Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

100% wholeheartedly agree.

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They even have “REGERTS” about it.

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lol did they actually make a comment about that?

If true they’d shut the forum down if they could get away with it.

But then they could be accused of not valuing player feedback.


Yes I do not doubt that they’re aware and want it but it’s been a long time at this point. Having a list of “stuff they’re aware” could probably help but that would probably be some titan work.

Even if CMs and Devs are busy, Why don’t create threads for the main topics in the last patch? Maybe, If we open discussions now, We could get a better Love is in the air next year…or improvements if required in the last DF cup…etc

You’re leaving the Council members to create and create threads for anything and there’s a lack of interaction that leads to that kind of thread doubting your involvement with the player base.

I’ll be worry why a player selected feel like it’s not being heard…Its not the first thread about it, its a continuous issue, therefore; anything done the last time isn’t working.

/gestures wildly all around us

I’d say my biggest hot-button issue as what I think of as a “hardcore casual”, someone who doesn’t dedicate any time to elite competitive content and only does the bare minimum amount of grouped content, always queued, but will generally put in a lot of time to slow PvE open world grind zen content, is the current design philosophy of a breakneck patch cadence combined with the open world event-based content only being possible to complete expediently in large groups leading to either missing out or burnout from open world players.

If you don’t get in on the new events and grind through them COMPLETELY in the first couple of weeks, it’s close to impossible to get them done after that point because the rares don’t scale down to solo players and what little catch-up is done for small groups in whatever points MacGuffins is being gathered currently isn’t enough to get one or two players past the first gathering bar.

Compounded by the fact that usually that content is bugged for at least the first couple of weeks, if not indefinitely. The scaling goes all out of whack for bigger groups on more populated servers. The Dreamsurge has a route where the middle part autocompletes so you rarely get all three rewards. I was going hard at the Archivist stuff until I realized that higher rep levels get you literally nothing, not increased currency rates, not unlocks or additional transmog, it’s just one part of getting a title. I took a break for a week or two to recover from the burnout and now the area is always empty when I go out there.

It’s bad design. I hate that even outdoor world content is pushing forced grouping. In previous expansions, I could pick at endgame busywork grinds for pets, mounts, transmog at my own pace but now if you don’t blitz it immediately you’re pretty much out of luck.

Let’s see, what else…

  • Transmog restrictions are nonsense
  • You should be able to get achievements in LFR, we’re not there because we’re being punished or something, and just generally the view of the playerbase AND the developers that someone is generally just bad or wrong for being in LFR could use an adjustment
  • The trend in the Trading Post of going from the monthly endcap being “the best thing” you can get in a month (as stated by the developers) to a battle pet recolor or a minor transmog item is chafing and feels like a mercenary form of future-proofing the Trading Post against having to create so many new items in the future
  • I’d like to see all the RP servers merged. That would cause a riot but if people can go on there and say that they want a duck mount, I can say the nonsense thing that I want too
  • Loot drops across the board, in all forms of content, are ridiculously low. There was a GDC conference by a developer on Diablo some years back who said that they discovered that you really can’t over-reward your players, especially when it’s in ways that are just fun and cool rather than increasing player power. Tightening the screws on the Skinner Box is burning people out and setting us all at each other’s throats. It’s especially egregious in limited-time events like holidays, though, and “first drop of the day is a higher chance” doesn’t feel any better when it’s an increase from a .02% drop to a .04% drop (doubled, wooooooow)
  • On that subject, reintroducing Need-Need-Need rolling for loot was a massive blow to the casual player community. It doesn’t matter how the math works out where you’re 0.00002% more likely to see a drop of something you can actually use, it feels bad and is damaging to player perception of the game if you sit there and watch a highly-geared person roll on and win loot that would be an upgrade for you because they’re there collecting the same pieces they already have but in green. Or worse, that person rolls Need, then turns around and asks who wants to buy the item that they won.
  • iLvl scaling fundamentally goes against the entire core game loop of a MMO and needs to be abolished yesterday, especially in legacy content
  • The lack of support for people who like to go back and run legacy content to collect appearances, transmog, pets, mounts and other rewards has been fairly appaling considering how many people do that for their primary gameplay. It seems like there’s been a shift to make old content “evergreen” instead and require that people group up to plonk at a badly scaled boss for 5 minutes until it finally keels over out of boredom.

…I could go on. I probably would. And to be fair, some of the stuff in all of that has come up at one point or another but it usually either didn’t get traction or faded quick because the forum just isn’t that active.


I have 15 more days to be worthy in your eyes :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yes they’re leaving a lot of the work to the CC members without much to go on or to go for^^ Just saw that news it’s nice that they’re doing it, I’m personally happy they’re doing this as not doing it seems like we would just get less.

Time to start posting in the Fomo threads.

Good ol’ count to 100 threads back in the day will help too :thinking:

I don’t agree with every point you brought up, but you did put together a well organized and well communicated list.

I do agree with most of them though :slight_smile: I know I talked about the old content access when I was there, because taking away the ability to solo that would be terrible for the game. Pet and transmog hunting, old achievement hunting, recipe hunting, is a thing many people really enjoy and taking that away would be horrible. It gives people so many things to do during a lull in content, or if they don’t raid.

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As someone that feel completely the contrary I feel that content pushing people together is a good thing. While for sure zones are more deserted after I feel that’s a different problem they could solve. A bit of the same issue when it comes to making raid soloable later on. I wouldn’t expect raids to be soloable early on but later on they do some balance and they become easily soloable. Having a fixed date when that happen that they will respect for me would work fine.

I think opening those up make sense when it comes to more casual clothing. I still would feel awkward about mages using plates or plate sets that are iconic to another class.

You should’ve known that the community council was just a PR move. Blizzard is still trash


I’ll provide my own point of view about some topics.

I agree and I think there’s already some threads about this in the CC, I’ll have to check…it doesn’t matter if you’re plate or cloth now players look like magical girls, then a plate class should use any cloth for transmog and any close could use plate IMO.

I don’t see this as something that should be a priority or the amount of players that required this, since most achievements required a lot of coordination for a random LFR group, therefore; achievements is something that a player can complete in future patches / expansions. maybe better tools to improve the collector community.

Anything is valid…within the forum rules.

Agree for cosmetics and player power…there’s so much space for improvement but Devs want us in the hamster wheel. We already got a fated season with Dinnar system…We know that they can enable vendors like a tournament realm, they only want the “jackpot” feeling that leads to a frustrated experience for others.

Some example of Evergreen content being boredom? I agree that Legacy needs more support, We don’t have any BFA update yet…Why Nzoth still requires a legendary cloak? So many bosses have 1 shot mechanics that kills the legacy grind or requires to find a whole group and that’s difficult for some legacy content.

I’d like to see those threads in the CC and then players interacting like this…but it doesn’t work like that…

For sure.


But you’re still paying them a sub to play? :thinking:

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It feels like they don’t want to have lulls anymore. And that’s a concept that I find unsettling, that they don’t trust that people will go and catch up on other stuff that they’ve been wanting to do and will unsub for a while until the next patch.

I used to assume that they have the data behind the scenes that supports something like “If we put out a million patches in a year people will stick around longer” but I don’t think they can trust their data anymore, I think they put core game loops in stuff that they want to have people do instead of giving people options and letting them pick what they want to do. In the former scenario they can’t trust the data to tell them what people actually like or are likely to do because they’re designing to the numbers, not the other way around.

Not by force, nah. People play solo in MMOs for all kinds of reasons. Having it be open to player choice instead of requiring one method over the other nets you the most subscribers.

There are already plate-looking sets you can transmog as a cloth wearer. There are cloth sets you can transmog as a plate wearer. There’s hardly a point to strictly limiting armor type appearances anymore. As an example, this is my Death Knight:


This is my Warlock, plausibly dressed as a Paladin even without the Stormwind Guard set:


Those are allied race heritage armor if I’m right. Dark iron also have one of those and it’s thematic to a point that those work this way.

People play solo for many reasons but mmorpgs are rarely designed for solo players mainly.

If you want the most players you make a mobile game and I don’t think this makes it a better game. I think mmorpgs at this point are niche made for a niche crowd.

Someone didn’t play Shadowlands and its a very telling sign.
The first image is from a covenant, available to all armor types/classes/factions.

None of the images they posted utilizes any heritage armor.

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The set the Death Knight has on is the Revendreth rep reward cosmetic set. It’s not restricted to a class or race.

The Warlock’s set is just bits and pieces, some cosmetic from various sources (none from the Void Elf racial set) and some just cloth pieces that turned out plate-ey for some reason.