Is BFA really that bad?

I think it’s just worse for players who started before.

I started in BFA, but some players liked previous expansions more.

So it’s natural they’d dislike BFA if they had a more enjoyable game experience before.

Since we only know really know BFA as an active expansion it’s nice to us.

There is more of a mixed view of people ingame though - so forums may not exactly be a perfect representation of the overall view of players view of the game.


BfA is really good, the playerbase is just extremely jaded. Better off ignoring them and thinking for yourself. Most of this community has lost the ability to think for themselves, so they are stuck in this hivemind mentality that the game sucks. It’s really weird.


Even if the Hivemind is a thing

You cant deny that BFA has been really bad


I will also add as a new player I could totally understand why BFA would be entertaining. There is lots to do and you have zero basis for how the game was.

I saw the same thing with SWG. Those of us that played the original game mostly quit with the updates, while newer players were ok with it. We missed the game we knew which is something newer players didn’t have as an issue.

I quit in 8.1.5 and moved to Classic. I have zero expectations of ever picking retail up again without some serious changes.

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So I’m hearing a lot of different opinions here which is totally what I expected!

And sorry if this is off topic but is anyone else of the opinion that the Jaina fight is pretty awesome?

Even on LFR: when she freezes all your teammates and you’re running around breaking the ice cubes, then she freezes the ocean and you’re running away from her permafrost thing breaking down a massive ice wall to stay safe. I really enjoyed the entire fight.

As a new player I didn’t really get to experience the classic raids as they were meant to be played. For me, Onyxia was just running in and killing her solo in 2 minutes. I wish I could’ve experienced the Lich King fight with 25 other players but I don’t think that’s an experience I can recreate.

Sure. Here’s the stuff I’ve enjoyed the most in BFA.

  • Storylines and zones - it’s been good enough that I’ve wanted to play both Alliance and Horde to see everything (usually I mostly just play Horde).
  • Allied races - I’ve enjoyed having the long term goals of unlocking these, and then leveling up the ones I’m most interested in.
  • War Mode - this was a nice addition, and a pretty good compromise that allows for some light world pvp to spice things up a bit now and then.
  • There is at least some amount of solo progression for your character once you hit max level. While I may have my complaints about WQ’s, Nazjatar/Mechagon and the visions stuff, the fact that there is at least something to do is nice, even if it’s just spinning the hamster wheel.

Bear in mind that I’m mostly a casual solo player that has no interest in any of the high end group activities. So that obviously influences my perception of things.

And like everyone else, I have my laundry list of complaints. Some of them are pretty fundamental things, too, that do concern me for the long term health of the game. So I get it, and people should voice their complaints, in a constructive manner, so it can have a chance of being addressed.

Other than that, the only thing you can do is vote with your feet; don’t engage in the systems and content you don’t like, and certainly stop playing if you’re really not enjoying yourself. It’s all about the data these days. Words on a forum don’t count for much, but (as we’ve seen recently) significantly lower participation in new content than expected might get a result. :slight_smile:


Not everyone has that much of a playtime per day, especially if most of them is used to do chores.


Thats all that matters then. I hate BFA, but if youre enjoying it, I wouldnt want my opinions to ruin your game fun.


Haha, welcome to the new world, my friend.

Human behavior today is dictated by what some tool said on the internet yesterday.

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If youre the one main character sort, you can probably play BFA and love it.
If youre like I am with no main, but 14 alts, BFA is absolutely suck for all those systems.


yeah…ive been playing computer RPGs since Might and Magic first came out in the 1980s.
I know suck from good after decades of computer games, sorry to say.
This game is great right up till WoD and their trying to micromanage every move I make, trying to squeeze every second of log in time out of me instead of just making a FUN, INTERESTING expansion.


How do you know that you are not the one in a hivemind?

If the majority is of one opinion and you are of a different one, they may not be wrong.


I like bfa


I guess because I genuinely enjoy BfA and think for myself. I possess what I am claiming. All you possess is a negative perspective(shared by the vast majority, ie hivemind) that may or may not be applicable even to your own experience. You don’t even have a real argument. Edit: Wrong troll.

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It’s really not a bad expansion, OP.

It’s just not as good as Legion was, and that was a tough act to follow.


what a joke.
Having played PC RPG games for decades means I have a FAR BROADER perspective than those who have been playing them for 5 years and havent played much more than WoW.
Sorry but experience does matter, like it or not

and…oh no…not the troll card…which one you pulling out of your deck next?


No, it doesn’t matter if it’s all you’re going to bring to the table. Then it’s just BS conjecture. Nobody cares that much about some washed up 25 year veteran gamer’s perspective. I meant the troll race too, I thought I was responding to you when I was really responding to another female troll avatar.

What a joke.

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the thing about all the people who are complaining…

they’re all paying to play.

if the game was as bad as people want to make out, it would have gone under years ago.


again…what a joke.
The game is great…right up till WoD and crap like pathfinder, the garrison, then moving on to obnoxious AP and essence grinds that are mindless busy work.
YOU may like that sorta thing…but as somewho who has spent more hours gaming than many here have been alive…I’ll keep my own views that BFA sucks rump, friend.
only hive minds I see here are the ones who keep calling sub par content ‘good’…


Tell that joke to someone else.
The last 6 months Ive been playing in classic thru MoP content 99% of the time.
Try again with a better excuse?

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