Is being centered around mythic +

Not necessarily bad, just not right for the group. Like they took a look at top dps for tanks, and just geared that way.

The irony of the OP calling everyone toxic is the fact they had a thread of theirs deleted the other day for being toxic. :rofl:


Eh. A good tank knows when they can go full dps goober and when they can’t.

I.e. they know how to evaluate their group and adjust accordingly.

Reported again . Why are you here to flame and defame me?

No one is defaming you Rekarella

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It’s fiiiine.

You can do a lot of silly things in the right group… like “tank” a +10 as fury with a shield in the SL pre-patch.

That was amusing.

You are and your reported yet again. I’ll be contacting customer support.

Cry us a river. lol

After you delete this thread like the last one where you said something and then within the first 10 posts, had already posted 5 times to insult everyone who responded to you ?

I smell a Karen.

There are 2 things players care about in WoW.

  1. “Winning” (Success.)
  2. Parses.

Parses feed into success, and the competitiveness behind parses may push players to find greater success.

“We timed the key, who cares if the Resto Shaman did 1k DPS overall?”

The unspoken rule of PUGs has always been “I won’t waste your time, if you don’t waste my time.” There is a difference between someone playing poorly, and someone being a burden. Like you said, you don’t need to play optimally to time +20’s. But I’m not going to support the idea that simply playing poorly is disrespecting your fellow players.

I haven’t insulted one person. You on the other hand have been nothing but degrading and toxic. You prove my point over and over. Just move on man. I don’t even know you or care.

I agree, I just don’t think anyone is going to care to check that every Lava Burst the resto shaman casted was unto a mob with Flame Shock up to get the auto-crit.

People are just happy to see a 5th dark blue bar on the meter.

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And the thing is, he’s never even played with me to see how I play. He’s invented this “bad healer” idea in his head because I said I don’t like mythic + players. He’s the reason why.

You keep calling everyone toxic and then you tell them to leave “your thread” (this is a public forum). This is exactly like last time, and you got mad when I pointed it out :

You’re always like this. Changing toons doesn’t mean we can’t see it’s you, even with hidden profiles.


Agreed. Seeing a 5th bar is like “hell yeah, lets get out of this place faster” moment for me. Sometimes its a nice way to find ways to improve yourself on alts too. But in general, it’s a nice bonus to the group, but not a requirement. (Which is all I’m trying to say in this thread. :slight_smile: )

I can care less. You know how many times I’ve checked anyones profile? Zero times. You’re mad about being called toxic, then don’t be toxic. I don’t know you. Why are you in my post trashing me? I’m trying to have a decent conversation with people and you’re here just harrasing me and defaming me. I hope it makes you feel better.

Sounds like you are bad at positioning. If you are having to “chase” the group, it sounds like you are doing a poor job at keeping up and correctly positioning yourself to progress to the next group/area.

Now… as a dps… I bring hero, several different cc’s which I tend to use on cooldown to help either stun or fill an interrupt since mine is 24 seconds. I soothe on cd and soak certain mechanics with turtle.
If your dps aren’t doing half of that, they should probably be replaced lol.
And if you aren’t helping your group by dpsing and having to “chase”, perhaps you are part of the problem.


Maybe you should then.

(I can’t care less).

That’s the thing, of all the posters in this thread, I think no one has been toxic, everyone has actually reassured you no one is measuring healer performance outside of “did you push some buttons”, and yet you’re spitting at everyone.

No, I was responding to your concerns and actually clarifying what is expected of healers (ie : fill GCDs), and you decided to go full blown screaming match.

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Yes I’m bad ok thanks for your reply. Have a good night.