But I got your point, I expected a better coordination about threads and topics, it feels like a GD forum section but for 100 players, because there’s topics for everything that’s another reason why some threads don’t track attraction.

Completely understandable. I personally think that targeted feedback threads on different platforms (GD, CC, Reddit, Class Discords, surveys etc) with a bit more moderation than usual would be a better way to go.

Riot has a video developer update-series for League of Legends that they post every few months or so that is a format I’d love to see Blizzard adopt.

I decided on applying for a second term on the CC partly because I’m looking forward to being able to give feedback on an expansion from the start but also because I’m still hopeful it could turn to the better (mostly because I look at the communication done regarding SoD). But perhaps I’m just naive and it will end with Blizzard simply shutting the project down, which at this point wouldn’t be a major setback but more of a “We told you so”-moment for those that doubted it in the first place.

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