Is BFA really that bad?

And see like all of this, you’re now the MINORITY. There’s only a few of you left that think this way, and your breed on here is dying pretty damn fast.

I mean, if you enjoy it, more power to ya’ lmao. A lot of don’t, and a lot of us didn’t.


account bound=laziness. Its called a ROLE PLAYING GAME meaning you take on the role of each toon. not 1 toon farms gear for the others.

So then, they aren’t making the game for shareholders. Shareholders would want blizzard to design the game for the majority.

You are delusional, and blind.


They’re holding onto what’s left via pushing all of these time played metrics making the game attractive to shareholders.


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Compared to what we know it could be or has been in the past yea BFA sucks big time.



Shareholders don’t play the game, sport.

They want the most amount of active subscriptions. Nothing more. They don’t care how that is accomplished. If the majority are unhappy with the game’s design philosophy, then they are clearly not making the game for the shareholder’s benefit. Or are you really so dense?

Sure it will.

Again, if that were the case, there would be a LOT more positivity in this thread, no? Including your posts, looks like there’s about 5 positive responses lmao

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Yikes lol. Echo chamber warning.

They sure don’t, and not many people do either LMAO

That’s why they’re pushing these time played metrics. That’s ALL they’ve got left.

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No, its not that bad. It’s not as good as Legion, but its still worth playing. My favorite new system is War Mode. Mythic Plus is still fun, especially with the new seasonal affixes they added in BFA. I like the fact that I can gear up through this system and ignore raids completely.

The people who hate BFA have been playing this game for too long and play it out of compulsion. I started in MoP and still find a lot to enjoy in the game.

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Why do people against account bound essences never post on their main :clown_face:


Interesting take

What do you have to say about the fact that Blizzard actually already made some crucial character progression account-wide way back in 8.1?

I am referring to the Champions of Azeroth reputation, which gave significant power increase to the Heart of Azeroth’s item level of course, in case you forgot!

Do you think it makes sense that they would make this character progression account wide, but for some reason have skipped this for essences?
The issue was the exact same for both situations: the grind was recognized as tedious, time-gated and unnecessary to repeat on alts, and thus was made account-wide for the former.


Hello. I’m here posting on my main and think account wide essences are bad.

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Well said!

Rank 2 LD Rank 2 C/S on a main.

Do you even play this game lol?


Hello, I’m the main of Timboslizzle and I think account wide essences are a good thing. I have done the essence grind for my BIS twice.


Hello, I’m the first alt of Timboslizzle and I think account wide essences are a good thing. I have done the essence grind for my BIS three times.


Hello, I’m the second alt of Timboslizzle and I think account wide essences are a good thing. I have done the essence grind for my BIS three times.


Lucid isn’t needed for pally and i dislike pvp and not pushing world first so rank 2 cns works for me :smiley: