Is being centered around mythic +

It’s not that people suck at doing them, it’s that the overlap is particularly deadly and requires too high accuracy to deal with, upping the pull count significantly. If you can just barely meet the check, push for it and wipe any attempts where you miss. Overall less pulls to kill doing it that way, than learning and navigating the overlap.

That’s why I say experience in Mythic raiding is important, because you realise that “dps check” doesn’t just mean hard enrage.


Not all mechanic overlaps are insta-wipes (though some definitely are, looking at you Za’qul), but if a boss takes an average guild (for that skill level), 200-300 pulls to kill, why would you make it harder?

Those mechanical interlaps are often the hardest part of the boss, so if you can skip them, why wouldn’t you?

And even in the rare case where doing too much DPS can make bosses harder, having too much means you can just stop doing DPS to time it better and still hit it every time.

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That’s agreeable to a large degree. Disrespect is intentional.

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You leaving? Have a swell day lol

I’ll give you a scenario. I join a pug mythic. Tank is a demon Hunter. He flys off collecting as many mobs as he can. Hunter starts pulling mobs we don’t even have to pull. So I’m chasing after tank trying to heal him, he’s getting effed up. All the dps is getting murdered by the mobs the Hunter pulled. I blow all cd’s I have to actually stand still and cast my spells. I can’t just run and heal. So I’m thinking wtf is this crap I have to heal like a mad lad AND dps? F this.
It’s one thing to be in a controlled group of players in your guild and you know what they’re going to do, but you don’t always have a group of guildies* to do mythics with. So all I wanted to know is, if this is the new way of gearing. If so I was out. If you read a lot of replies in this post, most had nothing to do with the post, and more about attacking me. I don’t know you guys, I’m not here to be flamed and fight.
Yes I had a post where I got angry and I replied in kind to the aggression. But I’m not doing that anymore. I’ll just say thanks have a good day.

You’re not contradicting what I say, it’s people rather do X instead of Y.

And I’m fine in raids. I’m not worried about raiding at all. It’s the mythics I hate. It’s my opinion and as such, it’s valid to me. Thanks for replying. I’m ghosting this post now.

It just sounds like a bad group. That’ll happen regardless of content you run.
I’ve had 15+ where we wipe on the first trash pull because the tank los’d the healer, and the tank drops group causing the key to drop.
But I’ve also spend 4 straight hours on heroic sylvanas with the same people falling off the bridge or dying to rive.

It just depends if you want to keep trying and how much your patience can take.

In a situation like you described, I would tell the tank to pull slower for you and the hunter to stay in their lane and let the tank pull. If it kept going like that, I’d drop group and queue up looking for another run.

I’ve gotten several rage whispers from bad groups for leaving. Not much you can do when they refuse to listen or throw you a bone.

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You’re hinting people would be unable to get it done. It’s not that, it’s that Mythic raiding is about learning the dance. There’s one way to learn the dance that takes less repetitions than the other.

Some of the RWF guilds pulled KJ 1500 times to kill it. At some point, you gotta decide whether to skip learning an overlap when learning each is a 80 pull affair.


Yeah, the rage whispers are the best lmao.

DPS removes the need to learn the harder parts of the fight.

I just tell them what they did wrong, link meters and go about my day lol. Bad pugs will be bad pugs.
A majority aren’t like that though, even though sometimes it feels like it…

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Maybe not even. You’ll have to deal with overlaps. Some of the deadlier ones you can’t escape. It’s not necessarily the hardest part of the fight you’re skipping, it’s just an extra overlap to learn. It might be a 7/10 and while you learned two 9/10 overlaps, the extra 7/10 one is just more pulls that you can erase with DPS.

Like I said : when you have experience, you understand the concepts and don’t just insta jump to “People must be bad!”. Pull those bosses 500 times and come back and tell me you were just bad at it rather than trying to reduce the hours spent.

If you’re leaving because the tank is pulling “too fast” though, I gotta side with the pugs there. I pull fast as a tank. If a healer leaves because he can’t follow, that’s on him.

The tank doesn’t always need the healer watching him 24/7 either. I can usually live a good 20 seconds without direct healing on any tank I play and that’s what I usually aim for when pulling. If by then the healer isn’t in range and casting heals, it’s a healer problem.

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It’s a choice to or not to learn something. Can fine tune dps instead of doing more mechanics.

Sometimes it’s not a choice.

We got KJ down after 600 pulls, on the very last night of CE.

If we had chosen differently for our strat, we wouldn’t have killed it.

I feel like you’ve never actually pulled a Mythic boss that matters.

Yes, because your guild is bad. (Relative to other guilds.)

More so when they are going too fast and pulling too much and it causes a wipe. You are talking to a 299 bm hunter, I like me some meaty pulls lol. But they also have to be controlled.

If you have another dps pulling side nonsense, the tank running too far away (as dh tanks can easily do). People not interrupt, improper cc’s and such… I’ll give the group the benefit of the doubt, but if the damage/healing isn’t there and the tank is over pulling over and over into several wipes…

I will drop group, but only after I say something first trying to be helpful

Are you serious right now ?

Tomb of Sargeras was one of the most brutal tiers in the history of the game. A lot of guilds didn’t even make CE that tier because of how hard it was.

The fact you’d say something so completely devoid of actual sense just means you have 0 understanding of the game mode.

What’s your point? RWF guilds didn’t get CE on the last day.

They also raid full time.


guilds that raid 3 nights for 3 hours.

You do understand there’s a massive difference right ? Oh wait, no you don’t. We’ve had these conversations, you have 0 relevant experience and have no clue what raiding even entails at the CE level.

You just spout nonsense.