Is being centered around mythic +

It might be, I mean raiding is such an outdated concept at this point that it’s not competitive with any other popular game. It’s so long, empty of gameplay and boring. And don’t even try to pretend that the raiding community isn’t toxic lol

M+ on the other hand provides the quick games and rating most players are looking for in games nowadays. Simple as that

You’ve been toxic, posting about my other toon. What does that have to do with my post. Have a good night. I’m not here to argue or fight. I got my answer. I don’t need to do mythics and I’m glad.

Don’t project on the rest of us lol.
A majority of my groups aren’t toxic.
It’s really not that big of a deal to fill down time with throwing some damage out. It’s pretty unfair to the other 4 people that you are just sitting on your hands when there isn’t any healing that needs to be done.

There are at least 3 I can think of off the top of my head. Mythics. Raiding. Pvp. If you want end game gear, you have to participate in some kind of content.

Yes I’m a terrible player. Thanks for your positive feedback. Have a good night.

Shesh. It seems the toxic one here is you. Can’t even have a conversation or debate rofl. Why bother ranting on the forums if you aren’t going to do anything other than play victim?
The “oh poor me” card doesn’t work here.


Thanks for proving my point. Have a good night.

Wait… you made a point? When?

Did you see the actual reason. I told him he needed a bubba. Real toxic lol

Just report the post for trolling and move on. They clearly thrive on negative attention.

Yes please fabricate that my post is trolling. I’ll report you for lying. I’m Screen shoting and giving it to customer support. My post is a valid post. Don’t be angry because I’m not responding to your baiting me. I’m trying to have a discussion not fight with you about things you’re inventing.

Go for it. I have a great track record. It’s also pretty easy to scroll through this and see how toxic and passive aggressive you are being.

And tbh I wasn’t baiting you, but that’s what you get for assuming context via text.

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Yeah, thats not why lol.

I don’t actually need negativity. I wanted valid responses not flaming. There are other posts. Please go read them. Have a good night.

Lets face it nobody uses Interrupt ,might as well skip that talent go for moaar Damage :sunglasses:

That’s the reason blizzard gave me.

Well either way, my comment stands.

Lol. I’m rolling dps. And I’m not picking it either :stuck_out_tongue:

It was the result of a genre shift as players got better at MMOs and developers had to start taking healer DPS into account when designing mechanics.

Pretty much all mmos require healers to DPS these days, Gw2, ESO, FFXIV, Lost Ark, WoW, etc.

Yeah I don’t really care. Have a good night.

Reread my first and 2nd post. Remove whatever baiting nonsense you think I am saying lol.

There I did all the work for you. Zero baiting >_>

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