Is BFA really that bad?

No. legion was going uphill again. I had lots of fun. They should have continued the gameplay from then into BFA.

Every WoW expansion has been entertaining in many respects. BFA is the off cycle expansion that seems to be the one Blizz tries new things with before a finished product in the next expansion. Sort of like how Windows Vista is the precursor to Windows 7 and Windows 8 was the precursor to Windows 10. A type of wax and wane developmental cycle.

If past is any indication, Shadowlands will be a much more complete and cohesive expansion. Doesn’t make BFA bad though.

Personally I can’t stand the writing in this game anymore. It’s absolutely sophomoric, but I guess that’s what happens when you hand out jobs to people without talent. The entire entertainment industry is doing it. Apparently nobody cares about writing so you might as well make a charity case out of the position.

How long have you been playing OP? BfA is widely regarded as either the 2nd worst or just plain old worst depending on who you talk to. I think there’s good reasons for that. After what Legion built on, BfA should have been a sure thing, but everything is worse than it was. The grind especially… I don’t feel like this game respects my time at all.


what is there to elaborate on. Each toon should be its own and have to do their own work. Kinda like how it always was. There is no logical sense why a fresh 120 or even a fresh lvl should have account bound anything. And yes I was against the account bound mounts and pets.

Are you having fun with the game? if so don’t let the forums or trade chat ruin your fun. It’s that simple.

Personally, I do believe that this expansion is incredibly lackluster compared to many of the expansions that have come before it. I’ve been playing since the tail end of The Burning Crusade (not that it matters). I’ve loved all expansions, even Warlords of Draenor, which in my opinion, is better than BfA. I adored Legion. I’ve had a ton of fun with WoW, and to be honest, I still have fun in the form of roleplay, collecting transmogs & battle pets, doing some PvP here and there. Timewalking is very fun, whenever it comes around.

However, that doesn’t excuse some of the glaring flaws and issues with this expansion and the game moving forward. The storytelling is horrible. When I mean horrible, I mean almost as bad as My Immortal fanfic quality bad. Some game mechanics are also rotten. A lot of this seems to be easily fixable, but for whatever reason, it’s not getting fixed. I’m also disappointed in 8.3 as a whole, and the ending to the N’Zoth story. Very poor writing.

I really wish they were doing an 8.3.5 to hold us over until Shadowlands. Give us something, you know? But it’s not happening. I don’t think Blizzard will change their current way of thinking, which is unfortunate. It’s no longer about fan happiness and genuine entertainment, but a money-making scheme. It’s sad.

Even still, I’ll keep playing. I got Shadowlands, and I’m trying to be hopeful! :slight_smile:

Battle for Abilities is going to be forgotten quickly. I guarantee when shadowlands launches most people will level alts in all other expansions except BFA.

Forcing new players to the game to level through BFA in shadowlands is going to be a disaster.

You didn’t answer what I was talking about

What do you think about 8.1’s account-wide changes for the neck? It was done for the same reason that alts are rough to play with right now.

Actually forget it, account wide essences are coming next week!

Not really… I for one was complaining about BFA with the rest of many people in Jan., quit Feb. randomly bored from June-July (subbed) bored and quit again, now re-subbed in Oct. for a hopeful Shadowlands.

I’m glad I did not waste time on BFA classes were dull to play.
Holding my breath for this next expansion.

I’ve been playing for a month or two and I do quite enjoy Kul Tiras/Zandalar, the story is neat and it looks great

from what I’ve seen most people don’t like BFA due to borrowed power (which I’m pretty sure is like how when Shadowlands comes out, all the cool power you got in BFA will be gone) and also all the world quests and stuff

I don’t do raiding yet so I wouldn’t be grinding but I imagine it sucks butt to grind so much just to have that power be gone next expansion

2 months of BfA could be fun. Over 2 years with very long content droughts combined with the fact that trying to work on alts for most of the time was not too much fun and a bunch of systems no one asked for that were impossible to balance and needed fixing from day one hasn’t been much fun. Also, there was a meandering story that didn’t seem to know where it wanted to go and a bunch of lore not included in game at all that just made that feel worse.

As a comparison - WoD leveling was great. I still enjoy leveling in WoD. Treasures and Bonus Objectives mixed things up some. The xpac is arguably the worst yet (BfA being the other argument there) as a whole though.

Playing through the story of BfA, getting to go through the whole expansion at once rather than with 4-6 months of nothing in between the next part of the story, makes it a vastly different experience compared to living through it.