Is BFA really that bad?

Man you haven’t liked this game since WoD and you’re still playing. Wowzers!!!

I think that alone is enough to invalidate your entire perspective lol! Find a new hobby!


It’s not bad so to speak, the problem with BFA is that it’s mediocre or just below average across the board.


what part of "I play classic thru MoP content’ is going over your head?
I just started two panda hunters, locked at 60 now, and tonite I started a new dwarf hunter which will also be locked at 60.
I never need to touch WoD and beyond to play the game :wink:

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Like I said, washed up. I don’t have any interest engaging with your opinions anymore.

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BfA rocks! As a long time player, and long time human. I find people with to much time on their hands, often complain a lot!



I think players with one main and maybe one other alt might be able to play it without seeing the same problems that those of us who have over a dozen characters in the content do.
More mindless, time wasting, drone content AP grinds are just not happening for me again.
As long as blizzard wants to cheap out on that kind of trash content, I’ll stick to classic thru MoP until i cant take it anymore and just go play my ESO accounts instead.

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I’m glad you are having fun, and I don’t mean to rain on your parade.

It’s just, you know, Taco Bell can seem pretty tasty unless you’ve had really good Mexican or tex-mex food. And if you are really hungry and broke, or drunk, Taco Bell is sort of okay. But it just doesn’t compare to the good stuff, despite having some things in common.

I thought Alliance leveling was really pretty good. I really liked most of the initial zones. Many of the sub-plots as told through cinematic were good. But, my friend, BfA overall was barely Taco Bell for many of us who were raised chowing down on the real deal.

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Im sure you dont.
I prefer steak over oscar meyer.
And I wont criticize someone who is ok with hot dogs…but Ive been around long enough to know the difference.

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I have 4 alts and they are all above 450 ilvl. I am leveling another and feel none of the stuff you’re complaining about.


see my last post to you…

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I played WoW from real vanilla to wotlk end game, it was not steak unless you’re delusional.


I guess that was a false statement, then.

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This is a good example of WHY you look into a player’s profile before taking any kind of advice.

This player for example has relatively 0 content done in BfA. No raiding, no M+. How would they know if it’s good or not? These players are typically labeled LFR heroes and World Quest Experts - essentially paying $15 for a terrible single player experience.

The forums have been free to post on without a sub for nearly 2.5 years now, don’t assume all posters are payers.


No, it was much better when the power was in the character and given in a full character talent sheet of 52 points or so–for free–then all you did was get more powerful gear.

Ur right, the problem is I wanted to clarify the alt unfriendly misinformation you were spreading. You’re right that it’s hard to have 12 mains in this game, it should be. People who are committed to one character should be more progressed than people who spread themselves over 12 characters like you. You want to be a jack of all trades, don’t complain about the ace druid who is better than you in every way.


the only misinformation I see being spread here is that anyone who hates BFA must be hivemind. Id say that actually applies to those who like it more than those of us who have enough individuality and gaming experience to know steak from dogs.


riiiiight…because RAIDING is THE content in this ROLE PLAYING GAME, LOL
oddly, I have a BLAST playing classic thru MOP while hating WoD thru BFA…so something about the GAME changed, plain and simple.

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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and I’m out on that note. Ultimately you’re just washed up and that’s all there is to it. If you enjoy the content you enjoy so much, stop complaining about stuff you don’t even engage in. It’s so cringey. Or do you not really enjoy what you’re doing very much? Your opinion has no worth because you don’t engage in the content you’re criticizing. Why would anyone respect the perspective of someone who is literally ignorant? Something about YOU changed. Part of being a boomer. Your mind grows old and jaded if left alone.


BFA was pretty trash.

Every system that was changed vs legion was worse.

Azerite gear is worse that set bonuses.

Armor sets are bland and uninspired, despite Blizzard making far fewer sets.

The neck is worse than artifact weapons. There are no collectible cosmetics or skins for the neck and the progression unlocks are 3% stamina increases which zero people care about or want. What trash.

Warmode was a failure and they still haven’t bribed alliance enough for people to care.

The faction conflict sucked and left neither side with a satisfactory resolution. We don’t even face Sylvanus this expansion after following her character arc pretty much the whole time. An Old God gets shoe-horned into a throwaway raid patch with no buildup or gravitas.

Titanforging broke looting, and then Blizzard introduced a far worse system as a replacement, which trivialized the final raid tier and has been a source of constant unbalance and player bad feelings.

World questing didn’t get any better.

The mission table didn’t get any better, it just is there as a pointless waste of developer effort and weak tie-ins to island expeditions.

Island Expeditions were a failure because Blizzard didn’t make them rewarding enough and nobody really gave a **** about boosting neck level.

War Fronts were also a failure as a promising expansion tent-pole ended up just being a PvE Zerg-fest that you did once every couple weeks for a heroic raid item and never ran again. I don’t think anyone contributes to the war effort at this point and the bar still keeps filling up on schedule.

Maybe M+ got a little better this expansion, but literally nothing else did.

BfA won’t be missed.


This is where you’re wrong, Taco Bell is always good. You think other Mexican places have the huevos to make a buffalo nacho fries burrito?

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