Is being centered around mythic +

And no one expects a healer to dps in those circumstances. :man_shrugging:

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I sincerely have no idea what you’re arguing with me about. I’m telling you that I found healing to be easier than DPSing, and you’re responding to me to tell me that I --ackshully-- find DPSing easier than healing, I just dont know it? Gonna need to explain that one to me, my dude.

I’m more than ok with not pugging with toxic players. Suits me fine. I’ll remember your name and not join your group.

The easiest role depends on the person, I don’t think there’s a way to objectively say one role is easier than the other. The easiness of the roles also shifts as you progress to higher difficulty levels.

Healing is only “easy” if you don’t care about the dps portion. Compare your healer dps with people who love to top it.

You’re doing the same while dpsing, why not healing? Compare yourself with the best instead of just “we completed the instance.”

I mean, you’re the one that doesn’t want to push their buttons, but they’re the ones that are toxic ?

I feel you don’t quite understand what toxic is.

I think I’ve typed that twice now, but I keep getting told I’m wrong. I’m so confused, right now.


Fair enough.

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In raiding, tanking is easiest. By far.

I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, I’m fairly certain I’d never invite you to a key for sake of my own sanity. I can spot a terrible toxic player faking being the innocent victim from a mile away.

Okay. I am always trying to do the best I can on any given character. Healing is still easier for me. Like, what are you even arguing? You’re trying to tell me what’s easier for me. You gonna correct me on my favorite food, next?

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My personal opinion in raid by easiest to most difficult
Tank > DPS = Heals (depends on fight in all honesty)

Tanking is probably the most difficult in pugged M+, until you get to high/organized keys where the burden gets split more evenly and it becomes significantly more chill.

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Just saying, you’re saying healing is easier while probably doing 50% of top healer dps. And by the same token, you’re saying dps is harder, while vastly exceeding minimal dps vs enrage timer.

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I just like healing. I’ve been doing it since vanilla. But lately everyone wants to do mythics and it isn’t fun for me. I just want to raid and rely on that for gear. I was just asking if now we HAVE to do mythic + or we won’t get gear.

I’d honestly argue DPS is harder in pugged M+. It’s always a wild guess what the tank will actually do, and thus you often are stuck without CDs when you need them. Anticipating the tank’s next pull is the hardest part of pugging. Some tanks at least give you a MDT and then the whole key becomes hyper smooth, but most don’t.

I much prefer tanking keys when I can. You’re in full control, you can watch cooldowns and make sure they’re up when they need to be up.


Tanking is the hardest and they don’t get the love they deserve.

Tanks give a route, and rarely do they follow.

No, you can get perfectly good gear from raiding. There’s been no indication anywhere ever that’s going to change. Unless you’re at the CE level M+ has never been mandatory for PvE.

M+ has quick and spammable gear acquisition, though.
My tip is to find a guild to run with, if you don’t already have a raiding guild. My guild does runs entirely comprised of guildies for the sole purpose of gear, and timing isn’t a priority.

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I think random dps makes tanking and healing harder since you don’t know what randoms will try to pull.

I’d imagine any guilds that raid and also do M+ will at one point question why OP is not using damage buttons in keys.

And then guild chat will become silent whenever OP asks “Anyone for keys ?” or when he asks to join a guild key group, it will have suddenly “filled” magically.

It’s just the nature of the beast. Unless OP joins a super casual guild that can’t even get KSM or AotC.