Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

I didn’t hear about this. Even from Vets of the CC. :eyes: I do know someone chose to step down from the previous year but unsure if thats related.

I do know however there is quite a bit of headbutting in the CC away from the prying eyes of the forums. There are a few people who think too highly of themselves and their own opinions having been hand selected on the CC like they were made gods gift for a year.

There are definitely invisible groups in the CC and there are several clashes a few times a month when a topic is brought up that can generate some heat. I also know a lot of my fellow CC members are afraid to even speak in our private collective because of certain individuals saying to “stay in your lane” as if we’re not all bunched together to share our ideas and debate things civilly. :roll_eyes:

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If that were so,everything suggested by CC wouldn’t matter but the devs did listen and did change some aspect of the game. They can only suggest and they may or may not agree with the outcome.

Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

Blizzard is the division of a private company, Activision Blizzard which is now part of Microsoft. As with any other private company they are in the business of making money.

So the question is, how is this implementation of the Community Council costing them money? If it is, it’s a bad implementation. Otherwise, not so much.

In which points back to the PR stunt, they never really gave a Darn. Just some people that carry in water for the company.

I doubt improving CC is even on the radar for Blizz right now. Sunsetting the program or just keeping it on life support is much more likely.


wait community council is still a thing?

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I’d prefer it be abolished because at this point there is no communication. I can’t say how it was a year or so ago as I wasn’t apart of it then. Bornakk is unfortunately gone and there is little to no moderation happening in the private discord itself. There has been some hostilities flying left and right when a touchy subject gets brought up and no CM steps in to quell the infighting.

Also sir you are a very red elf.

Apparently. :dracthyr_a1:

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Thank you for noticing my glow up.

Woah. Let’s not be unreasonable here! :scream:

I’ve always suspected the CC was intentionally or clandestinely salted with employees.

There is an interesting ex dev interview on a politically partisan youtube channel that talked about internal guilds cliques and factions in the company. Posted it when it came out and that 404’d immediately and interestingly it only shows up in searches of the channel itself.



Sacrifices must be made to obtain the golden/orange text wrapper and bulls eye that will follow you for a year. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

The CC needs to just be deleted.

At worst no feedback gets read and its all just for show.
At best, it means certain people are valued more than the rest of us. Which is also bad.

hmmm thats exactly what a spy robot would say.

Beep-boo- I mean does not compu- I mean: Hello fellow fleshy forum goer… wait that’s not right either…

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Unfortunately for many of us the writing was on the wall even before the cc was formed, just yet another in a long line of empty promises in improving communication, with maybe a facade put up pretending to listen for a while, but ultimately would be sidelined and abandoned because ‘devs knows best’. Cc lasted longer than others but it really did not take long for the warning signs to start showing.

Oh, how I would love to have been proven wrong. But alas, wow is still being directed by the same guy who thought “no more flying ever” would be well received by the players, and that covenants would be perfectly balanced and everyone would love the severe restrictions on them.

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I mean after the hell I personally raised over the ZC rare changes then a blue asked for feedback and they went ahead and stuck to their guns, yeah. I even wrote a thread questioning our purpose if we’re not being listened to after that. Might still be able to find it on the CC forums there.

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Like good ole Ion at the end of every expansion when a retrospective interview is had or at the start of every new one or at every blizzcon since he took over:

“We are going to be better about listening to feedback and making changes (unless its a significant change like covenants when we said we would #pulltheripcord but really never intended to).

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When I hear the word Council, I think of a group of people with power. Without power to affect any change whatsoever, the CC is just a group of normal players like us, just with a special text color.

Yeah I can’t imagine there was a single person on the cc that supported the zc rare changes. Oh wait - yes I can, we see white knights and also trolls supporting everything blizzard does all the time… anyway yeah ZC is proof positive that Blizzard doesn’t listen, either to the cc or the general community.

I don’t blame the blues, and I hope no one attacked the blue in that feedback thread, they’re just doing their jobs and have no actual influence on the decisions the dev team makes. I pity the blues, tbqh

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There was definitely one or two people on the CC who seemed to support it and they aren’t very well received by other CC members, not because of their opinions but because of how they supported/worded their support for it. Just like in other communities, we also have black sheep.

I don’t blame the blues either. Sometimes my responses get hot because it’s a topic I care deeply about and because we don’t get a follow up on the feedback we’ve given when they request it. That’s when I take issue. Instead it just feels like “We hear your feedback but we’re not going to consider it.”