this is what really gets me. like, they make decisions all the time - but they usually provide at least a sentence in the patch notes explaining why they made it, like “Adjusted as we felt marksman hunters were overperforming in burst”. It might not be a great reason, but it’s at least explained.
And then they hoik DT out and:
- Fail to provide any explanation in the patch notes, leaving hunters confused about their intention for both this specific change and their long-term vision for the spec
- Fail to respond to multiple threads in the hunter or the PTR forums asking for an explanation from many many different users
- Ignore a community council post directly asking for a single paragraph
That last one is honestly what really blows my mind. Like, I can understand not wanting to wade into a public forum thread full of angry, upset customers - nobody wants to draw that straw. But to refuse to even comment on the CC thread? The forum expressly set up to act as a medium between players and developers? Where the CC members are 10x more likely to be civil even if they strongly disagree?
Very, very disappointing.