Is being centered around mythic +

some dungeons you effectively don’t need a healer, and people should’ve gone with 4 dps.

If a DPS ninja or body pulls an extra mob/pack, that’s when you yell at them to go run away and die (in a non-toxic, totally serious, wipe preventing way).

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Depends on the guild.

Not many in my guild are dedicated M+ runners and quite literally only care about end chest/vault. How they get there doesn’t matter.

AoTC/KSM isn’t particularly difficult to get I’ve found. Love them to bits and low required commitment, though.

As long as there are healers who refuse to dps, it makes my job as a pug party leader easier. I’ll never re-invite a lazy healer who isn’t maximizing their empty globals. And, I’ll happily add great healers who can manage incoming damage profiles while DPSing to my friends list.


Yeah, but by nature, they’ll question dragging along a healer that is sitting on open GCDs half the time. And then suddenly they’ll always be full on healers.

Guilds are better than pugs, but let’s face it, the extreme “I do 0 damage as a healer” position won’t hold even in a guild group, especially if they’re smashing the content and don’t actually need the healing.

You can absolutely do this in low keys, like :


My go-to healer is a longtime disc main with PvP experience. Never caught that girl with an empty global, even when she played holy.

There are absolutely guilds with standards that low for their gearing runs. I’m in one, trust. They’re probably rare, but they certainly exist.

You’re wrong. My guild has cool people in it. They carry anyone, crappy or not. We don’t have elitist toxic players.

At least you admit it.


Reported for toxicity please leave my post.

This is a public forum.

It’s my opinion that Healers are not required to DPS in order for many groups to find success. Omitting spells like Power Infusion and Blessing of the Seasons, I feel that Healer DPS is a bonus to the group.

This never really started until MOP (when CMs were introduced), but I think the designers shifting to “allow tanks and healers to level up in their healing spec” is a greater influence on the game as a whole. Players are simply optimizing with the tools made available to them.

I think rewarding Healer DPS with the ability to help impact the success of a Mythic+ is not designing the game around Mythic+, it’s just a byproduct of the game’s design over the years.


You’re actually the one that’s being toxic here. People are discussing your topic, and you’re “reporting” and just name calling.

You seem stressed. I really can’t picture you doing any challenging content.

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Reported again.

Alternative take, content is always challenging because they’re playing it.


If you have a Hpal in your group and he has 0 damage done, you should have invited another DPS. Hpal healing kinda needs a few Crusader Strikes here and there. Light’s Hammer alone on the melee will cause damage to occur to mobs.

Like is there really such a thing as a key done with a Hpal doing 0 damage if he’s not a complete carry afking at the door ?

Now that is actually toxic, yet OP liked it.

Is OP just trolling at this point ?

If you’re just here to troll and not contribute anything, leave.

You’re likely to be reported for running an illegal barbecue because you just roasted em lol.


“Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.” –Drax, Guardians of the Galaxy


That’s dirty.