So now that you both are done keeping me entirely entertained and unwilling to interrupt with my crazy shenanigans… Back to Alynsa crazytime conspiring conspiracy theories!!!
I have to unwillingly accept that whatever Beledar was planned to be originally, it now is possibly not that. Meaning all the heaping mounds of evidence that suggests it is something from the Light, it might just end up being Azeroth’s kidney stone or something.
But see, that’s weird to me. That it could be azerite. We only have Archaedas talking about Azeroth crystal chunks the keepers/earthen found the deeper they dug and Dagran saying “yup, that’s Beledar” to back it up.
But Beledar isn’t something that was dug up. Looking around the cave ceailing around Beledar, this doesn’t look like something that sat here for a few eons. It looks exactly like it smashed through the ceiling. It has fractures around it. It very possibly dropped debris crystals all around the area (Radiant Remnants and such).
And if we’re going to give validity to Dagran’s supposition based on his interpretation of what Archaedas reported, why would we ignore Thoradin’s own vision of Beledar as a fallen star? Shouldn’t that be given equal, or even more weight? I mean, we know his vision wasn’t wrong; Beledar did exist amd Beledar is connected to the Light somehow (the fleet got teleported to Hallowfall by the Holy Light, the Light experts all talk about how its connected to the Light, etc). So he was only wrong about… The falling/fallen star part? Strange bit to be wrong about. And the fact he got the rest right from half a world away sounds more legitimate than Dagran connecting two bits of information, and we just assume Dagran’s right because he’s Dagran.
It’s also very much worth noting that Beledar’s void state only came about after being damaged. This isn’t a Xal’atath thing at all; the void state started happening after Sargeras stabbed the world. Xal’atath was still stuck in Knaifu at the time. She wasn’t the cause; the damage was. Naaru go into their own void states after suffering very serious damage. No where else did we see azerite going into a void state after Sargeras stabbed the world, so why would one large chunk be the only bit that did?
And although I keep referring to the Naaru as an example of the Light-Void cycle, Naaru aren’t the only example of crystalized substances having this cycle. The Ashbringer pre-sword forging was a void crystal that a bunch of paladins shoved their Light at, until it too cycled from void to Light again. When Ashbringer itself later became corrupted, a paladin of the Light was the one to once more turn it back Light.
And… I know, I know, “Alynsa, none of that probably matters now, it’s just Azerite.”
But it’s fun to speculate other possibilities and find all the evidence.