Is being centered around mythic +

That’s a rather specific case.

Again, there was a design shift made over the years. Crusader Strike was part of the rotation in Cataclysm, which was obviously far, far before Challenge Modes and Mythic+ content.

Holy Paladins have DPS built into their gameplay for optimization. While it may be an indicator of a sub-optimal player, it’s largely not a big deal in the grand scheme of combat design. As you ascend in ranks, obviously the requirements for success increase in difficulty. But realistically, Healer DPS does not matter for the majority of players pushing KSM (more players want the mounts than teleports, I assume). And to be honest, if you feel like your groups need Healer DPS to reach KSM, your DPS are lackluster – it’s not the healer’s fault.

I perfectly capable of healing. You’re not understanding that I’m not willing to heal jerks. It’s not the content I’m worried about, it’s the players I’m unwilling to heal.

Oh, so this is the new “you pull it? you tank it.” X minutes down the drain. My feelings for spite is rarely that high, will drop group though at times.

Their tier set in Sepulcher was designed around Light of Dawn. That’s a Holy Power spender.

You’d be pretty sub optimal healing wise if you didn’t build Holy Power, which requires damage.

Even Holy Priest with their S3 Tier were encouraged to cast Holy Word: Chastise to proc their set.

Let’s not even talk about Shamans, just popping Earth Elemental to save the tank will result in damage happening.

I don’t think it’s even possible to play any of the healing specs with 0 damage done. Maybe rDruid ?

By virtue of this statement, do you feel Healer DPS is actually needed to be success then? Obviously not MDI or TGP levels, but as a general measure of success – KSM or KSH.

FWIW, I agree that some specs need to DPS to be better throughput healers. But I’ve been focusing my comments on the role itself, not the specific gameplay of each spec.

Can 4 man, don’t even need all dps. Maybe 3 man at this point.

No one is implying 0 damage here. I don’t know where you got that idea. I’m talking about players expecting top dps from healers. You’re to busy trying to berate people.

Oh god, I figured out who the OP is.

He always starts thread like this and then insults everyone who responds. He just happened to switch toons for this one.

This is def just a troll thread.

I’ve gotten ksm in legion. I’m saying mythic + isn’t fun for me and this has turned into a flame match. Just confirming that mythic + players are toxic.

Curious, how do you check who likes a post? I can only see the details for my own, but not others.

You reported me for saying you need a bubba. How embarrassing :flushed:

Imagine being asked to play your class to the fullest :roll_eyes: I mean the audacity of them.

Yes, and I as a tank shouldn’t be expected to do decent damage and heal/mitigate as much damage as I can…

You have a kit. Use it.

hey, some tanks do play this way. Also ran into “must do damage” tanks for raid. (While they were dying.)

You keep using the word need.

I don’t even need to cast Trueshot until like +22s to time keys. I could unequip Unity and time 20s.

It’s not so much a question of need so much as a question of “your tank and dps are filling GCDs, respect their time and also fill your GCDs”. There’s no actual metric, no one will complain about a healer’s dps performance, but people are just happy to see the healer respects them enough to do things with his downtime that isn’t just watching netflix.

Then you’re fine, my Demon Hunter friend.

Click the number next to the heart.

Focusing on the topic, if you don’t like how some members in the community are demanding healers to DPS in downtime (to fill GCDs), that’s not really an issue Blizzard can solve.

Why it’s unfortunate it’s turned you away from Mythic+ in general, that is the reality of the situation.

Dang. Sounds like some bad tanks to me.

I can live without it. I’m done with the subject. Time to move on.

Is it weird I tank low keys for valor in Battle Stance and use rage exclusively on Revenge ?

And my health still doesn’t budge ?

Wow you can use a search. Impressive. Not needed but wow I’m impressed.