Is BFA really that bad?

I’ve done plenty of content in this expansion on nearly every class and I think it is a really great game. You’re posting on a level 72 alt.

@Oakenfish Listen, I don’t care too much about your personal gripes with the game. It’s not like you’re anyone special or an authority on good games. You probably only play WoW, maybe OW. All I am arguing is that there is a hivemind mentality in this community that is very prevalent. I know someone who asserts that this game is undoubtedly bad and I am delusional for liking it, I know several people on this forum express that same mentality, but this guy is special because he’s never played BfA once. Where did he get the notion that the game was undoubtedly bad if not from a hivemind?

You are a very rare exception. I say this because you’ve completed an M9

First we need to learn to use the profile inspection tool. This toon is level 120, I’ve pushed Mythic up to 11, as well as having AotC Azshara and 3/8M EP.

Anyway, like I said, you’re pretty rare. Doing the content related to BfA, being It’s dungeons, grinds, WQs and raids have usually left people pretty mellow, dulled and wanting more. Source: The forums and in-game, the game has had an overwhelmingly negative response. It’s also not without it’s HUGE flaws, most noticeably Demon Hunter and Rogue being the only easily pugged melee for M+

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I use to play 2 accounts. I closed one and I will not re-sub it during this Expac. I Do not play everyday anymore. I do not play my alts like I use to and I have no interest in raiding. This is the worst Expac in my Book. And if I hadn’t paid for 6 months I would have stopped my main account sub during this one. I have played for over 10 years. I loved Wow. but I am losing interest very Quickly. I absolutely despise the Vision thing. And how alts are pretty much SOL. Yeah it really is that bad… Lets hope Shadowlands is better. They took a lot of the Fun out of the game this Expansion that is for sure. When the Game becomes the Stress and not the Stress release, Then I guess its time to quit and find something else.


BFA is the worst expansion in the game’s history. Full. Stop.

None of it’s core systems were successful.

Island Adventures are a ghost-town on top of being so lame they didn’t bother even trying to tie them into the story in any way.

Warfronts failed completely in every possible way. They’re so bad they couldn’t allow heroic difficulty warfronts to drop competitive gear and didn’t even both to put their in-story endings into the story. I mean, if they hadn’t said anything at blizzcon, we would never have known who won 'cause it sure isn’t in the game anywhere.

Azerite? Almost universally hated.
Essences? Universally hated.
Corruption? Universally hated.

…and if you like any of them, you’re just wrong. They’re all bad. Badly designed and badly implemented. They all fight alt characters to an absurd degree, maxing out their anti-alt potential where alts are the game because of how long we’re going to be waiting for Shadowlands to release.

The only things that work this expansion are things that worked in Legion and before: Mythic+ dungeons, Arenas, and Raids.

That’s it. BFA was DOA, but we’re still here trying to bring the corpse back to life.

Seriously, after BFA heads should roll at Blizzard on the WoW team. And it should all start at the top.


I agree that it’s probably time for a leadership change, but as long as the cash shop keeps bringing in money they’ll stay. If that revenue dips too much then I wouldn’t be surprised to see some changes.

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I disagree.

A monkey could keep the cash shop going. They don’t need Ion to make bad decisions for an artist to make a cool new mount.

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This is also my least progressed and freshest 120 alt.

Okay so you’ve done some content and aren’t level 72.

The reason people are feeling that way is because they approach it with the wrong mentality. Blizzard can’t help players that take the wrong approach toward their design philosophy. These systems aren’t meant to be no-lifed. You’re meant to do them as you please and not worry about getting them done in a rush, because they don’t really matter. If you want to be a mythic raider really badly and don’t enjoy the systems, you’re likely going to have to make a compromise to make that happen and focus entirely on one character. If you do that, you will likely have no issues with the systems.

The pathfinder stuff too, people try to no-life it, when it is just meant to be something that happens over time through playing the game. All of your reputations will fill out in a matter of weeks if you keep up with emissaries.

Anyway it’s fine, I just think people take this game’s greatness for granted. If they shut down BfA, you would feel devoid of something special in your life. No game is flawless, no game has true universal appeal, but this game is how I want it to be.

It doesn’t help the community, or blizzard, or the game, to just whine and complain in game chat and in general forums. There is literally a suggestions forum, you are supposed to be voicing your perspective there. If you don’t have anything nice to say here, don’t say anything. People have already answered OP clearly, it’s not “that” bad(I don’t find it to be even remotely bad personally), unless it is to you, but nobody can find that out for you. You would have to play it to know, because it is not inherently or objectively a bad game. If I was to rate it, I would give BfA a 9/10. It’s not perfect, but it is pretty close.


I spit my soda out on this :slight_smile:

I cant even explain about it being bad. I did take a long break through most of 8.1.5 and all of 8.2. In my mind Wod is a better xpac and Legion is Remembered as being great but all of the stuff we have in BFA is a shell of crap created then… In Legion

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That’s true… But in my experience, if someone has revenue coming in through their department then a lot of other stuff will be overlooked. Activision-Blizzard is as corporate as they come so it’s probably the same there.

What wrong mentality though? o.0

I agree, but the way It’s set up makes it feel like you HAVE to no life it. Missing a WQ can be detrimental to flight, now that they’ve made that a huge time played metric grind.

Do you blame them though? The world has been made so poorly as to make players have one agenda, unlock flight ASAP. Finding your way around a curvy mountain is not, and will NEVER be fun.

No it doesn’t, and neither does making suggestions. Lest not forget the over 4 THOUSAND reply of beta-feedback that was completely ignored.

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“Hey, the sales on that new horse…”

“…Ion…you went from ten million subs to less than two in under eighteen months.”


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I do blame them for no-lifing a system designed not to be no-lifed. That’s the wrong mentality I speak of. It doesn’t make me feel like I have to no-life it. Sounds like a personal problem that is just very widespread among people of today.

Often I feel like the only sane person left in an insane world, but then I meet others who are able to appreciate BfA for what it is and I am reminded that I’m not alone in this mad world.

I mean maybe if the game was made for the player and not the shareholder, these types of grinds wouldn’t exist.

The amount of negativity would be quite low too.

Yeah I do wonder about that myself. How long can they keep losing subs before the chickens come home to roost?

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It’s made for players like me, not the shareholders. Sorry you are not more like me.

edit: Also, it truly is fun to navigate the world on ground mounts. I feel like I lost a really important part of the WoW experience when I gained pathfinder part 2. It’s great, it’s efficient, but it’s not as fun as being earthbound.

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Well there’s not a lot of ya’ left, sorry to say.

LMAO. You’re either blind or delusional, or both, sorry!


See what I mean? Look at your closing remark lol. You are a sad person.

What else am I supposed to say at this point? I mean seriously. Are you blind? Do you just NOT want to see it? How can you NOT see it?

How can you not see that

Mechagon and Nazjatar have an OVERABUNDANCE of aggro to increase time played metrics

Pathfinder existing for the reason to INCREASE time played metrics

Land masses being designed so terribly to INCREASE time played metrics before players unlock PF

Corrupted Gear/Socketing/TF+WF existing to INCREASE time played metrics.

BiS Corrupted Gear so powerful being BoE to DRIVE token sales.

I mean you literally HAVE to be blind.

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I am SORRY I don’t see it. I like all the stuff you just labeled as flaws. I don’t buy WoW tokens for corrupted gear, I am happy with all of my corruption on all of my characters. You can only stack so much anyway.

Land masses are designed very well for people that don’t like mulgore style zones where you can always walk in a straight line to any objective and there are no terrain features.

Mechagon has free flying mounts that have no cast time and can be used while gathering quest items to avoid aggro. Nazjatar also has this system only it is an item for your mount instead.

Pathfinder exists because players like me who appreciate the ground world were missing out on that part of WoW. I can’t justify using my ground mount after getting pathfinder part 2 because it is so efficient even though I am well aware of how much more I enjoy the experience of being bound to the ground. It’s not the same when you have to make the choice to stay on the ground. Another opinion, another moot complaint dripping with sensationalism.

Or maybe they do it because it’s exciting for gear to get extra stats? Who would have thought that some players are okay with the idea of not getting everything they want right away. Who would have thought that there is a portion of the playerbase that isn’t entitled like you and your ilk?

I’m not blind, you’re just trying too hard to push a narrative so that the game goes in a direction you want it to go in. Entitlement 101. Such a loser mentality.

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