Is being centered around mythic +

Lol. I’m not saying I don’t dps and heal. But the play style of mythic plus makes healing not fun for me. All I wanted to know is if mythics was going to be the only way to obtain gear, and if so, I’m not healing anymore. I’d rather dps.

Frosstfire 2.0 right here lol

You’re leaving out all the aggressive stuff you said. Nice cherry picking. I’m leaving it as that. Post away I’m muting this now. I got my answers without your aggressive reply. Thanks for replying have a good night .

Yeah you do.

What is your problem?

Just comparing you do some guy from the WOTLK section of the forums… you and him have a lot in common, you’d get along.

Cool story. Have a good night kid.

The aggressiveness was after your passive aggressive comment refusing to address anything and instantly shutting me down lol.

You can’t lead with passive aggressiveness and expect kindness in return.
I am also still here TRYING to be cordial.

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Yeah sure I was aggressive say I’m bad thanks for replying. Y’all are exhausting. Lmfao bye

Why are you still replying if it’s that bad? This is one of the most confusing posts I’ve seen in awhile xD

With my guild, it’s always this lol. There are times when DPS is so high we make some raid bosses progress too fast and it also kills us lol

Making a conscious choice to play poorly is absolutely disrespecting your fellow players.

Not DPSing as a Healer because you don’t think it’s your job is in the same vein of DPS not using healthstones, defensives or CC because they don’t do damage.

But bolded for emphasis. If you’re playing poorly, but you’re doing the best you can, that’s a completely different situation.

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Lol you’ll be aight man.

Have yourself a swell morning. :wink:

You don’t know what the post is about that’s why. You just read what you wanted and triggered the “ you play bad” in you. The post is about the game changing to be centered around mythic +. I’m not a fan of mythic+ or it’s player base. It’s a valid opinion. I don’t want to have to do mythic plus to get geared. I’m a raider. Why is that so controversial to you?
Either way, I don’t care. I got my answer and I don’t have to do mythic +, and I’m glad for it. But as someone pointed out it is turning to that and I’m more than happy to not heal anymore. As many others are too.

If you kill bosses faster, you have less mechanics to do.

Also missed DPS checks aren’t only enrages. A lot of the time a fight has a breakpoint where you get additional sets of mechanics and hitting that breakpoint is just as much a wipe as the boss going big and red and dealing 500% increased DPS.


I’m more than fine. I don’t care about you lol. Who are you? Should I know you?

Usually the additional set of mechanics only matter because people suck at dealing with them. Remembers painsmith, and fixation at skipping some things.

Lol can’t even wish you a swell morning without you raging huh?

Who am I? I am me.

Take a deep breath.

You don’t have to. You can do rated pvp or push raiding. Mythic+ is just another route. Even then, 15’s are pretty easy to farm for easy vault loot. The competitive side doesn’t really start until you hit the 18-20+ brackets.
I know plenty of people that hate keystones and they gear out via rated bgs and running 3’s.

And if you don’t want to heal anymore, don’t. Do what you enjoy. I used to be a raid lead and main tank for at minimum 5 raids a week. It burns you out over time. I strictly dps unless I am doing leveling content or bum rushing normal dungeons for friends.

It’s not. Just don’t assume everyone is talking down to you.

Honestly, the game has changed to be more so geared towards progression raiding. If you noticed this last tier was pretty insane on the difficulty level. Heroic anduin was giving A LOT of guilds trouble. Jailer wasn’t a cake walk either, but it says a lot that anduin was a pretty big wall for a good population.

More like yawning. Bye