Xal’atath was given the Voidsong by Dimensius which we can get the Transmog of but not the real version…
Voidsong… “Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.”
Dimensius is attempting to use Xal’atath to initiate the Song of the First Ones!
The Song of the First Ones is the echo that Xal’atath spoke of when mentioning her masters… She wants the First Ones to return and was attempting to recreate the Song of the First Ones to summon them!
Her first attempt caused the Great Clash of Light and Shadow in K’aresh the Realm of Light!
Each attempt to initiate the Song of the First Ones opens cracks between each Zereth:
For Mortis the Song was initiated by Zovaal grabbing 5 Sigils with Sylvanas interfering as a 7th.
For Lumen it was Xal’atath’s original attempt to initiate the Song of the First One. Light bringing Order and Life with it’s Song before shattering K’aresh with Disorder and Death with the Void’s Song. We never got the chance to see the 7th Architect in that case.
For Umbrae it’s Dimensius using the Arcane Order of Dalaran, the Death of Galakrond, the Shadow of the Old Gods, the Disorder of Voidsong and the Light of Xal’atath. The 7th will be interesting to say the least.
Ordus, Vitae and Tumult come after that giving us further clues to the 7th if we haven’t solved the 7th Architect by Midnight’s end.
We can guess from Sylvanas that the 7th causes Red Eyes and creates Tendrils yet is different from the Void and it’s Shadow.
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Hey maybe I do like speculation! I will say though wasn’t K’aresh in the great dark beyond? How do we know it was in the realm of light? I will say though Xala’thath trying to call the first ones makes sense or some remnant of the first ones or a detractor? Interesting theories
I know people were speculating early on about a Naaru connection for a variety of reasons.
The three Naaru we beat up in TBC went from Light to Void, and it’s stated this is a cycle the Naaru go through (sometimes?). Beledar also goes through that same cycle.
It physically resembles Naaru crystals, or at least the dimention ships the draenie used based on Naaru designs.
Azerith never really looks gemstone-like; it’s more rough and raw, while Beledar is more smooth and cut-looking, like we see with the Naaru and draenie crystals. It even has facets and what looks to be engravings, which we never see with Azerite.
It seems to radiate Light energy. Azerite has never been connected to the Light, but the Naaru have since day one.
But just because it matches more with something Naaru-related doesn’t mean it is. We have plenty of people in-game connecting it to Azeroth. We have reason to suspect Azeroth might not be a Titan. We know the Titans did do some cosmic elective surgery to Azeroth, and while they’re beings of Order, they aren’t bound to only use Order magics (Eonar and Nature/Life). So really, this could still be just Azerite. Maybe Light-infused, maybe just refined, who knows?
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Azerite was golden while liquid and red while crystallized up until Sargeras stabbed the planet. Then all the inert Azerite (re)gained power and changed to gold and azure. Given the recent Archives logs, we can probably safely assume that The Manifold and Worldcore isolated and siphoned off Azeroth’s power in a way that affected Azerite thusly. Sargeras’ attack broke/damaged the Titanic installations in a way that allowed Azeroth’s power to express itself in its natural state once more.
Now, given the above and the timeline of Sargeras’ attack, if Beledar and Hymosul were indeed Azerite they should have been red crystalline until Gorribal pierced Silithus. They’ve always been golden, however. (There might be a case for Beledar having been in a prolonged Void state in the past, but I’ve not seen anything to confirm that and Void =/= red)
Also does this mean there is a connection to kaja’’mite and azerite? Remember the gallywix and sylvanas cutscene “ It gave her more brilliant thoughts”, and apparently the goblins had found azerite near kezan…. Could these color changes from events have done something to the colors and magic? ( kaja’mite is green but azerite also seems to give more intelligence (or does it?)
These chunks of Worldsoul essence like Beledar appear to lack the blue coloration of Azerite, because they became trapped in the crust before the Titans built the manifold—the series of interlinked complexes across and within the planet—and began force feeding Azeroth Arcane energy to corrupt her into a being on Team Order.
The overload of arcane energy they have forced into her may also explain why Azerite was so volatile also, where ‘natural’ azerothian essence crystal is quite the opposite.
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Unsure. Maybe there’s another Beledar sibling somewhere around/under Mount Kajaro.
Interesting!! Hopefully undermine will answer some of these questions!
Hmmmm…? Are u saying beledar… is a chunk of worldsoul… from another planet?
Oh no, Beledar was likely there before the Titans ever got to Azeroth, as they found big chunks of worldsoul crystal like it as the Earthen dug the tunnel down to the world’s core.
There have been some people suggesting that these crystals have very light-natured qualities could mean before even the Old Gods found Azeroth, the forces of the Light did and took their own crack at converting her, but got eventually repelled by Azeroth’s immune system—The elementals.
I kind of like the idea, it helps what explain drew the attention of so many old gods drifting through the Great Dark to direct themselves to take root on Azeroth to begin with—They noticed the concentration of attention the Light had going on in this one corner of the cosmos and went there. Perhaps the Elements were too weakened from beating back one threat to properly repel the old gods who came soon after.
That doesn’t account for inert Azerite being red crystal but turning gold/blue. Then we’ve got the Archives animations showing the Worldsoul as being gold/blue until the Titans interfere, then it turns purely gold. I think it more likely that the Blue energies depicted there are what The Manifold siphoned away to power their installations. Finally, given the Well of Eternity, I think it inarguable that Azeroth was always brimming with potentially volatile Arcane power.
Azerite being inert is a bit of a hard one to explain, the best I can give is perhaps it lacks the direct connection to the world soul that these larger crystals do. So imagine Azerite like a solar panel and once the world healed the sun went down and never came back up again, whereas these crystals appear to have retained some direct link to her, so they never go inert and she can also reach out through them to some extent.
As for the well of eternity… given it was created by the Titans and all we have to go on is a single account of how it was made it is hard to say if it was naturally arcane or made that way much like they are stated to artificially infuse the wellspring of the dragon isles with the Arcane to create the five flights of Ordered Dragons; that is a confusing move if Azeroth’s power is naturally pure arcane to begin with.
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In Tyr’s case, the pools were always magical, but he tampered with it to Order dragonkind.
I’m just not sure I buy the notion that one remark by an in-game hologram is enough to write off foundational world building elements for the setting at large. Seems to me like the more likely explanation is that the crystals aren’t colossal chunks of Azerite. Even setting aside the inconsistencies it creates with older lore (I mean, the retcon memes exist for a reason) it doesn’t jive with things we’re being shown currently.
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The thing is, the logs of Archaedas were very clearly put in place to slow talk the broader, largely lore ignorant audience into thinking about the Titans and Azeroth in a specific way, and it feels like that intended way is a hard pivot from what they have said before in chronicle.
They have set it up so that everything we thought we knew was likely a lie, and even the Keepers might not know the Titans real secret agenda with the world. Also I am pretty sure Metzen sort of said in the saga announcement we would have everything we thought we knew challenged in TLT… so who know where this train is headed.
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While I’m pretty reasonably convinced Azeroth is not just a Titan Worldsoul, and that The Titans are far more nefarious than previously represented, it still makes zero sense that, for example, we’ve got the Hallowfall Expedition showing up because their Holy Light Zealot Emperor had visions of a falling or fallen star named Beledar. Or the Radiant Song being issued by Beledar also sounding on K’aresh. Now Beledar, a chunk of Azerite 100% Naaru coded in design, behavior, and aesthetics, starts entering Void states conveniently when Xal’atath, Harbinger of the Void, receiver of Voidsong from Dimensius, and totally-not-a-fallen-Naaru-piloting-a-corpse shows up on the scene?
I think they want the audience to think the crystals are just big chunks of Azerite so the rug pull lands harder when we lose and Midnight kicks off.
While I’m at it: Beledar is entirely distinct in appearance from the other crystals.
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Possibly, yes. Though I think it was more Danuser who loved that sort of rug pull puzzle box business. Metzen has always been more direct with things.
I am sort of wondering if they just… changed their mind and had to go with it because assets were already made. We know most of this expansion was created before Metzen took over, and he rewired some of what Danuser had made to serve as part of his big, grand saga.
We’re probably not going to see a lot of Metzen’s hand behind things until Midnight. Given their development cycles and all that, TWW was too far along for him to really change much (and he admitted as much in those same interviews).
I also wouldn’t expect Metzen, somehow begged and hired to come back and salvage the game’s story, to immediately double down on the diarrhea splash party Danuser left that necessitated “In Case of Emergency: Break Glass” Metzen Case.
“Okay, now that I’m back, we’re going to finish making sure Chronicle I is the biggest waste of money our fans have ever spent.”
Granted, I could be wrong about all of this. The only thing I’ve seen in game that leads me to that notion is Orweyna communing with Azeroth on the shores beneath Beledar, though. It just strikes me as clown show circus hour if I’m going to be made to accept that they decided to rewrite their setting’s creation myths AND rewrite the expansion they’re only just releasing at the same time, after being ruthlessly thrashed for rewrites/retcons since Shadowlands. Well, before Shadowlands too, but especially during and after.
Hopefully things become more solid in our heads with some of this soon. I think by 11.1.5 we will get a stronger picture as that is when things start to go Really Really Bad™. It is even named Nightfall, which naturally culminates in Midnight.
At this point, I think I’d settle for just getting a Warchief back and limping through an expansion without a pile of dead Horde characters behind me.
And FWIW, I appreciate being able to have a mild disagreement about plot threads in this game without it becoming some freakishly personal paranoia-laced meltdown. It seems to be a rarity.
I am… not sure how brutal Midnight will be on the roster given Quel’thalas seems to be the ultimate battlefield of Void and Light.
I find that very few people seem to understand debates require you to be willing to accept the other person’s opinion as valid, sadly.