Is BFA really that bad?

Can you seriously not find any BfA non-raiding content? Are you saying the whole expansion is raiding? There is no BfA-specific exploration, no BfA-specific quests, no BfA-specific dungeons and so on, in your BfA expansion?

Or do you just not want to admit that your premise is seriously flawed? Or do you honestly feel that if someone does not raid, they have not experienced the ‘real’ content and therefore have no right to have an opinion on it?

For the record: I never said the expansion was good or bad so you can quit arguing that point with me. i said there was more to the expansion than raiding. And there is. That is not an opinion, that is a fact. There are new zones for exploration, new races for role-playing, new stories for questing, and so on. Perhaps if you explored more of the content, you would appreciate the expansion more.


why does it matter what toon i post on.

They all say that too.

Okay, and all of that content is UNIVERSALLY HATED. Overwhelmingly negative responses from players AND critics.

Also, telling me to explore the content? What lmao. I have all three pathfinders, I have all BfA ARs except ZTs and Foxes. I’m actually qualified.

It might not seem like it, but I actually tried. I went and got Pathfinder (and did so for Legion+WoD). I unlocked Allied Races, I raided and even pushed Mythic+

All the while becoming more and more apparent what their main agenda was - increasing time played metrics so much to appease their shareholders, screw the player.

And that’s okay. I’m done. I was able to successfully refund my SL:Heroic purchase thank GOD. until WoW turns around, I cannot and will not support being a monthly active user for a shareholder.


So you do know there is content other than raiding in BfA. So you do know that there is other content, other non-raiding content, that players can use to judge the game.

There, that wasn’t so hard was it. You could have just admitted that six posts ago and saved us time and effort.

Good for you. I am a big believer in vote with your wallet. You deserve a cookie :cookie:!


I mean why would you though. Like… I just don’t understand how someone can judge a game where they don’t do the majority of the content. Not only that, but it’s extremely misleading. What is the new guy supposed to do when he hits 120, gets marginally geared and finds out it’s near impossible to put into M+ as a Ret Paladin? The game is “good” though, right? People who only do WQs and LFR just have no idea how bad it really is.

Perhaps if people were specific IE:

“I don’t raid or do M+, but world quests and LFR are fun to me” then these types of discussions would cease to exist.


But it is not the majority of the game. It is only portion of the game.

(Quick aside: my understanding is LFR was specifically added because not enough of the player population was raiding to justify continuing to create raid instances so, if this is true, the majority of players were not participating in it either.)

I think you mean people who only do WQs and LFR have no idea how bad the raiding portion of the game is. Because WQs and LFR are also parts of the game that the game can be judged on (I thought we already settled this!).

Because raiders are specific and say, ‘I am a raider and I feel the raiding content is badly done in BfA?’ No, they say, ‘The game is awful,’ with zero context.

I do take your point though, but feel everyone should start being more specific. (And it would be nice if people stopped dramatizing as well but I won’t hold my breath on that :woozy_face:.)


No , BFA wasn’t THAT bad. Some people are just over critical about it.

I’ve been playing for two years now, starting right before bfa was released. And honestly I have no idea what a good expansion looks like too but GCD is kinda annoying when you’re playing a hunter, melee classes is fine tho. Overall bfa seems like a rush through so many potential storyline with so many wasted features (A few island expeditions, two warfront, two N’zoth assaults zones, two horrific visions). Not to mention they keep releasing new systems every patch, first it was azerite armor, then came essences, and now we have a cloak.

One more thing, it was advertised as a faction war expansion, but it isn’t.

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It’s worse than cancer. I hate it with a passion.


BfA is basically Legion but watered down.

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The best parts of BFA are Allied races and warmode.

literally everything else has been a complete dumpster fire.

Azerite? they had to rework it 1 patch in, and it’s still broken.

azerite essences? complete garbage, why do i get a beam that does better damage than anything else.

Islands? PvP islands are an unbalanced joke with 1 shot buffs, and pve Islands are a chore at best.

Visions? completely garbage, if you get dc’d or one of your people get dc’d you can kindly go back to farming dailies for three days for another chance to do this chore.

Corruption? GARBAGE, at no point should a proc do 11% of my damage in a fight well over rotational abilities.

Even the good features of the expansion are riddled with problems.

Allied races- Why do people need to go back to legion content for 4 of them? the story for over half of them is garbage, and i say this as a void elf, which is one of the stories thats garbage.

Warmode- Sharding is garbage, it doesnt let two raid groups fight together and when you do get to fight another raid group, they just swap shards away from you.

this speaks nothing to the complete dumpster fire that is the story

Why did sylvanas burn the tree? it had to be retconned 5 times before the expansion came out, why is she mind controlling the undead she raises now? wasn’t that the entire point of the Lillian voss quest line? to show she is different from arthas? why did the horde at lordaeron not immediately rebel when she killed her own troops? Why is the night warrior a thing? if we’re making the night warrior a thing, why was it so ineffectual and underwhelming, why is there no justice for the night elves? Azshara was a place filler, we did an entire annoying zone for no reason, Mechagon was just copy and pasted from a Sci-fi MMO. and then we come to N’zoth, which should be an entire global event that’s being spread to two zones, and this speaks nothing comapred to the DBZ-esque Cinematic.

For PvPers- this expansion is just another expansion of gimmick specs and pve-ing for pvp gear.
for M+ players- it’s farming the same equipment 4 seasons in a row
for Roleplayers- The story is so garbage it needs to be ignored most of the time.

The worst part is, BFA has left such a bad taste in so many players mouths shadowlands isn’t the exciting treat most expansion announcements are.

We see Anima, and we think “Oh good, something else to farm up the entire expansion” we saw the maw, and now think back after visions are released and know “Wait i have to do this the entire next expansion?”

I’m really glad your enjoying BFA, and i hope you continue to find enjoyment in it. but sadly, for far too many of us, this expansion will be the last one we invest in, so many of us started warcraft with a small group of friends who have come and went, we’ve made new friends, seen 15 years of our online families, and their families growing. and with each bad expansion, each horrible chore filled patch, those families shrink as the people we’ve met find it better to invest their time in other games.

BFA is so bad I am going back to do apexis dailies in WoD.

Apexis dailies.


Welcome to :clown_face: :world_map: design of current retail WoW experience.

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I shall pray for thee.

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Care to elaborate on your point earlier? Or are you gonna conveniently avoid answering a second time now to support your narrative?

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Came back after 5-7 months for 2 months just buy the mount they will discontinue going into shadowlands and now I need another break till shadowlands. So bfa is just that good–sarcasm.

I hope blizzard learned things from BfA. In reality we know they should have known most things wrong with BfA before even releasing the expansion yet they did anyway. It’s not like most of these issues have been brought up in previous expansions - AND FIXED most of the time, which is hilarious.

Honestly it’s decent, I feel like there should be some sort of catch up mechanism for alts because I don’t think everything needs to be account wide, but I wish classes were more fun, the GCD changes kinda ruined the whole expansion for me and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Legion or Mists because of it

BFA is a great expansion, but many players are getting worn out after 15 years. It does feel like more of a job in 8.3, but I like BFA personally.

This…NOW…the current system is pure utter BS

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