So I took a break and came back… I’m getting re-caught up on the lore so far…. Is Beledar a naaru crystal or something? It reminds me heavily of a naaru or some type of egg… crystal thing…? Also the last campaign cutscene reminded me exactly of Alleria draining that other naaru
No, it seems to be just a giant Azerite
No, it’s a crystalized part of Azeroth’s world soul.
At this point it has nothing to do with the naaru, but it wouldn’t surprise me if naaru are shards of other planets’ world souls.
Azerite… but I don’t see blue or mixed colors in it…. Are u guys sure? Also is there somewhere i can watch or read about the crystallization of the world soul into beledar
No, it is not. Unless maybe it is. It is a something that has weird similarities to a Naaru crystal thing, but is probably definitely maybe not that, unless it sorta is kinda.
That is the most definitive answer. Until it isn’t. Which it might not be already.
Basically, we’re still very early days. Beledar is part of Azeroth, and that’s all we know. Whether or not there is a Naaru connection at all is unknown until we get definitive answers.
Which won’t be for some time yet.
pretty sure and you should do the isle content. A lot of it is them finding another crystal just liek Beledar and a lot of azertie near it. They didn’t just come out and say it is azertie but it def is just azerite.
Even the ones who can hear Azeroth hear her when they look at the crystal.
Maybe it’s both… it used to be a naaru crystal but later infused (because it was close to hallowfall and underground and became something else?) It def looks like an egg to me… like something is gonna come out
I alrady finished the isle and read everything on there… I don’t trust the azerite outside because of the blast scorch marks outside…. Also the yellow lightning is weird…. Hmm idk
Don’t know who came up with the Naaru crystal but that was never stated. People thought it might be a naaru crystal heart but it seems unlikely.
Then that is your belief.
But it looks like something blasted that azerite or an explosion happened… blizzard doesn’t willy nilly use random assets like that especially on something central to the island ( can see black scorch marks around the azerite)
Well anyway thought it was interesting… very interesting stuff and the lore looks amazing. Again!
Well the main reason the goblins mined for Azerite is because they used it to explode things.
Probably goblins blew it up.
But siren isle in the trailer they said it was being mined by the kul tirans in the 4th war snd then everyone disappeared, this was from their own trailer., so idk much about that
It was outright labeled naaru crystal in early development zone maps. But plans/stories can change, so that might not be relevant anymore.
Archaedas (and possibly The Titans) surmised that Beledar was a hardened chunk of Azeroth’s essence. That could just be them making an educated guess, however.
Beledar is the source of the Radiant Song that prompted everyone to seek out Khaz Algar.
Magni, Speaker of Azeroth, COULD NOT hear The Radiant Song.
Locus Walker tells us The Radiant Song could be heard on K’aresh, the Ethereal home world, just before Dimensius appeared and bombarded their planet with Void and Arcane. Locus Walker has some history with Xal’atath that we’re not yet aware of.
Xal’atath crawls out of an Azj-Kaheti mural depicting Beledar in her animated short, which could indicate some deeper connection.
Orweyna stands on the shore beneath Beledar to commune with Azeroth’s Worldsoul (her goddess).
Hymosul and Beledar do not look like Azerite, and as far as I’ve seen do not impart the same delusions of grandeur/power that holding Azerite does. This could just be a detail they forgot about or didn’t bother including, though.
In other words, there are a lot of hanging questions that make it likely that Beledar is not what it seems, but not a lot by way of definitive answers (yet).
It was, that is why when the goblins went there to mine for azerite, they got spooked.
Maybe it was a naaru crystal that later became changed because of continuous being seeped with azerite? Could that change it into something new?
Oh, Emperor Thoradin IX’s vision of Beledar depicted it as a falling or fallen star (that vision being the entire reason the Arathi are there).
I don’t think there’s enough to hang a final guess on yet, but a giant Light crystal cycling Light/Void is about the least Azeroth sounding thing I can think of. But gee it sure does sound like something else, huh?
Right cuz if it’s not a naaru crystal or azeroth’s radiant song…. Why should I believe this THING that is cycling between void and light…. It’s very ominous…. I would rather ignore it because honestly it looks like a trap. Also like u said, Xala’tath constantly seems to be in or referencing beledar… like her coming out of the painting where beledar is… her draining (?) it? Or maybe shes giving it magic?
Anyway good stuff, I haven’t made up my mind yet but loving the lore so far!