Is Blizzard doing anything to ammend the mistake of DT removal?

i am really wanting to get some more awareness spread here. Blizzard is making marksman completely unviable in pvp and removing some viability in pve with double tap. beyond that, they are just making the class more boring to play. i’ll probably be taking a step away from wow as a result and we have gotten no answers from blizzard. pretty disappointed here.


It is disappointing. MM will be gutted in arenas and BM = boring + survival = super lame. We’ll probably suck until there’s patch 10.1.

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and we aren’t even worth the 5 minutes it takes to write a paragraph explaining the reason


this is what really gets me. like, they make decisions all the time - but they usually provide at least a sentence in the patch notes explaining why they made it, like “Adjusted as we felt marksman hunters were overperforming in burst”. It might not be a great reason, but it’s at least explained.

And then they hoik DT out and:

  • Fail to provide any explanation in the patch notes, leaving hunters confused about their intention for both this specific change and their long-term vision for the spec
  • Fail to respond to multiple threads in the hunter or the PTR forums asking for an explanation from many many different users
  • Ignore a community council post directly asking for a single paragraph

That last one is honestly what really blows my mind. Like, I can understand not wanting to wade into a public forum thread full of angry, upset customers - nobody wants to draw that straw. But to refuse to even comment on the CC thread? The forum expressly set up to act as a medium between players and developers? Where the CC members are 10x more likely to be civil even if they strongly disagree?

Very, very disappointing.


To be fair, I’m quite the loose cannon. :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, the complete lack of words from them regarding this change is mind boggling, it’s not just a simple change like 3% damage increase or decrease, it’s a spec defining ability getting removed. :confused:


As a parent I have found 10x more success just explaining why we are doing something. They might not like it but when you just explain why, the tantrum is less and they eventually go on to just accept it as a fact of life. If it works on a 2 year old it can work on the wow playerbase.

Because at least an explanation can make sense. We, like kids, don’t know whats going on in the decision making process or why things are done. So how about we are shown some respect and given an explanation.


Probably not, but ele pretty much does the same thing and Blizzard doesnt do anything about it. SMH. Such trash.

It’s in all aspects of life, parenting, work with you bosses, we ALL just appreciate explanations where there’s change

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