Is being centered around mythic +

I have this feeling that the game is being built around mythic +. I don’t like mythic +, and most of those players can be really toxic and full of vitriol. I quit being a healer because you have to chase people down trying heal them and dps like your spells are all instant and you don’t have to stand and actually cast heals. If you want healers to dps too, then make all heals instant but do less healing and just make support classes and give the dps classes and tanks more survivability.
Do you have to do mythic + to get geared now? Is this the only option? If so I’m done healing and I’ll just go dps. I hope all healers put their foot down and start protesting this change.
I think it’s unfair that dps just gets to dps and do nothing else, but complain about you not healing AND dpsing enough.


True. As a DPS player I never use kick, or defensives, or self healing. I only DPS.


Aww you have to kick? Poor guy. Try healing.

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People expect healers to use their GCDs and you tantrum hard enough to make an entire new thread about it, and you’re gonna pull that tone with me? If you wanna netflix and WoW, stick to WQs, healers are expected to participate in group content now.

(Also, bud, look at this character. Would’ve taken you 2 seconds and saved you a bunch of embarassment.)


Do healers just want to do nothing? lol. It’s like you’re asking for healing without risk of death.

Play druid?


Healers want to heal. Not chase you heal AND dps.

Druids can easily keep up. “Priest” isn’t the only healer in the game, you know.

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Good healers want to contribute to the group, not float a bunch of empty GCDs.


We definitely needed another reskin of the “Healers shouldn’t have to do DPS” thread. Thank you for your service.


Druid healing is lowest heals come DF according to YouTubers I watch. So they will complain you’re not healing enough.

I like the pace of M+ more than raiding.


Thanks for your contribution to the subject with toxicity.

If your bar for toxicity is that low then I understand why you can’t tolerate pugging M+.


balance is still in flux, and healing is rarely “needed.”

Don’t know who you were watching either.

Disc priests busy qqing over latest update.

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But is it the only option is what I’m asking. If it is, I’m not healing anymore. But if I can raid and be fine then I’ll do that. I don’t care for mythic + or it’s base.

Then don’t do M+.

Tuning actually revolves around raiding (when there’s not a strange PvP change lumped in), raiding gives the best PvE gear. Just raid.

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Healing is alot easier than dps, that’s why I play it


Technically, not true.

Minimal dps requirement vs enrage timer is easy to meet in most cases. Healing is just “you must be able to do X, or everyone dies.”

My guild had too many healers, so I swapped to DPS, and I agree. Healing was significantly easier, for me, than DPS.

If you just compared yourself vs enrage timer instead of everyone else, is it really? People are doing dps well above that usually.